Ebook: High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering ’06: Transactions of the High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS) 2006
- Tags: Computational Mathematics and Numerical Analysis, Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, Mathematics of Computing, Mathematical and Computational Physics
- Year: 2007
- Publisher: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
- Edition: 1
- Language: English
- pdf
The last two years have been great for high performance computing in Baden- W¨ urttemberg and beyond. In July 2005, the new building for HLRS as well as Stuttgart’s new NEC supercomputer – which is still leading edge in G- many – have been inaugurated. In these days, the SSC Karlsruhe is ?nalizing the installation of a very large high performance system complex from HP, built from hundreds of Intel Itanium processors and more than three th- sand AMD Opteron cores. Additionally, the fast network connection – with a bandwidth of 40Gbit/s and thus one of the ?rst installations of this kind in Germany – brings the machine rooms of HLRS and SSC Karlsruhe very close together. With the investment of more than 60 Million Euro, we – as the users of such a valuable infrastructure – are not only thankful to science managers and politicians, but also to the people running these components as part of their daily business, on a 24-7 level. Sinceabout18months,therearelotsofactivitiesonallscienti?c,advisory, and political levels to decide if Germany will install an even larger European supercomputer, where the hardware costs alone will be around 200 Million Euro for a ?ve year period. There are many good reasons to invest in such a program because – beyond the infrastructure – such a scienti?c research tool will attract the best brains to tackle the problems related to the software and methodology challenges.
This book presents the state-of-the-art in simulation on supercomputers. Leading researchers present results achieved on systems of the High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS) for the year 2006. The reports cover all fields of computational science and engineering ranging from CFD via computational physics and chemistry to computer science with a special emphasis on industrially relevant applications.
Presenting results for both vector-systems and micro-processor based systems the book allows the reader to compare performance levels and usability of various architectures. As HLRS operates the largest NEC SX-8 vector system in the world this book gives an excellent insight into the potential of vector systems.
The book covers the main methods in high performance computing. Its outstanding results in achieving highest performance for production codes are of particular interest for both the scientist and the engineer. The book comes with a wealth of coloured illustrations and tables of results.
This book presents the state-of-the-art in simulation on supercomputers. Leading researchers present results achieved on systems of the High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS) for the year 2006. The reports cover all fields of computational science and engineering ranging from CFD via computational physics and chemistry to computer science with a special emphasis on industrially relevant applications.
Presenting results for both vector-systems and micro-processor based systems the book allows the reader to compare performance levels and usability of various architectures. As HLRS operates the largest NEC SX-8 vector system in the world this book gives an excellent insight into the potential of vector systems.
The book covers the main methods in high performance computing. Its outstanding results in achieving highest performance for production codes are of particular interest for both the scientist and the engineer. The book comes with a wealth of coloured illustrations and tables of results.
Front Matter....Pages I-X
Front Matter....Pages 1-2
Gravitational Wave Signals from Simulations of Black Hole Dynamics....Pages 3-17
The SuperN-Project: Understanding Core Collapse Supernovae....Pages 19-33
MHD Code Optimizations and Jets in Dense Gaseous Halos....Pages 35-48
Anomalous Water Optical Absorption: Large-Scale First-Principles Simulations....Pages 49-58
The Electronic Structures of Nanosystems: Calculating the Ground States of Sodium Nanoclusters and the Actuation of Carbon Nanotubes....Pages 59-67
Object-Oriented SPH-Simulations with Surface Tension....Pages 69-82
Simulations of Particle Suspensions at the Institute for Computational Physics....Pages 83-92
Front Matter....Pages 93-95
Nano-Systems in External Fields and Reduced Geometry: Numerical Investigations....Pages 97-112
Signal Transport and Finite Bias Conductance in and Through Correlated Nanostructures....Pages 113-126
Atomistic Simulations of Dislocation — Crack Interaction....Pages 127-135
Monte Carlo Simulations of Strongly Correlated and Frustrated Quantum Systems....Pages 137-151
Front Matter....Pages 153-154
Characterization of Catalyst Surfaces by STM Image Calculations....Pages 155-170
Theoretical Investigation of the Self-Diffusion on Au(100)....Pages 171-185
TrpAQP: Computer Simulations to Determine the Selectivity of Aquaporins....Pages 187-197
Front Matter....Pages 199-203
Direct Numerical Simulation and Analysis of the Flow Field Around a Swept Laminar Separation Bubble....Pages 205-221
Direct Numerical Simulation of Primary Breakup Phenomena in Liquid Sheets....Pages 223-236
Direct Numerical Simulation of Mixing and Chemical Reactions in a Round Jet into a Crossflow — a Benchmark....Pages 237-251
Numerical Simulation of the Bursting of a Laminar Separation Bubble....Pages 253-267
Parallel Large Eddy Simulation with UG....Pages 269-278
LES and DNS of Melt Flow and Heat Transfer in Czochralski Crystal Growth....Pages 279-291
Front Matter....Pages 199-203
Efficient Implementation of Nonlinear Deconvolution Methods for Implicit Large-Eddy Simulation....Pages 293-306
Large-Eddy Simulation of Tundish Flow....Pages 307-319
Large Eddy Simulation of Open-Channel Flow Over Spheres....Pages 321-330
Prediction of the Resonance Characteristics of Combustion Chambers on the Basis of Large-Eddy Simulation....Pages 331-342
Investigations of Flow and Species Transport in Packed Beds by Lattice Boltzmann Simulations....Pages 343-354
Rheological Properties of Binary and Ternary Amphiphilic Fluid Mixtures....Pages 355-364
The Effects of Vortex Generator Arrays on Heat Transfer and Flow Field....Pages 365-380
Investigation of the Influence of the Inlet Geometry on the Flow in a Swirl Burner....Pages 381-390
Numerical Investigation and Simulation of Transition Effects in Hypersonic Intake Flows....Pages 391-406
Aeroelastic Simulations of Isolated Rotors Using Weak Fluid-Structure Coupling....Pages 407-420
Computational Study of the Aeroelastic Equilibrium Configuration of a Swept Wind Tunnel Wing Model in Subsonic Flow....Pages 421-434
Front Matter....Pages 435-436
Numerical Prediction of the Residual Stress State after Shot Peening....Pages 437-448
Computer-Aided Destruction of Complex Structures by Blasting....Pages 449-457
Wave Propagation in Automotive Structures Induced by Impact Events....Pages 459-470
Front Matter....Pages 471-472
Continental Growth and Thermal Convection in the Earth’s Mantle....Pages 473-497
Efficient Satellite Based Geopotential Recovery....Pages 499-514
Molecular Modeling of Hydrogen Bonding Fluids: Monomethylamine, Dimethylamine, and Water Revised....Pages 515-525
The Application of a Black-Box Solver with Error Estimate to Different Systems of PDEs....Pages 527-541
Scalable Parallel Suffix Array Construction....Pages 543-546
This book presents the state-of-the-art in simulation on supercomputers. Leading researchers present results achieved on systems of the High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS) for the year 2006. The reports cover all fields of computational science and engineering ranging from CFD via computational physics and chemistry to computer science with a special emphasis on industrially relevant applications.
Presenting results for both vector-systems and micro-processor based systems the book allows the reader to compare performance levels and usability of various architectures. As HLRS operates the largest NEC SX-8 vector system in the world this book gives an excellent insight into the potential of vector systems.
The book covers the main methods in high performance computing. Its outstanding results in achieving highest performance for production codes are of particular interest for both the scientist and the engineer. The book comes with a wealth of coloured illustrations and tables of results.
Front Matter....Pages I-X
Front Matter....Pages 1-2
Gravitational Wave Signals from Simulations of Black Hole Dynamics....Pages 3-17
The SuperN-Project: Understanding Core Collapse Supernovae....Pages 19-33
MHD Code Optimizations and Jets in Dense Gaseous Halos....Pages 35-48
Anomalous Water Optical Absorption: Large-Scale First-Principles Simulations....Pages 49-58
The Electronic Structures of Nanosystems: Calculating the Ground States of Sodium Nanoclusters and the Actuation of Carbon Nanotubes....Pages 59-67
Object-Oriented SPH-Simulations with Surface Tension....Pages 69-82
Simulations of Particle Suspensions at the Institute for Computational Physics....Pages 83-92
Front Matter....Pages 93-95
Nano-Systems in External Fields and Reduced Geometry: Numerical Investigations....Pages 97-112
Signal Transport and Finite Bias Conductance in and Through Correlated Nanostructures....Pages 113-126
Atomistic Simulations of Dislocation — Crack Interaction....Pages 127-135
Monte Carlo Simulations of Strongly Correlated and Frustrated Quantum Systems....Pages 137-151
Front Matter....Pages 153-154
Characterization of Catalyst Surfaces by STM Image Calculations....Pages 155-170
Theoretical Investigation of the Self-Diffusion on Au(100)....Pages 171-185
TrpAQP: Computer Simulations to Determine the Selectivity of Aquaporins....Pages 187-197
Front Matter....Pages 199-203
Direct Numerical Simulation and Analysis of the Flow Field Around a Swept Laminar Separation Bubble....Pages 205-221
Direct Numerical Simulation of Primary Breakup Phenomena in Liquid Sheets....Pages 223-236
Direct Numerical Simulation of Mixing and Chemical Reactions in a Round Jet into a Crossflow — a Benchmark....Pages 237-251
Numerical Simulation of the Bursting of a Laminar Separation Bubble....Pages 253-267
Parallel Large Eddy Simulation with UG....Pages 269-278
LES and DNS of Melt Flow and Heat Transfer in Czochralski Crystal Growth....Pages 279-291
Front Matter....Pages 199-203
Efficient Implementation of Nonlinear Deconvolution Methods for Implicit Large-Eddy Simulation....Pages 293-306
Large-Eddy Simulation of Tundish Flow....Pages 307-319
Large Eddy Simulation of Open-Channel Flow Over Spheres....Pages 321-330
Prediction of the Resonance Characteristics of Combustion Chambers on the Basis of Large-Eddy Simulation....Pages 331-342
Investigations of Flow and Species Transport in Packed Beds by Lattice Boltzmann Simulations....Pages 343-354
Rheological Properties of Binary and Ternary Amphiphilic Fluid Mixtures....Pages 355-364
The Effects of Vortex Generator Arrays on Heat Transfer and Flow Field....Pages 365-380
Investigation of the Influence of the Inlet Geometry on the Flow in a Swirl Burner....Pages 381-390
Numerical Investigation and Simulation of Transition Effects in Hypersonic Intake Flows....Pages 391-406
Aeroelastic Simulations of Isolated Rotors Using Weak Fluid-Structure Coupling....Pages 407-420
Computational Study of the Aeroelastic Equilibrium Configuration of a Swept Wind Tunnel Wing Model in Subsonic Flow....Pages 421-434
Front Matter....Pages 435-436
Numerical Prediction of the Residual Stress State after Shot Peening....Pages 437-448
Computer-Aided Destruction of Complex Structures by Blasting....Pages 449-457
Wave Propagation in Automotive Structures Induced by Impact Events....Pages 459-470
Front Matter....Pages 471-472
Continental Growth and Thermal Convection in the Earth’s Mantle....Pages 473-497
Efficient Satellite Based Geopotential Recovery....Pages 499-514
Molecular Modeling of Hydrogen Bonding Fluids: Monomethylamine, Dimethylamine, and Water Revised....Pages 515-525
The Application of a Black-Box Solver with Error Estimate to Different Systems of PDEs....Pages 527-541
Scalable Parallel Suffix Array Construction....Pages 543-546