Ebook: Computational and Information Science: First International Symposium, CIS 2004, Shanghai, China, December 16-18, 2004. Proceedings
- Tags: Theory of Computation, Software Engineering/Programming and Operating Systems, Mathematics of Computing, Information Systems and Communication Service, Computer Imaging Vision Pattern Recognition and Graphics, Computational Mathematics
- Series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3314
- Year: 2005
- Publisher: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
- Edition: 1
- Language: English
- pdf
The 2004 International Symposium on Computational and Information Sciences (CIS 2004) aimed at bringing researchers in the area of computational and - formation sciences together to exchange new ideas and to explore new ground. The goal of the conference was to push the application of modern computing technologies to science, engineering, and information technologies to a new level of sophistication and understanding. Theinitialideatoorganizesuchaconferencewithafocusoncomputationand applicationswasoriginatedbyDr.JunZhang,duringhisvisittoChinainAugust 2003, in consultation with a few friends, including Dr. Jing Liu at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Dr. Jun-Hai Yong at Tsinghua University, Dr. Geng Yang at Nanjing University of Posts and Communications, and a few others. After severaldiscussionswithDr.Ji-HuanHe,itwasdecidedthatDonghuaUniversity would host CIS 2004. CIS 2004 attempted to distinguish itself from other conferences in its - phasis on participation rather than publication. A submitted paper was only reviewed with the explicit understanding that, if accepted, at least one of the authors would attend and present the paper at the conference. It is our - lief that attending conferences is an important part of one’s academic career, through which academic networks can be built that may bene?t one’s academic life in the long run. We also made every e?ort to support graduate students in attending CIS 2004. In addition to set reduced registration fees for full-time graduate students, we awarded up to three prizes for to the Best Student Papers at CIS 2004. Students whose papers were selected for awards were given cash prizes, plus a waiver of registration fees.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the First International Symposium on Computational and Information Science, CIS 2004, held in Shanghai, China in December 2004.
The 190 revised papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 450 submissions. The papers address virtually all computational and algorithmic aspects in various sciences, mathematics, and engineering as well as data and information engineering. The papers are organized in four main parts on high performance computing and algorithms, computational modeling and simulation, bioinformatics and medical informatics, and data engineering and information science.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the First International Symposium on Computational and Information Science, CIS 2004, held in Shanghai, China in December 2004.
The 190 revised papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 450 submissions. The papers address virtually all computational and algorithmic aspects in various sciences, mathematics, and engineering as well as data and information engineering. The papers are organized in four main parts on high performance computing and algorithms, computational modeling and simulation, bioinformatics and medical informatics, and data engineering and information science.
Front Matter....Pages -
High Order Finite Difference Schemes for the Solution of Elliptic PDEs....Pages 1-6
An Algorithm for the Optimal Tuning of Fuzzy PID Controllers on Precision Measuring Device....Pages 7-12
A Grid Portal Model Based on Security and Storage Resource Proxy....Pages 13-18
Optimal Designs of Directed Double-Loop Networks....Pages 19-24
A QoS-Based Access and Scheduling Algorithm for Wireless Multimedia Communications....Pages 25-31
Feedforward Wavelet Neural Network and Multi-variable Functional Approximation....Pages 32-37
The Distributed Wavelet-Based Fusion Algorithm....Pages 38-43
Alternating Direction Finite Element Method for a Class of Moving Boundary Problems....Pages 44-50
Binomial-Tree Fault Tolerant Routing in Dual-Cubes with Large Number of Faulty Nodes....Pages 51-56
The Half-Sweep Iterative Alternating Decomposition Explicit (HSIADE) Method for Diffusion Equation....Pages 57-63
An Effective Compressed Sparse Preconditioner for Large Scale Biomolecular Simulations....Pages 64-70
A Study on Lower Bound of Direct Proportional Length-Based DNA Computing for Shortest Path Problem....Pages 71-76
Key Management for Secure Multicast Using the RingNet Hierarchy....Pages 77-84
Open Middleware-Based Infrastructure for Context-Aware in Pervasive Computing....Pages 85-92
Boundary Integral Simulation of the Motion of Highly Deformable Drops in a Viscous Flow with Spontaneous Marangoni Effect....Pages 93-98
Solving Separable Nonlinear Equations with Jacobians of Rank Deficiency One....Pages 99-104
Optimal Capacity Expansion Arc Algorithm on Networks....Pages 105-110
Solving Non-linear Finite Difference Systems by Normalized Approximate Inverses....Pages 111-117
An Adaptive Two-Dimensional Mesh Refinement Method for the Problems in Fluid Engineering....Pages 118-123
High Order Locally One-Dimensional Method for Parabolic Problems....Pages 124-129
Networked Control System Design Accounting for Delay Information....Pages 130-135
Eidolon: Real-Time Performance Evaluation Approach for Distributed Programs Based on Capacity of Communication Links....Pages 136-141
Approximate Waiting Time Analysis of Burst Queue at an Edge in Optical Burst-Switched Networks....Pages 142-147
A Balanced Model Reduction for T-S Fuzzy Systems with Uncertain Time Varying Parameters....Pages 148-153
Genetic Algorithms with Stochastic Ranking for Optimal Channel Assignment in Mobile Communications....Pages 154-159
A MPLS-Based Micro-mobility Supporting Scheme in Wireless Internet....Pages 160-165
A Novel RBF Neural Network with Fast Training and Accurate Generalization....Pages 166-171
Basic Mathematical Properties of Multiparty Joint Authentication in Grids....Pages 172-181
GA Based Adaptive Load Balancing Approach for a Distributed System....Pages 182-187
A Novel Approach to Load Balancing Problem....Pages 188-193
Asynchronous Distributed Genetic Algorithm for Optimal Channel Routing....Pages 194-199
High-Level Language and Compiler for Reconfigurable Computing....Pages 200-206
A Parallel Algorithm for the Biorthogonal Wavelet Transform Without Multiplication....Pages 207-212
Algorithms for Loosely Constrained Multiple Sequence Alignment....Pages 213-218
Application of the Hamiltonian Circuit Latin Square to the Parallel Routing Algorithm on 2-Circulant Networks....Pages 219-224
A Distributed Locking Protocol....Pages 225-230
A Study on the Efficient Parallel Block Lanczos Method....Pages 231-237
Performance Evaluation of Numerical Integration Methods in the Physics Engine....Pages 238-244
A Design and Analysis of Circulant Preconditioners....Pages 245-251
An Approximation Algorithm for a Queuing Model with Bursty Heterogeneous Input Processes....Pages 252-257
Improved Adaptive Modulation and Coding of MIMO with Selection Transmit Diversity Systems....Pages 258-265
Design of a Cycle-Accurate User-Retargetable Instruction-Set Simulator Using Process-Based Scheduling Scheme....Pages 266-273
An Authentication Scheme Based Upon Face Recognition for the Mobile Environment....Pages 274-279
A Survey of Load Balancing in Grid Computing....Pages 280-285
Fractal Tiling with the Extended Modular Group....Pages 286-291
Shelling Algorithm in Solid Modeling....Pages 292-297
Load and Performance Balancing Scheme for Heterogeneous Parallel Processing....Pages 298-303
A Nonlinear Finite Difference Scheme for Solving the Nonlinear Parabolic Two-Step Model....Pages 304-309
Analysis on Network-Induced Delays in Networked Learning Based Control Systems....Pages 310-315
A New Boundary Preserval and Noise Removal Method Combining Gibbs Random Field with Anisotropic-Diffusion....Pages 316-323
The Geometric Constraint Solving Based on Mutative Scale Chaos Genetic Algorithm....Pages 324-329
Genetic Algorithm Based Neuro-fuzzy Network Adaptive PID Control and Its Applications....Pages 330-335
Formalizing the Environment View of Process Equivalence....Pages 336-345
A Scalable and Reliable Mobile Agent Computation Model....Pages 346-352
Building Grid Monitoring System Based on Globus Toolkit: Architecture and Implementation....Pages 353-358
History Information Based Optimization of Additively Decomposed Function with Constraints....Pages 359-364
An Efficient Multiple-Constraints QoS Routing Algorithm Based on Nonlinear Path Distance....Pages 365-370
Improvement of the Resolution Ratio of the Seismic Record by Balanced Biorthogonal Multi-wavelet Transform....Pages 371-378
Formally Specifying T Cell Cytokine Networks with B Method....Pages 379-384
Three-Dimensional Motion Analysis of the Right Ventricle Using an Electromechanical Biventricular Model....Pages 385-390
Growing RBF Networks for Function Approximation by a DE-Based Method....Pages 391-398
Dual-Source Backoff for Enhancing Language Models....Pages 399-406
Use of Simulation Technology for Prediction of Radiation Dose in Nuclear Power Plant....Pages 407-412
A Numerical Model for Estimating Pedestrian Delays at Signalized Intersections in Developing Cities....Pages 413-418
Feature Selection with Particle Swarms....Pages 419-424
Influence of Moment Arms on Lumbar Spine Subjected to Follower Loads....Pages 425-430
Monte Carlo Simulation of the Effects of Large Blood Vessels During Hyperthermia....Pages 431-436
A Delimitative and Combinatorial Algorithm for Discrete Optimum Design with Different Discrete Sets....Pages 437-442
A New Algebraic-Based Geometric Constraint Solving Approach: Path Tracking Homotopy Iteration Method....Pages 443-448
A BioAmbients Based Framework for Chain-Structured Biomolecules Modelling....Pages 449-454
Stability of Non-autonomous Delayed Cellular Neural Networks....Pages 455-459
Allometric Scaling Law for Static Friction of Fibrous Materials....Pages 460-464
Flexible Web Service Composition Based on Interface Matching....Pages 465-470
Representation of the Signal Transduction with Aberrance Using Ipi Calculus....Pages 471-476
The Application of Nonaffine Network Structural Model in Sine Pulsating Flow Field....Pages 477-485
Microcalcifications Detection in Digital Mammogram Using Morphological Bandpass Filters....Pages 486-491
Peptidomic Pattern Analysis and Taxonomy of Amphibian Species....Pages 492-497
Global and Local Shape Analysis of the Hippocampus Based on Level-of-Detail Representations....Pages 498-503
Vascular Segmentation Using Level Set Method....Pages 504-509
Brain Region Extraction and Direct Volume Rendering of MRI Head Data....Pages 510-515
Text Retrieval Using Sparsified Concept Decomposition Matrix....Pages 516-522
Knowledge-Based Search Engine for Specific 3D Models....Pages 523-529
Robust TSK Fuzzy Modeling Approach Using Noise Clustering Concept for Function Approximation....Pages 530-537
Helical CT Angiography of Aortic Stent Grafting: Comparison of Three-Dimensional Rendering Techniques....Pages 538-543
A New Fuzzy Penalized Likelihood Method for PET Image Reconstruction....Pages 544-549
Interactive GSOM-Based Approaches for Improving Biomedical Pattern Discovery and Visualization....Pages 550-555
Discontinuity-Preserving Moving Least Squares Method....Pages 556-561
Multiscale Centerline Extraction of Angiogram Vessels Using Gabor Filters....Pages 562-569
Improved Adaptive Neighborhood Pre-processing for Medical Image Enhancement....Pages 570-575
On the Implementation of a Biologizing Intelligent System....Pages 576-581
Computerized Detection of Liver Cirrhosis Using Wave Pattern of Spleen in Abdominal CT Images....Pages 582-588
Automatic Segmentation Technique Without User Modification for 3D Visualization in Medical Images....Pages 589-594
Adaptive Stereo Brain Images Segmentation Based on the Weak Membrane Model....Pages 595-600
PASL: Prediction of the Alpha-Helix Transmembrane by Pruning the Subcellular Location....Pages 601-606
Information Processing in Cognitive Science....Pages 607-612
Reconstruction of Human Anatomical Models from Segmented Contour Lines....Pages 613-618
Efficient Perspective Volume Visualization Method Using Progressive Depth Refinement....Pages 619-624
Proteomic Pattern Classification Using Bio-markers for Prostate Cancer Diagnosis....Pages 625-630
Deterministic Annealing EM and Its Application in Natural Image Segmentation....Pages 631-638
The Structural Classes of Proteins Predicted by Multi-resolution Analysis ....Pages 639-644
A Brief Review on Allometric Scaling in Biology....Pages 645-651
On He Map (River Map)and the Oldest Scientific Management Method....Pages 652-658
A Novel Feature Selection Approach and Its Application....Pages 659-664
Applying Fuzzy Growing Snake to Segment Cell Nuclei in Color Biopsy Images....Pages 665-671
Evaluation of Morphological Reconstruction, Fast Marching and a Novel Hybrid Segmentation Method....Pages 672-677
Utilizing Staging Tables in Data Integration to Load Data into Materialized Views....Pages 678-684
HMMs for Anomaly Intrusion Detection....Pages 685-691
String Matching with Swaps in a Weighted Sequence....Pages 692-697
Knowledge Maintenance on Data Streams with Concept Drifting....Pages 698-704
A Correlation Analysis on LSA and HAL Semantic Space Models....Pages 705-710
Discretization of Multidimensional Web Data for Informative Dense Regions Discovery....Pages 711-717
A Simple Group Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement Protocol Without Member Serialization....Pages 718-724
Increasing the Efficiency of Support Vector Machine by Simplifying the Shape of Separation Hypersurface....Pages 725-731
Implementation of the Security System for Instant Messengers....Pages 732-738
Communication in Awareness Reaching Consensus Without Acyclic Condition II....Pages 739-744
A High-Availability Webserver Cluster Using Multiple Front-Ends....Pages 745-751
An Intelligent System for Passport Recognition Using Enhanced RBF Network....Pages 752-761
A Distributed Knowledge Extraction Data Mining Algorithm....Pages 762-767
Image Retrieval Using Dimensionality Reduction....Pages 768-774
Three Integration Methods for a Component-Based NetPay Vendor System....Pages 775-781
A Case Study on the Real-Time Click Stream Analysis System....Pages 782-787
Mining Medline for New Possible Relations of Concepts....Pages 788-793
Two Phase Approach for Spam-Mail Filtering....Pages 794-799
Dynamic Mining for Web Navigation Patterns Based on Markov Model....Pages 800-805
Component-Based Recommendation Agent System for Efficient Email Inbox Management....Pages 806-811
Information Security Based on Fourier Plane Random Phase Coding and Optical Scanning....Pages 812-818
Simulation on the Interruptible Load Contract....Pages 819-824
Consistency Conditions of the Expert Rule Set in the Probabilistic Pattern Recognition....Pages 825-830
An Agent Based Supply Chain System with Neural Network Controlled Processes....Pages 831-836
Retrieval Based on Combining Language Models with Clustering....Pages 837-846
Lightweight Mobile Agent Authentication Scheme for Home Network Environments....Pages 847-852
Dimensional Reduction Effects of Feature Vectors by Coefficients of Determination....Pages 853-859
A Modular k-Nearest Neighbor Classification Method for Massively Parallel Text Categorization....Pages 860-866
Avatar Behavior Representation and Control Technique: A Hierarchical Scripts Approach....Pages 867-872
Analyzing iKP Security in Applied Pi Calculus....Pages 873-878
General Public Key m-Out-of-n Oblivious Transfer....Pages 879-887
Determining Optimal Decision Model for Support Vector Machine by Genetic Algorithm....Pages 888-894
A Mobile Application of Client-Side Personalization Based on WIPI Platform....Pages 895-902
An Agent Based Privacy Preserving Mining for Distributed Databases....Pages 903-909
Geometrical Analysis for Assistive Medical Device Design....Pages 910-915
Hybrid Genetic Algorithms and Case-Based Reasoning Systems....Pages 916-921
Pap?lio Cryptography Algorithm....Pages 922-927
A Parallel Optical Computer Architecture for Large Database and Knowledge Based Systems....Pages 928-933
Transaction Processing in Partially Replicated Databases....Pages 934-939
Giving Temporal Order to News Corpus....Pages 940-946
Semantic Role Labeling Using Maximum Entropy....Pages 947-953
An Instance Learning Approach for Automatic Semantic Annotation....Pages 954-961
Interpretable Query Projection Learning....Pages 962-968
Improvements to Collaborative Filtering Systems....Pages 969-974
Looking Up Files in Peer-to-Peer Using Hierarchical Bloom Filters....Pages 975-981
Application of Web Service in Web Mining....Pages 982-988
A Collaborative Work Framework for Joined-Up E-Government Web Services....Pages 989-994
A Novel Method for Eye Features Extraction....Pages 995-1001
A Q-Based Framework for Demand Bus Simulation....Pages 1002-1007
A Revision for Gaussian Mixture Density Decomposition Algorithm....Pages 1008-1013
Discretization of Continuous Attributes in Rough Set Theory and Its Application....Pages 1014-1019
Fast Query Over Encrypted Character Data in Database....Pages 1020-1026
Factoring-Based Proxy Signature Schemes with Forward-Security....Pages 1027-1033
A Method of Acquiring Ontology Information from Web Documents....Pages 1034-1040
Adopting Ontologies and Rules in Web Searching Services....Pages 1041-1046
An Arbitrated Quantum Message Signature Scheme....Pages 1047-1053
Fair Tracing Without Trustees for Multiple Banks....Pages 1054-1060
SVM Model Selection with the VC Bound....Pages 1061-1066
Unbalanced Hermite Interpolation with Tschirnhausen Cubics....Pages 1067-1071
An Efficient Iterative Optimization Algorithm for Image Thresholding....Pages 1072-1078
Computing the Sign of a Dot Product Sum....Pages 1079-1085
Bilateral Filter for Meshes Using New Predictor....Pages 1086-1092
Scientific Computing on Commodity Graphics Hardware....Pages 1093-1099
FIR Filtering Based Image Stabilization Mechanism for Mobile Video Appliances....Pages 1100-1105
Color Image Vector Quantization Using an Enhanced Self-Organizing Neural Network....Pages 1106-1113
Alternate Pattern Fill....Pages 1114-1120
A Boundary Surface Based Ray Casting Using 6-Depth Buffers....Pages 1121-1126
Adaptive Quantization of DWT-Based Stereo Residual Image Coding....Pages 1127-1133
Finding the Natural Problem in the Bayer Dispersed Dot Method with Genetic Algorithm....Pages 1134-1140
Real-Time Texture Synthesis with Patch Jump Maps....Pages 1141-1147
Alternation of Levels-of-Detail Construction and Occlusion Culling for Terrain Rendering....Pages 1148-1154
New Algorithms for Feature Description, Analysis and Recognition of Binary Image Contours....Pages 1155-1160
A Brushlet-Based Feature Set Applied to Texture Classification....Pages 1161-1167
An Image Analysis System for Tongue Diagnosis in Traditional Chinese Medicine....Pages 1168-1174
3D Mesh Fairing Based on Lighting and Geometric Conditions for Interactive Smooth Rendering....Pages 1175-1180
Up to Face Extrusion Algorithm for Generating B-Rep Solid....Pages 1181-1186
Adaptive Model-Based Multi-person Tracking....Pages 1187-1194
A Novel Noise Modeling for Object Detection Using Uncalibrated Difference Image....Pages 1195-1200
Fast and Accurate Half Pixel Motion Estimation Using the Property of Motion Vector....Pages 1201-1207
An Efficient Half Pixel Motion Estimation Algorithm Based on Spatial Correlations....Pages 1208-1215
Multi-step Subdivision Algorithm for Chaikin Curves....Pages 1216-1223
Imaging Electromagnetic Field Using SMP Image....Pages 1224-1231
Support Vector Machine Approach for Partner Selection of Virtual Enterprises....Pages 1232-1238
Back Matter....Pages 1239-1246
....Pages 1247-1253