Ebook: Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis: First Iberian Conference, IbPRIA 2003, Puerto de Andratx, Mallorca, Spain, JUne 4-6, 2003. Proceedings
- Tags: Image Processing and Computer Vision, Artificial Intelligence (incl. Robotics), Document Preparation and Text Processing, Pattern Recognition
- Series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2652
- Year: 2003
- Publisher: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
- Edition: 1
- Language: English
- pdf
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the First Iberial Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, IbPria 2003, held in Puerto de Andratx, Mallorca, Spain in June 2003.
The 130 revised papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 185 full papers submitted. All current aspects of ongoing research in computer vision, image processing, pattern recognition, and speech recognition are addressed.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the First Iberial Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, IbPria 2003, held in Puerto de Andratx, Mallorca, Spain in June 2003.
The 130 revised papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 185 full papers submitted. All current aspects of ongoing research in computer vision, image processing, pattern recognition, and speech recognition are addressed.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the First Iberial Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, IbPria 2003, held in Puerto de Andratx, Mallorca, Spain in June 2003.
The 130 revised papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 185 full papers submitted. All current aspects of ongoing research in computer vision, image processing, pattern recognition, and speech recognition are addressed.
Front Matter....Pages -
Solids Characterization Using Modeling Wave Structures....Pages 1-10
A Probabilistic Model for the Cooperative Modular Neural Network....Pages 11-18
Robust Learning Algorithm for the Mixture of Experts....Pages 19-27
A Robust and Effective Learning Algorithm for Feedforward Neural Networks Based on the Influence Function....Pages 28-36
Regularization of 3D Cylindrical Surfaces....Pages 37-44
Non-rigid Registration of Vessel Structures in IVUS Images....Pages 45-52
Underwater Cable Tracking by Visual Feedback....Pages 53-61
A Hierarchical Clustering Strategy and Its Application to Proteomic Interaction Data....Pages 62-69
A New Optimal Classifier Architecture to Aviod the Dimensionality Curse....Pages 70-79
Learning from Imbalanced Sets through Resampling and Weighting....Pages 80-88
Morphological Recognition of Olive Grove Patterns....Pages 89-96
Combining Multi-variate Statistics and Dempster-Shafer Theory for Edge Detection in Multi-channel SAR Images....Pages 97-107
High-Level Clothes Description Based on Colour-Texture and Structural Features....Pages 108-116
A New Method for Detection and Initial Pose Estimation Based on Mumford-Shah Segmentation Functional....Pages 117-125
Tracking Heads Using Piecewise Planar Models....Pages 126-133
Support Vector Machines for Crop Classification Using Hyperspectral Data....Pages 134-141
Vehicle License Plate Segmentation in Natural Images....Pages 142-149
High-Accuracy Localization of an Underwater Robot in a~Structured Environment Using Computer Vision....Pages 150-157
Determine the Composition of Honeybee Pollen by Texture Classification....Pages 158-167
Automatic Word Codification for the RECONTRA Connectionist Translator....Pages 168-175
The ENCARA System for Face Detection and Normalization....Pages 176-183
Prediction and Discrimination of Pharmacological Activity by Using Artificial Neural Networks....Pages 184-192
A Spatio-temporal Filtering Approach to Motion Segmentation....Pages 193-203
Annotated Image Retrieval System Based on Concepts and Visual Property....Pages 204-211
Multimodal Attention System for an Interactive Robot....Pages 212-220
New Wavelet-Based Invariant Shape Representation Functions....Pages 221-228
A Feature Selection Wrapper for Mixtures....Pages 229-237
Tracking People for Automatic Surveillance Applications....Pages 238-245
A User Authentication Technic Using a~Web Interaction Monitoring System....Pages 246-254
Recovering Camera Motion in a~Sequence of Underwater Images through Mosaicking....Pages 255-262
Best Achievable Compression Ratio for Lossy Image Coding....Pages 263-270
Performance and Improvements of a~Language Model Based on Stochastic Context-Free Grammars....Pages 271-278
Segmentation of Curvilinear Objects Using a~Watershed-Based Curve Adjacency Graph....Pages 279-286
Automatic Keyframing of Human Actions for Computer Animation....Pages 287-296
Robust Line Matching and Estimate of Homographies Simultaneously....Pages 297-307
Modeling High-Order Dependencies in Local Appearance Models....Pages 308-316
An Experimental Evaluation of K-nn for Linear Transforms of Positive Data....Pages 317-325
Wavelet Packet Image Coder Using Coefficients Partitioning for Remote Sensing Images....Pages 326-335
Generation and Use of Synthetic Training Data in Cursive Handwriting Recognition....Pages 336-345
Video-Sensor for Detection and Tracking of Moving Objects....Pages 346-353
Estimation of Anti-bacterial Culture Activity from Digital Images....Pages 354-359
Robust Extraction of Vertices in Range Images by Constraining the Hough Transform....Pages 360-369
Comparison of Log-linear Models and Weighted Dissimilarity Measures....Pages 370-377
Motion Segmentation Using Distributed Genetic Algorithms....Pages 378-385
Supervised Locally Linear Embedding Algorithm for Pattern Recognition....Pages 386-394
Hash–Like Fractal Image Compression with Linear Execution Time....Pages 395-402
Learning of Stochastic Context-Free Grammars by Means of Estimation Algorithms and Initial Treebank Grammars....Pages 403-410
Computer-Aided Prostate Cancer Detection in Ultrasonographic Images....Pages 411-419
Ultrasound to Magnetic Resonance Volume Registration for Brain Sinking Measurement....Pages 420-427
Segmentation of Range Images in a~Quadtree....Pages 428-436
Associative Memory for Early Detection of Breast Cancer....Pages 437-444
Bayesian SPECT Image Reconstruction with Scale Hyperparameter Estimation for Scalable Prior....Pages 445-452
Reducing Training Sets by NCN-based Exploratory Procedures....Pages 453-461
Probabilistic Observation Models for Tracking Based on Optical Flow....Pages 462-469
Simplified Texture Unit: A~New Descriptor of the Local Texture in Gray-Level Images....Pages 470-477
Active Region Segmentation of Mammographic Masses Based on Texture, Contour and Shape Features....Pages 478-485
Refining 3D Recovering by Carving through View Interpolation and Stereovision....Pages 486-493
Chromosome Classification Using Continuous Hidden Markov Models....Pages 494-501
Generalized k-Medians Clustering for Strings....Pages 502-509
A Quadtree-Based Unsupervised Segmentation Algorithm for Fruit Visual Inspection....Pages 510-517
Shape Deformation Models Using Non-uniform Objects in Multimedia Applications....Pages 518-529
An Experimental Comparison of Dimensionality Reduction for Face Verification Methods....Pages 530-537
Bayesian Image Estimation from an Incomplete Set of Blurred, Undersampled Low Resolution Images....Pages 538-546
A Procedure for Biological Sensitive Pattern Matching in Protein Sequences....Pages 547-555
An Algebra for the Treatment of Multivalued Information Systems....Pages 556-563
Adaptive Learning for String Classification....Pages 564-571
Multiple Segmentation of Moving Objects by Quasi-simultaneous Parametric Motion Estimation....Pages 572-579
Fusion of Color and Shape for Object Tracking under Varying Illumination....Pages 580-588
Extending Fast Nearest Neighbour Search Algorithms for Approximate k-NN Classification....Pages 589-597
ART-VENA: Retinal Vaseular Caliber Measurement....Pages 598-605
Use of Band Ratioing for Color Texture Classification....Pages 606-615
Does Independent Component Analysis Play a~Role in Unmixing Hyperspectral Data?....Pages 616-625
Vertex Component Analysis: A~Fast Algorithm to Extract Endmembers Spectra from Hyperspectral Data....Pages 626-635
On the Relationship between Classification Error Bounds and Training Criteria in Statistical Pattern Recognition....Pages 636-645
Application of Multinomial Mixture Model to Text Classification....Pages 646-653
An Empirical Comparison of Stack-Based Decoding Algorithms for Statistical Machine Translation....Pages 654-663
Detection of Colour Channels Uncoupling for Curvature-Insensitive Segmentation....Pages 664-672
Analyzing Periodic Motion Classification....Pages 673-680
Finding Breaking Curves in 3D Surfaces....Pages 681-688
Robust Segmentation and Decoding of a~Grid Pattern for Structured Light....Pages 689-696
A New Reference Point Detection Algorithm Based on Orientation Pattern Labeling in Fingerprint Images....Pages 697-703
Global Motion Estimation in Sprite Generation by Eliminating Local Object Motions....Pages 704-711
Automatic Inspection of Wooden Pallets Using Contextual Segmentation Methods....Pages 712-721
Gabor Wavelets and Auto-organised Structures for Directional Primitive Extraction....Pages 722-732
A Colour Tracking Procedure for Low-Cost Face Desktop Applications....Pages 733-739
Local Motion Estimation from Stereo Image Sequences....Pages 740-747
A Change Validation System for Aerial Images Based on a Probabilistic Latent Variable Model....Pages 748-757
Petrographic Classification at the Macroscopic Scale Using a Mathematical Morphology Based Approach....Pages 758-765
On the Efficiency of Luminance-Based Palette Reordering of Color-Quantized Images....Pages 766-772
Feature-Driven Recognition of Music Styles....Pages 773-781
Multiple Model Approach to Deformable Shape Tracking....Pages 782-792
Pixel-Based Texture Classification by Integration of Multiple Texture Feature Evaluation Windows....Pages 793-801
Vessel Segmentation and Branching Detection Using an Adaptive Profile Kalman Filter in Retinal Blood Vessel Structure Analysis....Pages 802-809
Reconstruction of Quadrics from Two Polarization Views....Pages 810-820
Some Results about the Use of Tree/String Edit Distances in a~Nearest Neighbour Classification Task....Pages 821-828
Line Detection Using Ridgelets Transform for Graphic Symbol Representation....Pages 829-837
Tree-Structured Representation of Musical Information....Pages 838-846
Comparative Study of the Baum-Welch and Viterbi Training Algorithms Applied to Read and Spontaneous Speech Recognition....Pages 847-857
Skin Lesions Diagnosis Based on Fluorescence Image Processing: Simple Parameters Scanning....Pages 858-867
Incrementally Assessing Cluster Tendencies with a~Maximum Variance Cluster Algorithm....Pages 868-875
Musical Style Recognition by Detection of Compass....Pages 876-883
Subtexture Components for Texture Description....Pages 884-892
A 3D Ultrasound System for Medical Diagnosis....Pages 893-901
Shot Segmentation Using a~Coupled Markov Chains Representation of Video Contents....Pages 902-909
Estimating Confidence Measures for Speech Recognition Verification Using a~Smoothed Naive Bayes Model....Pages 910-918
A New Wavelets Image Fusion Strategy....Pages 919-926
Quality Assessment of Manufactured Roof-Tiles Using Digital Sound Processing....Pages 927-934
Graph Representations for Web Document Clustering....Pages 935-942
Learning Decision Trees and Tree Automata for a~Syntactic Pattern Recognition Task....Pages 943-950
MOTRICO Project – Geometric Construction and Mesh Generation of Blood Vessels by Means of the Fusion of Angiograms and IVUS....Pages 951-961
Skipping Fisher’s Criterion....Pages 962-969
New Class of Filters for Impulsive Noise Removal in Color Images....Pages 970-978
On the Nonparametric Impulsive Noise Reduction in Multichannel Images....Pages 979-985
Robust Hash Functions for Visual Data: An Experimental Comparison....Pages 986-993
Error Concealment Using Discontinuity Features....Pages 994-1002
Geometric Properties of the 3D Spine Curve....Pages 1003-1011
Oriented Matroids for Shape Representation and Indexing....Pages 1012-1019
Combining Phrase-Based and Template-Based Alignment Models in Statistical Translation....Pages 1020-1031
The Log-polar Image Representation in Pattern Recognition Tasks....Pages 1032-1040
Appearance Tracking for Video Surveillance....Pages 1041-1048
Sinusoidal Modelling with Complex Exponentials for Speech and Audio Signals....Pages 1049-1056
Smoothing Techniques for Tree-k-Grammar-Based Natural Language Modeling....Pages 1057-1065
Colour Constancy Algorithm Based on the Minimization of the Distance between Colour Histograms....Pages 1066-1073
Video Segmentation for Traffic Monitoring Tasks Based on Pixel-Level Snakes....Pages 1074-1081
Optimal Detection of Symmetry Axis in Digital Chest X-ray Images....Pages 1082-1089
Low Complexity Motion Estimation Based on Spatio-temporal Correlations....Pages 1090-1098
Set-Permutation-Occurrence Matrix Based Texture Segmentation....Pages 1099-1107
Semi-automatic Segmentation of the Prostate....Pages 1108-1116
Entropy Vector Median Filter....Pages 1117-1125
That Elusive Diversity in Classifier Ensembles....Pages 1126-1138
Back Matter....Pages -
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the First Iberial Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, IbPria 2003, held in Puerto de Andratx, Mallorca, Spain in June 2003.
The 130 revised papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 185 full papers submitted. All current aspects of ongoing research in computer vision, image processing, pattern recognition, and speech recognition are addressed.
Front Matter....Pages -
Solids Characterization Using Modeling Wave Structures....Pages 1-10
A Probabilistic Model for the Cooperative Modular Neural Network....Pages 11-18
Robust Learning Algorithm for the Mixture of Experts....Pages 19-27
A Robust and Effective Learning Algorithm for Feedforward Neural Networks Based on the Influence Function....Pages 28-36
Regularization of 3D Cylindrical Surfaces....Pages 37-44
Non-rigid Registration of Vessel Structures in IVUS Images....Pages 45-52
Underwater Cable Tracking by Visual Feedback....Pages 53-61
A Hierarchical Clustering Strategy and Its Application to Proteomic Interaction Data....Pages 62-69
A New Optimal Classifier Architecture to Aviod the Dimensionality Curse....Pages 70-79
Learning from Imbalanced Sets through Resampling and Weighting....Pages 80-88
Morphological Recognition of Olive Grove Patterns....Pages 89-96
Combining Multi-variate Statistics and Dempster-Shafer Theory for Edge Detection in Multi-channel SAR Images....Pages 97-107
High-Level Clothes Description Based on Colour-Texture and Structural Features....Pages 108-116
A New Method for Detection and Initial Pose Estimation Based on Mumford-Shah Segmentation Functional....Pages 117-125
Tracking Heads Using Piecewise Planar Models....Pages 126-133
Support Vector Machines for Crop Classification Using Hyperspectral Data....Pages 134-141
Vehicle License Plate Segmentation in Natural Images....Pages 142-149
High-Accuracy Localization of an Underwater Robot in a~Structured Environment Using Computer Vision....Pages 150-157
Determine the Composition of Honeybee Pollen by Texture Classification....Pages 158-167
Automatic Word Codification for the RECONTRA Connectionist Translator....Pages 168-175
The ENCARA System for Face Detection and Normalization....Pages 176-183
Prediction and Discrimination of Pharmacological Activity by Using Artificial Neural Networks....Pages 184-192
A Spatio-temporal Filtering Approach to Motion Segmentation....Pages 193-203
Annotated Image Retrieval System Based on Concepts and Visual Property....Pages 204-211
Multimodal Attention System for an Interactive Robot....Pages 212-220
New Wavelet-Based Invariant Shape Representation Functions....Pages 221-228
A Feature Selection Wrapper for Mixtures....Pages 229-237
Tracking People for Automatic Surveillance Applications....Pages 238-245
A User Authentication Technic Using a~Web Interaction Monitoring System....Pages 246-254
Recovering Camera Motion in a~Sequence of Underwater Images through Mosaicking....Pages 255-262
Best Achievable Compression Ratio for Lossy Image Coding....Pages 263-270
Performance and Improvements of a~Language Model Based on Stochastic Context-Free Grammars....Pages 271-278
Segmentation of Curvilinear Objects Using a~Watershed-Based Curve Adjacency Graph....Pages 279-286
Automatic Keyframing of Human Actions for Computer Animation....Pages 287-296
Robust Line Matching and Estimate of Homographies Simultaneously....Pages 297-307
Modeling High-Order Dependencies in Local Appearance Models....Pages 308-316
An Experimental Evaluation of K-nn for Linear Transforms of Positive Data....Pages 317-325
Wavelet Packet Image Coder Using Coefficients Partitioning for Remote Sensing Images....Pages 326-335
Generation and Use of Synthetic Training Data in Cursive Handwriting Recognition....Pages 336-345
Video-Sensor for Detection and Tracking of Moving Objects....Pages 346-353
Estimation of Anti-bacterial Culture Activity from Digital Images....Pages 354-359
Robust Extraction of Vertices in Range Images by Constraining the Hough Transform....Pages 360-369
Comparison of Log-linear Models and Weighted Dissimilarity Measures....Pages 370-377
Motion Segmentation Using Distributed Genetic Algorithms....Pages 378-385
Supervised Locally Linear Embedding Algorithm for Pattern Recognition....Pages 386-394
Hash–Like Fractal Image Compression with Linear Execution Time....Pages 395-402
Learning of Stochastic Context-Free Grammars by Means of Estimation Algorithms and Initial Treebank Grammars....Pages 403-410
Computer-Aided Prostate Cancer Detection in Ultrasonographic Images....Pages 411-419
Ultrasound to Magnetic Resonance Volume Registration for Brain Sinking Measurement....Pages 420-427
Segmentation of Range Images in a~Quadtree....Pages 428-436
Associative Memory for Early Detection of Breast Cancer....Pages 437-444
Bayesian SPECT Image Reconstruction with Scale Hyperparameter Estimation for Scalable Prior....Pages 445-452
Reducing Training Sets by NCN-based Exploratory Procedures....Pages 453-461
Probabilistic Observation Models for Tracking Based on Optical Flow....Pages 462-469
Simplified Texture Unit: A~New Descriptor of the Local Texture in Gray-Level Images....Pages 470-477
Active Region Segmentation of Mammographic Masses Based on Texture, Contour and Shape Features....Pages 478-485
Refining 3D Recovering by Carving through View Interpolation and Stereovision....Pages 486-493
Chromosome Classification Using Continuous Hidden Markov Models....Pages 494-501
Generalized k-Medians Clustering for Strings....Pages 502-509
A Quadtree-Based Unsupervised Segmentation Algorithm for Fruit Visual Inspection....Pages 510-517
Shape Deformation Models Using Non-uniform Objects in Multimedia Applications....Pages 518-529
An Experimental Comparison of Dimensionality Reduction for Face Verification Methods....Pages 530-537
Bayesian Image Estimation from an Incomplete Set of Blurred, Undersampled Low Resolution Images....Pages 538-546
A Procedure for Biological Sensitive Pattern Matching in Protein Sequences....Pages 547-555
An Algebra for the Treatment of Multivalued Information Systems....Pages 556-563
Adaptive Learning for String Classification....Pages 564-571
Multiple Segmentation of Moving Objects by Quasi-simultaneous Parametric Motion Estimation....Pages 572-579
Fusion of Color and Shape for Object Tracking under Varying Illumination....Pages 580-588
Extending Fast Nearest Neighbour Search Algorithms for Approximate k-NN Classification....Pages 589-597
ART-VENA: Retinal Vaseular Caliber Measurement....Pages 598-605
Use of Band Ratioing for Color Texture Classification....Pages 606-615
Does Independent Component Analysis Play a~Role in Unmixing Hyperspectral Data?....Pages 616-625
Vertex Component Analysis: A~Fast Algorithm to Extract Endmembers Spectra from Hyperspectral Data....Pages 626-635
On the Relationship between Classification Error Bounds and Training Criteria in Statistical Pattern Recognition....Pages 636-645
Application of Multinomial Mixture Model to Text Classification....Pages 646-653
An Empirical Comparison of Stack-Based Decoding Algorithms for Statistical Machine Translation....Pages 654-663
Detection of Colour Channels Uncoupling for Curvature-Insensitive Segmentation....Pages 664-672
Analyzing Periodic Motion Classification....Pages 673-680
Finding Breaking Curves in 3D Surfaces....Pages 681-688
Robust Segmentation and Decoding of a~Grid Pattern for Structured Light....Pages 689-696
A New Reference Point Detection Algorithm Based on Orientation Pattern Labeling in Fingerprint Images....Pages 697-703
Global Motion Estimation in Sprite Generation by Eliminating Local Object Motions....Pages 704-711
Automatic Inspection of Wooden Pallets Using Contextual Segmentation Methods....Pages 712-721
Gabor Wavelets and Auto-organised Structures for Directional Primitive Extraction....Pages 722-732
A Colour Tracking Procedure for Low-Cost Face Desktop Applications....Pages 733-739
Local Motion Estimation from Stereo Image Sequences....Pages 740-747
A Change Validation System for Aerial Images Based on a Probabilistic Latent Variable Model....Pages 748-757
Petrographic Classification at the Macroscopic Scale Using a Mathematical Morphology Based Approach....Pages 758-765
On the Efficiency of Luminance-Based Palette Reordering of Color-Quantized Images....Pages 766-772
Feature-Driven Recognition of Music Styles....Pages 773-781
Multiple Model Approach to Deformable Shape Tracking....Pages 782-792
Pixel-Based Texture Classification by Integration of Multiple Texture Feature Evaluation Windows....Pages 793-801
Vessel Segmentation and Branching Detection Using an Adaptive Profile Kalman Filter in Retinal Blood Vessel Structure Analysis....Pages 802-809
Reconstruction of Quadrics from Two Polarization Views....Pages 810-820
Some Results about the Use of Tree/String Edit Distances in a~Nearest Neighbour Classification Task....Pages 821-828
Line Detection Using Ridgelets Transform for Graphic Symbol Representation....Pages 829-837
Tree-Structured Representation of Musical Information....Pages 838-846
Comparative Study of the Baum-Welch and Viterbi Training Algorithms Applied to Read and Spontaneous Speech Recognition....Pages 847-857
Skin Lesions Diagnosis Based on Fluorescence Image Processing: Simple Parameters Scanning....Pages 858-867
Incrementally Assessing Cluster Tendencies with a~Maximum Variance Cluster Algorithm....Pages 868-875
Musical Style Recognition by Detection of Compass....Pages 876-883
Subtexture Components for Texture Description....Pages 884-892
A 3D Ultrasound System for Medical Diagnosis....Pages 893-901
Shot Segmentation Using a~Coupled Markov Chains Representation of Video Contents....Pages 902-909
Estimating Confidence Measures for Speech Recognition Verification Using a~Smoothed Naive Bayes Model....Pages 910-918
A New Wavelets Image Fusion Strategy....Pages 919-926
Quality Assessment of Manufactured Roof-Tiles Using Digital Sound Processing....Pages 927-934
Graph Representations for Web Document Clustering....Pages 935-942
Learning Decision Trees and Tree Automata for a~Syntactic Pattern Recognition Task....Pages 943-950
MOTRICO Project – Geometric Construction and Mesh Generation of Blood Vessels by Means of the Fusion of Angiograms and IVUS....Pages 951-961
Skipping Fisher’s Criterion....Pages 962-969
New Class of Filters for Impulsive Noise Removal in Color Images....Pages 970-978
On the Nonparametric Impulsive Noise Reduction in Multichannel Images....Pages 979-985
Robust Hash Functions for Visual Data: An Experimental Comparison....Pages 986-993
Error Concealment Using Discontinuity Features....Pages 994-1002
Geometric Properties of the 3D Spine Curve....Pages 1003-1011
Oriented Matroids for Shape Representation and Indexing....Pages 1012-1019
Combining Phrase-Based and Template-Based Alignment Models in Statistical Translation....Pages 1020-1031
The Log-polar Image Representation in Pattern Recognition Tasks....Pages 1032-1040
Appearance Tracking for Video Surveillance....Pages 1041-1048
Sinusoidal Modelling with Complex Exponentials for Speech and Audio Signals....Pages 1049-1056
Smoothing Techniques for Tree-k-Grammar-Based Natural Language Modeling....Pages 1057-1065
Colour Constancy Algorithm Based on the Minimization of the Distance between Colour Histograms....Pages 1066-1073
Video Segmentation for Traffic Monitoring Tasks Based on Pixel-Level Snakes....Pages 1074-1081
Optimal Detection of Symmetry Axis in Digital Chest X-ray Images....Pages 1082-1089
Low Complexity Motion Estimation Based on Spatio-temporal Correlations....Pages 1090-1098
Set-Permutation-Occurrence Matrix Based Texture Segmentation....Pages 1099-1107
Semi-automatic Segmentation of the Prostate....Pages 1108-1116
Entropy Vector Median Filter....Pages 1117-1125
That Elusive Diversity in Classifier Ensembles....Pages 1126-1138
Back Matter....Pages -