Ebook: High Performance Computing: 4th International Symposium, ISHPC 2002 Kansai Science City, Japan, May 15–17, 2002 Proceedings
Author: Thomas Sterling (auth.) Hans P. Zima Kazuki Joe Mitsuhisa Sato Yoshiki Seo Masaaki Shimasaki (eds.)
- Tags: Programming Techniques, Software Engineering, Computation by Abstract Devices, Mathematics of Computing, Data Structures
- Series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2327
- Year: 2002
- Publisher: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
- Edition: 1
- Language: English
- pdf
I wish to welcome all of you to the International Symposium on High Perf- mance Computing 2002 (ISHPC2002) and to Kansai Science City, which is not farfromtheancientcapitalsofJapan:NaraandKyoto.ISHPC2002isthefourth in the ISHPC series, which consists, to date, of ISHPC ’97 (Fukuoka, November 1997), ISHPC ’99 (Kyoto, May 1999), and ISHPC2000 (Tokyo, October 2000). The success of these symposia indicates the importance of this area and the strong interest of the research community. With all of the recent drastic changes in HPC technology trends, HPC has had and will continue to have a signi?cant impact on computer science and technology. I am pleased to serve as General Chair at a time when HPC plays a crucial role in the era of the IT (Information Technology) revolution. The objective of this symposium is to exchange the latest research results in software, architecture, and applications in HPC in a more informal and friendly atmosphere. I am delighted that the symposium is, like past successful ISHPCs, comprised of excellent invited talks, panels, workshops, as well as high-quality technical papers on various aspects of HPC. We hope that the symposium will provide an excellent opportunity for lively exchange and discussion about - rections in HPC technologies and all the participants will enjoy not only the symposium but also their stay in Kansai Science City.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on High Performance Computing, ISHPC 2002, held in Kansai Science City, Japan, in May 2002 together with the two workshops WOMPEI 2002 and HPF/HiWEP 2002.
The 51 revised papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected for inclusion in the proceedings. The book is organized in topical sections on networks, architectures, HPC systems, Earth Simulator, OpenMP-WOMPEI 2002, and HPF-HiWEP 2002.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on High Performance Computing, ISHPC 2002, held in Kansai Science City, Japan, in May 2002 together with the two workshops WOMPEI 2002 and HPF/HiWEP 2002.
The 51 revised papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected for inclusion in the proceedings. The book is organized in topical sections on networks, architectures, HPC systems, Earth Simulator, OpenMP-WOMPEI 2002, and HPF-HiWEP 2002.
Front Matter....Pages I-XV
The Gilgamesh MIND Processor-in-Memory Architecture for Petaflops-Scale Computing....Pages 1-5
The UK e-Science Program and the Grid....Pages 6-6
SPEC HPC2002: The Next High-Performance Computer Benchmark....Pages 7-10
Language and Compiler Support for Hybrid-Parallel Programming on SMP Clusters....Pages 11-24
Parallelizing Merge Sort onto Distributed Memory Parallel Computers....Pages 25-34
Avoiding Network Congestion with Local Information....Pages 35-48
Improving InfiniBand Routing through Multiple Virtual Networks....Pages 49-63
Minerva: An Adaptive Subblock Coherence Protocol for Improved SMP Performance....Pages 64-77
Active Memory Clusters: Efficient Multiprocessing on Commodity Clusters....Pages 78-92
The Impact of Alias Analysis on VLIW Scheduling....Pages 93-105
Low-Cost Value Predictors Using Frequent Value Locality....Pages 106-119
Integrated I-cache Way Predictor and Branch Target Buffer to Reduce Energy Consumption....Pages 120-132
A Comprehensive Analysis of Indirect Branch Prediction....Pages 133-145
High Performance and Energy Efficient Serial Prefetch Architecture....Pages 146-159
A Programmable Memory Hierarchy for Prefetching Linked Data Structures....Pages 160-174
Block Red-Black Ordering Method for Parallel Processing of ICCG Solver....Pages 175-189
Integrating Performance Analysis in the Uintah Software Development Cycle....Pages 190-206
Performance of Adaptive Mesh Refinement Scheme for Hydrodynamics on Simulations of Expanding Supernova Envelope....Pages 207-218
An MPI Benchmark Program Library and Its Application to the Earth Simulator....Pages 219-230
Parallel Simulation of Seismic Wave Propagation....Pages 231-242
A Parallel Computing Model for the Acceleration of a Finite Element Software....Pages 449-456
Towards OpenMP Execution on Software Distributed Shared Memory Systems....Pages 457-468
Dual-Level Parallelism Exploitation with OpenMP in Coastal Ocean Circulation Modeling....Pages 469-478
Static Coarse Grain Task Scheduling with Cache Optimization Using OpenMP....Pages 479-489
High Performance Fortran - History, Status and Future....Pages 490-490
Performance Evaluation for Japanese HPF Compilers with Special Benchmark Suite....Pages 491-502
Evaluation of the HPF/JA Extensions on Fujitsu VPP Using the NAS Parallel Benchmarks....Pages 503-514
Three-Dimensional Electromagnetic Particle-in-Cell Code Using High Performance Fortran on PC Cluster....Pages 515-525
Towards a Lightweight HPF Compiler....Pages 526-538
Parallel I/O Support for HPF on Computational Grids....Pages 539-550
Optimization of HPF Programs with Dynamic Recompilation Technique....Pages 551-562
Back Matter....Pages 563-564
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on High Performance Computing, ISHPC 2002, held in Kansai Science City, Japan, in May 2002 together with the two workshops WOMPEI 2002 and HPF/HiWEP 2002.
The 51 revised papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected for inclusion in the proceedings. The book is organized in topical sections on networks, architectures, HPC systems, Earth Simulator, OpenMP-WOMPEI 2002, and HPF-HiWEP 2002.
Front Matter....Pages I-XV
The Gilgamesh MIND Processor-in-Memory Architecture for Petaflops-Scale Computing....Pages 1-5
The UK e-Science Program and the Grid....Pages 6-6
SPEC HPC2002: The Next High-Performance Computer Benchmark....Pages 7-10
Language and Compiler Support for Hybrid-Parallel Programming on SMP Clusters....Pages 11-24
Parallelizing Merge Sort onto Distributed Memory Parallel Computers....Pages 25-34
Avoiding Network Congestion with Local Information....Pages 35-48
Improving InfiniBand Routing through Multiple Virtual Networks....Pages 49-63
Minerva: An Adaptive Subblock Coherence Protocol for Improved SMP Performance....Pages 64-77
Active Memory Clusters: Efficient Multiprocessing on Commodity Clusters....Pages 78-92
The Impact of Alias Analysis on VLIW Scheduling....Pages 93-105
Low-Cost Value Predictors Using Frequent Value Locality....Pages 106-119
Integrated I-cache Way Predictor and Branch Target Buffer to Reduce Energy Consumption....Pages 120-132
A Comprehensive Analysis of Indirect Branch Prediction....Pages 133-145
High Performance and Energy Efficient Serial Prefetch Architecture....Pages 146-159
A Programmable Memory Hierarchy for Prefetching Linked Data Structures....Pages 160-174
Block Red-Black Ordering Method for Parallel Processing of ICCG Solver....Pages 175-189
Integrating Performance Analysis in the Uintah Software Development Cycle....Pages 190-206
Performance of Adaptive Mesh Refinement Scheme for Hydrodynamics on Simulations of Expanding Supernova Envelope....Pages 207-218
An MPI Benchmark Program Library and Its Application to the Earth Simulator....Pages 219-230
Parallel Simulation of Seismic Wave Propagation....Pages 231-242
A Parallel Computing Model for the Acceleration of a Finite Element Software....Pages 449-456
Towards OpenMP Execution on Software Distributed Shared Memory Systems....Pages 457-468
Dual-Level Parallelism Exploitation with OpenMP in Coastal Ocean Circulation Modeling....Pages 469-478
Static Coarse Grain Task Scheduling with Cache Optimization Using OpenMP....Pages 479-489
High Performance Fortran - History, Status and Future....Pages 490-490
Performance Evaluation for Japanese HPF Compilers with Special Benchmark Suite....Pages 491-502
Evaluation of the HPF/JA Extensions on Fujitsu VPP Using the NAS Parallel Benchmarks....Pages 503-514
Three-Dimensional Electromagnetic Particle-in-Cell Code Using High Performance Fortran on PC Cluster....Pages 515-525
Towards a Lightweight HPF Compiler....Pages 526-538
Parallel I/O Support for HPF on Computational Grids....Pages 539-550
Optimization of HPF Programs with Dynamic Recompilation Technique....Pages 551-562
Back Matter....Pages 563-564