Online Library » Advanced Topics in Artificial Intelligence: 12th Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AI’99 Sydney, Australia, December 6–10, 1999 Proceedings
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Ebook: Advanced Topics in Artificial Intelligence: 12th Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AI’99 Sydney, Australia, December 6–10, 1999 Proceedings


The 12th Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI'QQ) held in Sydney, Australia, 6-10 December 1999, is the latest in a series of annual re­ gional meetings at which advances in artificial intelligence are reported. This series now attracts many international papers, and indeed the constitution of the program committee reflects this geographical diversity. Besides the usual tutorials and workshops, this year the conference included a companion sympo­ sium at which papers on industrial appUcations were presented. The symposium papers have been published in a separate volume edited by Eric Tsui. Ar99 is organized by the University of New South Wales, and sponsored by the Aus­ tralian Computer Society, the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Computer Sciences Corporation, the KRRU group at Griffith University, the Australian Artificial Intelligence Institute, and Neuron- Works Ltd. Ar99 received over 120 conference paper submissions, of which about o- third were from outside Australia. Prom these, 39 were accepted for regular presentation, and a further 15 for poster display. These proceedings contain the full regular papers and extended summaries of the poster papers. All papers were refereed, mostly by two or three reviewers selected by members of the program committee, and a list of these reviewers appears later. The technical program comprised two days of workshops and tutorials, fol­ lowed by three days of conference and symposium plenary and paper sessions.

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 12th Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AI'99, held in Sydney, Australia in December 1999. The 39 revised full papers presented together with 15 posters were carefully reviewed and selected from more than 120 submissions. The book is divided in topical sections on machine learning, neural nets, knowledge representation, natural language processing, belief revision, adaptive algorithms, automated reasonning, neural learning, heuristics, and applications

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 12th Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AI'99, held in Sydney, Australia in December 1999. The 39 revised full papers presented together with 15 posters were carefully reviewed and selected from more than 120 submissions. The book is divided in topical sections on machine learning, neural nets, knowledge representation, natural language processing, belief revision, adaptive algorithms, automated reasonning, neural learning, heuristics, and applications
Front Matter....Pages I-XV
Generating Rule Sets from Model Trees....Pages 1-12
Classifying and Learning Cricket Shots Using Camera Motion....Pages 13-23
Unsupervised Learning in Metagame....Pages 24-35
A Neural Networks Based Approach for Fast Mining Characteristic Rules....Pages 36-47
FANRE: A Fast Adaptive Neural Regression Estimator....Pages 48-59
Neural Networks for Defuzification of Fuzzy Rules: An Application in Macroeconomic Forecasting....Pages 60-71
Semantic Integration of Databases Using Linguistic Knowledge....Pages 72-83
Representing ‘Just Invalid’ Knowledge....Pages 84-95
Maximising Expected Utility for Behaviour Arbitration....Pages 96-108
Generating Natural Language Descriptions of Project Plans....Pages 109-121
Categorizing Unknown Words: A Decision Tree-Based Misspelling Identifier....Pages 122-133
Sync/Trans: Simultaneous Machine Interpretation between English and Japanese....Pages 134-143
Minimal Belief Change and Pareto-Optimality....Pages 144-155
Basic Infobase Change....Pages 156-167
A Framework for Multi-Agent Belief Revision Part I: The Role of Ontology....Pages 168-179
Genetic Programming for Multiple Class Object Detection....Pages 180-192
A Simulated Annealing-Based Learning Algorithm for Boolean DNF....Pages 193-204
Computing Least Common Subsumers in Expressive Description Logics....Pages 205-217
E-SETHEO: Design, Configuration and Use of a Parallel Automated Theorem Prover....Pages 218-230
PTTP+GLiDeS: Guiding Linear Deductions with Semantics....Pages 231-243
Neural Network Learning Using Low-Discrepancy Sequence....Pages 244-254
An Investigation into the Effect of Ensemble Size and Voting Threshold on the Accuracy of Neural Network Ensembles....Pages 255-267
Neurofuzzy Learning of Mobile Robot Behaviours....Pages 268-277
A Logical Framework for Inductive Inference and Its Rationality....Pages 278-290
Semantics for Pollock’s Defeasible Reasoning....Pages 291-303
Feasibility of Optimised Disjunctive Reasoning for Approximate Matching....Pages 304-315
An Examination of Probabilistic Value-Ordering Heuristics....Pages 316-327
Heuristics and Experiments on BDD Representation of Boolean Functions for Expert Systems in Software Verification Domains....Pages 328-339
Abduction without Minimality....Pages 340-352
Causal Propagation Semantics — A Study....Pages 353-364
Arc Weights for Approximate Evaluation of Dynamic Belief Networks....Pages 365-377
Finding Outpoints in Noisy Binary Sequences — A Revised Empirical Evaluation....Pages 378-392
On Understanding Global Behavior of Teams in Robot Soccer Simulators....Pages 393-404
Visual Human-Machine Interaction....Pages 405-416
Applying Ant Algorithms and the No Fit Polygon to the Nesting Problem....Pages 417-428
Fisheye Matching: Viewpoint-Sensitive Feature Generation Based on Concept Structure....Pages 429-439
A Procedural Approach for Rule Based Update....Pages 440-452
Learning Logic Programs with Local Variables from Positive Examples....Pages 453-464
Estimating Problem Value in an Intelligent Tutoring System Using Bayesian Networks....Pages 465-466
Evaluation of Number-Kanji Translation Method of Non-Segmented Japanese Sentences Using Inductive Learning with Degenerated Input....Pages 467-468
A Serving Agent for Integrating Soft Computing and Software Agents....Pages 469-471
A Visual Geographic Knowledge Classification and Its Relationship to the KADS Model....Pages 472-473
A Constraint Optimization Framework for MultiAgent Anytime Scheduling....Pages 474-475
Evolving Modular Neural Networks Using Rule-Based Genetic Programming....Pages 476-477
A Trajectory Approach to Causality....Pages 478-479
Bayesian Reasoning for Diagnosing Student Misconceptions about Decimals....Pages 480-481
Reconsidering Fitness and Convergence in Co-evolutionary Design....Pages 482-483
A Proposal of Generating Artistic Japanese Calligraphic Fonts....Pages 484-485
Using Competitive Learning in Neural Networks for Cluster-Detection-and-Labeling....Pages 486-487
Knowledge-Based Communication Processes in Building Design....Pages 488-489
Information-Based Cooperation in Multiple Agent Systems....Pages 490-491
Back Matter....Pages 492-493
....Pages 494-495
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