Ebook: Advances in Computer Science, Intelligent System and Environment
- Tags: Computational Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence (incl. Robotics)
- Series: Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing 105
- Year: 2011
- Publisher: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
- Edition: 1
- Language: English
- pdf
CSISE2011 is an integrated conference concentrating its focus upon Computer Science,Intelligent System and Environment. In the proceeding, you can learn much more knowledge about Computer Science, Intelligent System and Environment of researchers all around the world. The international conference will provide a forum for engineers, scientist, teachers and all researchers to discuss their latest research achievements and their future research plan. The main role of the proceeding is to be used as an exchange pillar for researchers who are working in the mentioned field. In order to meet high standard of Springer´s Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing ,the organization committee has made their efforts to do the following things. Firstly, poor quality paper has been refused after reviewing course by anonymous referee experts. Secondly, periodically review meetings have been held around the reviewers about five times for exchanging reviewing suggestions. Finally, the conference organization had several preliminary sessions before the conference. Through efforts of different people and departments, the conference will be successful and fruitful. We hope that you can get much more knowledges from our CSISE2011, and we also hope that you can give us good suggestions to improve our work in the future.
CSISE2011 is an integrated conference concentrating its focus upon Computer Science?Intelligent System and Environment. In the proceeding, you can learn much more knowledge about Computer Science, Intelligent System and Environment of researchers all around the world. The international conference will provide a forum for engineers, scientist, teachers and all researchers to discuss their latest research achievements and their future research plan. The main role of the proceeding is to be used as an exchange pillar for researchers who are working in the mentioned field. In order to meet high standard of Springer?s Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing ,the organization committee has made their efforts to do the following things. Firstly, poor quality paper has been refused after reviewing course by anonymous referee experts. Secondly, periodically review meetings have been held around the reviewers about five times for exchanging reviewing suggestions. Finally, the conference organization had several preliminary sessions before the conference. Through efforts of different people and departments, the conference will be successful and fruitful. We hope that you can get much more knowledges from our CSISE2011, and we also hope that you can give us good suggestions to improve our work in the future.
CSISE2011 is an integrated conference concentrating its focus upon Computer Science?Intelligent System and Environment. In the proceeding, you can learn much more knowledge about Computer Science, Intelligent System and Environment of researchers all around the world. The international conference will provide a forum for engineers, scientist, teachers and all researchers to discuss their latest research achievements and their future research plan. The main role of the proceeding is to be used as an exchange pillar for researchers who are working in the mentioned field. In order to meet high standard of Springer?s Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing ,the organization committee has made their efforts to do the following things. Firstly, poor quality paper has been refused after reviewing course by anonymous referee experts. Secondly, periodically review meetings have been held around the reviewers about five times for exchanging reviewing suggestions. Finally, the conference organization had several preliminary sessions before the conference. Through efforts of different people and departments, the conference will be successful and fruitful. We hope that you can get much more knowledges from our CSISE2011, and we also hope that you can give us good suggestions to improve our work in the future.
Front Matter....Pages -
FPD Image Quality Evaluation Based on Visual Ergonomics....Pages 1-5
An Improved Method of Image Enhancement Based on Wavelet Transform....Pages 7-11
The Adaptive Material and Structure Analysis of Feedback Circuit in Industry Evolution and Enterprise Growth....Pages 13-18
Measurement of Decision-Making Mechanism under Different Governance Context: Quantitative Analysis Based on Manufacturing Industry Enterprises in Zhejiang....Pages 19-22
An Approximate Algorithm Application to Solve the Location-Selection of Wireless Network Problem....Pages 23-27
An Intra-organizational Tacit Knowledge Transfer Model on Introduction of Talent....Pages 29-34
An Investigation on Chinese College Students’ Web-Based Self-access English Learning....Pages 35-39
A Study on the Three-Point-in-One-Unit Approach: A New Model of Chinese College Students’ Web-Based Self-access English Learning....Pages 41-46
Research on the Curve Fitting for Numerical Controller Based on Fuzzy Reasoning....Pages 47-52
Chain Effect and Control of Environmental Disaster Induced by Underground Mining....Pages 53-59
Determination of the Original Probability of the Target Distributing Function for the Accidental Pollution Sources in a Drainage Area....Pages 61-67
Winning the Industrial Competitiveness with E-Commerce Adopting Component-Based Software Architecture....Pages 69-75
The Application of Frequency Domain and Time Domain Analysis on Vortex Flowmeter Signal Processing....Pages 77-82
The Relationship between College Students’ Social Problem-Solving and Internet Addiction Tendency Based on Certain Intelligent Materials System....Pages 83-87
A Brief Construction on Innovative e-Learning System Based on Intelligent Materials....Pages 89-94
Nutrients Dosage Control in Biological Treatment of Whitewater Reuse....Pages 95-99
The Traits of Biorthogonal Quarternary Small Function Wraps According to Quantity Matrix Dilation....Pages 101-106
The Characters of Multiscale Pseudoframes of Subspace According to Binary Filter Functions....Pages 107-112
The Research of Security Technology in the Internet of Things....Pages 113-119
Novel Algorithms to Restrain Deviation When Synthesizing Adjustable Frequency Signal Using DDS....Pages 121-126
Flexible Collaborative Learning Model in E-Learning with Personalized Teaching Materials....Pages 127-131
Selection of Suppliers in Fuzzy Environment with Stock-Out Allowed and Its Heuristic Algorithm for Solution....Pages 133-138
Noisy Speech Enhancement Using a Novel a Priori SNR Estimation....Pages 139-145
A Distributed Cross-Realm Identification Scheme Based on Hyperchaos System....Pages 147-152
An Signal Denoising Method Based on Modified Wavelet Threshold Filtering for Ocean Depth....Pages 153-158
Research on Design of Signal Acquisition Card in Bridge Health Monitoring System Based on Certain Intelligent Materials Design of Signal....Pages 159-163
Low Illumination Image Denoising Research and Its Real-Time Implement....Pages 165-170
Study of Environmental Impact Parameters on National Days in Typical Traffic Streets of Shanghai Based on Modified Grey Cluster Method....Pages 171-175
A Way for Real-Time Rendering Algorithm of Visual Endoscopy Scene Based on GPU....Pages 177-181
FPGA Implementation of a Novel Type DDS Based on CORDIC Algorithm....Pages 183-188
Unsupervised Kernel Fuzzy Clustering Based on Differential Evolution Algorithm in Intelligent Materials System....Pages 189-192
Variations of Western Boundary of the Kuroshio in the East China Sea....Pages 193-199
Reusable Pseudonym Privacy Protection in Pervasive Computing....Pages 201-205
Wasterwater Factories Solution on SCADA System....Pages 207-211
M-Learning Interactive Design for Computer Core Course....Pages 213-217
Modeling and Simulation of Water Fountain Control Software in Ptolemy II....Pages 219-224
Space Vector Modulated Direct Torque Control for PMSM....Pages 225-230
Robust Model Predictive Control for Nonlinear Systems....Pages 231-237
The Factors Affecting Relationship between COD and TOC of Typical Papermaking Wastewater....Pages 239-244
An Equilibrium Algorithm to Simulate the Structure of Land Use Changes....Pages 245-249
Research on Computer-Based Simulation for the Dynamics of Land System....Pages 251-255
Estimation System for Land Productivity....Pages 257-261
Design and Realizing of Face Recognition Algorithm....Pages 263-268
Research on Chaos Caused by a Transitive Map Based on Intelligent Materials....Pages 269-275
Unlimited Numeric Class Based on Deque....Pages 277-281
Experimentation and Finite Element Analysis of Electric Field Structure of Electrospinning Machine....Pages 283-289
Construction of Finitely Supported Tight Wavelet Frames with Two Generators....Pages 291-296
Analysis of the Schemes of Some Reservoir on Its Dam Foundation Seepage Prevention and Slope Protection against Waves in the Northwest Arid Area....Pages 297-301
Speckle Denoising for Digital Holographic Reconstructed Image Base on Image Edge Detection....Pages 303-308
The Alternating Direction Iterative of Axial Symmetric Electrostatic Field without Charge Current Distribution....Pages 309-313
The Influence Research of Surface Water Depth to Infiltration....Pages 315-319
A Method Based on Bochs for Accelerating the x86 Timing Emulator....Pages 321-325
An Empirical Comparison of Two Boosting Algorithms on Real Data Sets Based on Analysis of Scientific Materials....Pages 327-331
A Fourth-Order Newton-Type Method Free from Second Derivative for Solving Non-linear Equations....Pages 333-337
A Cooperative Co-evolutionary Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm Based on Niche Sharing Scheme for Function Optimization....Pages 339-345
Research on Comprehensive Evaluation of Biomass Energy Using Performance in Rural Areas....Pages 347-352
A Shooting Algorithm Based on the Best Zone and Dynamic Referencing Circle for Soccer Robot....Pages 353-357
The Mixing Characteristics of a Transverse Jet under Different Reynolds Number and Velocity Ratio....Pages 359-363
Numerical Simulation on the Complex Flow Mechanism for PEMFC’s Porous Electrode....Pages 365-371
Autocorrelation Performance Improvement of Hopfield Hyperchaos Sequence Based on APAS Theorem....Pages 373-378
Prediction of Precipitation Based on Artificial Neural Networks by Free Search....Pages 379-384
Research on Investor Sentiment Effect on A-Share Market in China Based on Analysis of A-Share Materials....Pages 385-390
Block Permutation Cipher in Chaos with Feistel Structure for Wireless Sensor Networks....Pages 391-396
Growth Responses and Phytoremediation Characteristics of Mirabilis Jalapa L. in Benzo[a]pyrene and Pyrene Co-contaminated Soils....Pages 397-403
The Alternating Direction Iterative of Axial Symmetrical and Static Magnetic Field without Charge and Current Distribution....Pages 405-410
Control Schistosomiasis Spreading Based on the Snail’s Hydrodynamic Characteristics in China: A Review....Pages 411-415
Parameter Inversion of Constitutive Model of Soil Using Neural Networks....Pages 417-420
Optimal Estimation of Forest Carbon Sequestration Based on Eddy Correlation Method....Pages 421-426
Middle Atmospheric Density and Temperature Detection Using Rayleigh Lidar....Pages 427-433
Improvement and Application of Medical Image Segmentation Method Based on FCM....Pages 435-439
Algorithm for NC Tool Paths Automatic Generation on Surfaces Based on Space-Filling Curves....Pages 441-445
Research on a Distributed Database System Based on Peer-to-Peer Model with Scientific Materials....Pages 447-451
The Experimental Study on Ozone to Remove NO by DBD....Pages 453-458
Research on the Effect of Adding O2 to DBD Method for Removing NO....Pages 459-466
Using Rough Set to Build Domain Ontology of Knowledge Information System....Pages 467-472
Finite Element Analysis of Tractor Diesel Engine Connecting Rod....Pages 473-477
Research on Key Technology of Collaborative Virtual Maintenance Training System in Large-Scale Complex Equipment....Pages 479-485
Study of the Optimal Water Resources Allocation Scenarios in Pingxiang City....Pages 487-493
Node Wake-Up Scheduling Mechanism for Delay Tolerant Networks....Pages 495-500
Shanghai Hangzhou Bay North Shore Water Environment Impact Assessment Based on Grey Recognition Model....Pages 501-506
Views on the Energy Efficiency Service Industry in China....Pages 507-511
Problems and Solutions of Information Science Education in China....Pages 513-517
Factors Influencing Bilingual Teaching on Computer Science....Pages 519-523
Assessment of Yield Variability by Linear Regression Model....Pages 525-529
Effect of Different Land Use on Activity and Composition of Ammonia-Oxidizing Bacteria in an Alfisol Soil....Pages 531-536
Research on Optimization of Random Storage Capacity with Analysis of Scientific Materials in Logistics System....Pages 537-542
Recognition of Tea Taste Signal Based on Rough Set....Pages 543-550
Research on Occurrence of Phosphorus in Sediments of Nansihu Lake and Its Main Inflow Rivers Based on Analysis of Scientifc Materials....Pages 551-556
The Alternating Direction Iterative of Static Electric Field for Axial Symmetric Charge Distribution....Pages 557-562
Computation of Pile-Sinking Resistance of Jacked Pile Based on Cavities Expansion Theory....Pages 563-568
Urban Rail Transit Environmental Impact Assessment Based on Extension Matter-Element Model....Pages 569-575
A Class of Exact Solutions of the BBM Equations....Pages 577-580
Research on Sentiment Analyzing in Multi-topics Texts....Pages 581-586
The Relationship of Cell Factors and Coronary Artery Disease and Risk Factors....Pages 587-590
A Relative Achievement Method for Marine Environmental Management Evaluation....Pages 591-595
Impact of Different Spatial Resolution Image on Landuse/Cover....Pages 597-601
The Testing Technology Research of Automotive Fastener Comprehensive Performance....Pages 603-607
Design of Adaptive Controller for Micro Reactor Temperature Control....Pages 609-614
The Design for the Developing Environment of Configuration Software....Pages 615-621
Artificial Neural Network Based Modeling of Glucose Metabolism....Pages 623-627
The Monetary Multiplier Effect of Electronic Money—Co-integration Test Based on Quarterly Data of China....Pages 629-634
Soil Moisture Retrieval from Remote Sensing Data in Arid Areas Using a Multiple Models Strategy....Pages 635-643
On Regulation of Urban Runoff Pollution Abatement....Pages 645-650
Optimization of Urban Rainwater Drainage System with Help of Remote Sensing Technology....Pages 651-656
The Segmentation Algorithm of Region Feature Based on MAPX....Pages 657-661
Evaluation on Water Quality Risk Based on Unascertained Mathematics Theory of Wohushan Reservoir....Pages 663-668
The Principle and Applications of Bridge Type Loops-Water Source Heat Pump with 4 Functions....Pages 669-674
FPD Grayscale Modulation Based on Human Visual System....Pages 675-679
Research on Simulation of Logistic Impact on the Environment Based on System Dynamics....Pages 681-686
Method for Forecasting the Logistics Demand of Shenyang Economic Zone Based on BP Neural Network....Pages 687-692
Simulation and Analysis on Flow and Pollutant of Jinan Queshan Reservoir....Pages 693-699
The Research of Peer-to-Peer Wireless Network Based on Open Source Linux Routers....Pages 701-705
Infrared Target Recognition Based on Combined Feature and Improved Adaboost Algorithm....Pages 707-712
Image De-blurring Using Sparse Representation and Iterative Algorithm....Pages 713-717
The GIS-Based Research on the Managerial Decision Support System for the Eco-environment Water Requirement of Qingyi River Watershed....Pages 719-724
The Research on Cost Estimate of Engineering Maintenance Based on Neural Networks....Pages 725-732
Analysis of the Relationship between Chinese E-Commerce and E-Government....Pages 733-736
On the Study of Human Resource Management of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises on the Background of Postfinancial Crisis Times....Pages 737-741
Prisoner’s Letter Checking Algorithm Based on Bayesian....Pages 743-746
Position Selection Algorithm before Civil Servant Exam Based on Margin Tree....Pages 747-750
Algorithm Research on Delaunay TIN Generation and Real Time Updating....Pages 751-757
Performance Simulation of Hybrid Power Tactical Vehicle Based on AMESim....Pages 759-765
Constructing the Information Management System Based on Ontology and Concept Lattices....Pages 767-772
Back Matter....Pages -
CSISE2011 is an integrated conference concentrating its focus upon Computer Science?Intelligent System and Environment. In the proceeding, you can learn much more knowledge about Computer Science, Intelligent System and Environment of researchers all around the world. The international conference will provide a forum for engineers, scientist, teachers and all researchers to discuss their latest research achievements and their future research plan. The main role of the proceeding is to be used as an exchange pillar for researchers who are working in the mentioned field. In order to meet high standard of Springer?s Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing ,the organization committee has made their efforts to do the following things. Firstly, poor quality paper has been refused after reviewing course by anonymous referee experts. Secondly, periodically review meetings have been held around the reviewers about five times for exchanging reviewing suggestions. Finally, the conference organization had several preliminary sessions before the conference. Through efforts of different people and departments, the conference will be successful and fruitful. We hope that you can get much more knowledges from our CSISE2011, and we also hope that you can give us good suggestions to improve our work in the future.
Front Matter....Pages -
FPD Image Quality Evaluation Based on Visual Ergonomics....Pages 1-5
An Improved Method of Image Enhancement Based on Wavelet Transform....Pages 7-11
The Adaptive Material and Structure Analysis of Feedback Circuit in Industry Evolution and Enterprise Growth....Pages 13-18
Measurement of Decision-Making Mechanism under Different Governance Context: Quantitative Analysis Based on Manufacturing Industry Enterprises in Zhejiang....Pages 19-22
An Approximate Algorithm Application to Solve the Location-Selection of Wireless Network Problem....Pages 23-27
An Intra-organizational Tacit Knowledge Transfer Model on Introduction of Talent....Pages 29-34
An Investigation on Chinese College Students’ Web-Based Self-access English Learning....Pages 35-39
A Study on the Three-Point-in-One-Unit Approach: A New Model of Chinese College Students’ Web-Based Self-access English Learning....Pages 41-46
Research on the Curve Fitting for Numerical Controller Based on Fuzzy Reasoning....Pages 47-52
Chain Effect and Control of Environmental Disaster Induced by Underground Mining....Pages 53-59
Determination of the Original Probability of the Target Distributing Function for the Accidental Pollution Sources in a Drainage Area....Pages 61-67
Winning the Industrial Competitiveness with E-Commerce Adopting Component-Based Software Architecture....Pages 69-75
The Application of Frequency Domain and Time Domain Analysis on Vortex Flowmeter Signal Processing....Pages 77-82
The Relationship between College Students’ Social Problem-Solving and Internet Addiction Tendency Based on Certain Intelligent Materials System....Pages 83-87
A Brief Construction on Innovative e-Learning System Based on Intelligent Materials....Pages 89-94
Nutrients Dosage Control in Biological Treatment of Whitewater Reuse....Pages 95-99
The Traits of Biorthogonal Quarternary Small Function Wraps According to Quantity Matrix Dilation....Pages 101-106
The Characters of Multiscale Pseudoframes of Subspace According to Binary Filter Functions....Pages 107-112
The Research of Security Technology in the Internet of Things....Pages 113-119
Novel Algorithms to Restrain Deviation When Synthesizing Adjustable Frequency Signal Using DDS....Pages 121-126
Flexible Collaborative Learning Model in E-Learning with Personalized Teaching Materials....Pages 127-131
Selection of Suppliers in Fuzzy Environment with Stock-Out Allowed and Its Heuristic Algorithm for Solution....Pages 133-138
Noisy Speech Enhancement Using a Novel a Priori SNR Estimation....Pages 139-145
A Distributed Cross-Realm Identification Scheme Based on Hyperchaos System....Pages 147-152
An Signal Denoising Method Based on Modified Wavelet Threshold Filtering for Ocean Depth....Pages 153-158
Research on Design of Signal Acquisition Card in Bridge Health Monitoring System Based on Certain Intelligent Materials Design of Signal....Pages 159-163
Low Illumination Image Denoising Research and Its Real-Time Implement....Pages 165-170
Study of Environmental Impact Parameters on National Days in Typical Traffic Streets of Shanghai Based on Modified Grey Cluster Method....Pages 171-175
A Way for Real-Time Rendering Algorithm of Visual Endoscopy Scene Based on GPU....Pages 177-181
FPGA Implementation of a Novel Type DDS Based on CORDIC Algorithm....Pages 183-188
Unsupervised Kernel Fuzzy Clustering Based on Differential Evolution Algorithm in Intelligent Materials System....Pages 189-192
Variations of Western Boundary of the Kuroshio in the East China Sea....Pages 193-199
Reusable Pseudonym Privacy Protection in Pervasive Computing....Pages 201-205
Wasterwater Factories Solution on SCADA System....Pages 207-211
M-Learning Interactive Design for Computer Core Course....Pages 213-217
Modeling and Simulation of Water Fountain Control Software in Ptolemy II....Pages 219-224
Space Vector Modulated Direct Torque Control for PMSM....Pages 225-230
Robust Model Predictive Control for Nonlinear Systems....Pages 231-237
The Factors Affecting Relationship between COD and TOC of Typical Papermaking Wastewater....Pages 239-244
An Equilibrium Algorithm to Simulate the Structure of Land Use Changes....Pages 245-249
Research on Computer-Based Simulation for the Dynamics of Land System....Pages 251-255
Estimation System for Land Productivity....Pages 257-261
Design and Realizing of Face Recognition Algorithm....Pages 263-268
Research on Chaos Caused by a Transitive Map Based on Intelligent Materials....Pages 269-275
Unlimited Numeric Class Based on Deque....Pages 277-281
Experimentation and Finite Element Analysis of Electric Field Structure of Electrospinning Machine....Pages 283-289
Construction of Finitely Supported Tight Wavelet Frames with Two Generators....Pages 291-296
Analysis of the Schemes of Some Reservoir on Its Dam Foundation Seepage Prevention and Slope Protection against Waves in the Northwest Arid Area....Pages 297-301
Speckle Denoising for Digital Holographic Reconstructed Image Base on Image Edge Detection....Pages 303-308
The Alternating Direction Iterative of Axial Symmetric Electrostatic Field without Charge Current Distribution....Pages 309-313
The Influence Research of Surface Water Depth to Infiltration....Pages 315-319
A Method Based on Bochs for Accelerating the x86 Timing Emulator....Pages 321-325
An Empirical Comparison of Two Boosting Algorithms on Real Data Sets Based on Analysis of Scientific Materials....Pages 327-331
A Fourth-Order Newton-Type Method Free from Second Derivative for Solving Non-linear Equations....Pages 333-337
A Cooperative Co-evolutionary Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm Based on Niche Sharing Scheme for Function Optimization....Pages 339-345
Research on Comprehensive Evaluation of Biomass Energy Using Performance in Rural Areas....Pages 347-352
A Shooting Algorithm Based on the Best Zone and Dynamic Referencing Circle for Soccer Robot....Pages 353-357
The Mixing Characteristics of a Transverse Jet under Different Reynolds Number and Velocity Ratio....Pages 359-363
Numerical Simulation on the Complex Flow Mechanism for PEMFC’s Porous Electrode....Pages 365-371
Autocorrelation Performance Improvement of Hopfield Hyperchaos Sequence Based on APAS Theorem....Pages 373-378
Prediction of Precipitation Based on Artificial Neural Networks by Free Search....Pages 379-384
Research on Investor Sentiment Effect on A-Share Market in China Based on Analysis of A-Share Materials....Pages 385-390
Block Permutation Cipher in Chaos with Feistel Structure for Wireless Sensor Networks....Pages 391-396
Growth Responses and Phytoremediation Characteristics of Mirabilis Jalapa L. in Benzo[a]pyrene and Pyrene Co-contaminated Soils....Pages 397-403
The Alternating Direction Iterative of Axial Symmetrical and Static Magnetic Field without Charge and Current Distribution....Pages 405-410
Control Schistosomiasis Spreading Based on the Snail’s Hydrodynamic Characteristics in China: A Review....Pages 411-415
Parameter Inversion of Constitutive Model of Soil Using Neural Networks....Pages 417-420
Optimal Estimation of Forest Carbon Sequestration Based on Eddy Correlation Method....Pages 421-426
Middle Atmospheric Density and Temperature Detection Using Rayleigh Lidar....Pages 427-433
Improvement and Application of Medical Image Segmentation Method Based on FCM....Pages 435-439
Algorithm for NC Tool Paths Automatic Generation on Surfaces Based on Space-Filling Curves....Pages 441-445
Research on a Distributed Database System Based on Peer-to-Peer Model with Scientific Materials....Pages 447-451
The Experimental Study on Ozone to Remove NO by DBD....Pages 453-458
Research on the Effect of Adding O2 to DBD Method for Removing NO....Pages 459-466
Using Rough Set to Build Domain Ontology of Knowledge Information System....Pages 467-472
Finite Element Analysis of Tractor Diesel Engine Connecting Rod....Pages 473-477
Research on Key Technology of Collaborative Virtual Maintenance Training System in Large-Scale Complex Equipment....Pages 479-485
Study of the Optimal Water Resources Allocation Scenarios in Pingxiang City....Pages 487-493
Node Wake-Up Scheduling Mechanism for Delay Tolerant Networks....Pages 495-500
Shanghai Hangzhou Bay North Shore Water Environment Impact Assessment Based on Grey Recognition Model....Pages 501-506
Views on the Energy Efficiency Service Industry in China....Pages 507-511
Problems and Solutions of Information Science Education in China....Pages 513-517
Factors Influencing Bilingual Teaching on Computer Science....Pages 519-523
Assessment of Yield Variability by Linear Regression Model....Pages 525-529
Effect of Different Land Use on Activity and Composition of Ammonia-Oxidizing Bacteria in an Alfisol Soil....Pages 531-536
Research on Optimization of Random Storage Capacity with Analysis of Scientific Materials in Logistics System....Pages 537-542
Recognition of Tea Taste Signal Based on Rough Set....Pages 543-550
Research on Occurrence of Phosphorus in Sediments of Nansihu Lake and Its Main Inflow Rivers Based on Analysis of Scientifc Materials....Pages 551-556
The Alternating Direction Iterative of Static Electric Field for Axial Symmetric Charge Distribution....Pages 557-562
Computation of Pile-Sinking Resistance of Jacked Pile Based on Cavities Expansion Theory....Pages 563-568
Urban Rail Transit Environmental Impact Assessment Based on Extension Matter-Element Model....Pages 569-575
A Class of Exact Solutions of the BBM Equations....Pages 577-580
Research on Sentiment Analyzing in Multi-topics Texts....Pages 581-586
The Relationship of Cell Factors and Coronary Artery Disease and Risk Factors....Pages 587-590
A Relative Achievement Method for Marine Environmental Management Evaluation....Pages 591-595
Impact of Different Spatial Resolution Image on Landuse/Cover....Pages 597-601
The Testing Technology Research of Automotive Fastener Comprehensive Performance....Pages 603-607
Design of Adaptive Controller for Micro Reactor Temperature Control....Pages 609-614
The Design for the Developing Environment of Configuration Software....Pages 615-621
Artificial Neural Network Based Modeling of Glucose Metabolism....Pages 623-627
The Monetary Multiplier Effect of Electronic Money—Co-integration Test Based on Quarterly Data of China....Pages 629-634
Soil Moisture Retrieval from Remote Sensing Data in Arid Areas Using a Multiple Models Strategy....Pages 635-643
On Regulation of Urban Runoff Pollution Abatement....Pages 645-650
Optimization of Urban Rainwater Drainage System with Help of Remote Sensing Technology....Pages 651-656
The Segmentation Algorithm of Region Feature Based on MAPX....Pages 657-661
Evaluation on Water Quality Risk Based on Unascertained Mathematics Theory of Wohushan Reservoir....Pages 663-668
The Principle and Applications of Bridge Type Loops-Water Source Heat Pump with 4 Functions....Pages 669-674
FPD Grayscale Modulation Based on Human Visual System....Pages 675-679
Research on Simulation of Logistic Impact on the Environment Based on System Dynamics....Pages 681-686
Method for Forecasting the Logistics Demand of Shenyang Economic Zone Based on BP Neural Network....Pages 687-692
Simulation and Analysis on Flow and Pollutant of Jinan Queshan Reservoir....Pages 693-699
The Research of Peer-to-Peer Wireless Network Based on Open Source Linux Routers....Pages 701-705
Infrared Target Recognition Based on Combined Feature and Improved Adaboost Algorithm....Pages 707-712
Image De-blurring Using Sparse Representation and Iterative Algorithm....Pages 713-717
The GIS-Based Research on the Managerial Decision Support System for the Eco-environment Water Requirement of Qingyi River Watershed....Pages 719-724
The Research on Cost Estimate of Engineering Maintenance Based on Neural Networks....Pages 725-732
Analysis of the Relationship between Chinese E-Commerce and E-Government....Pages 733-736
On the Study of Human Resource Management of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises on the Background of Postfinancial Crisis Times....Pages 737-741
Prisoner’s Letter Checking Algorithm Based on Bayesian....Pages 743-746
Position Selection Algorithm before Civil Servant Exam Based on Margin Tree....Pages 747-750
Algorithm Research on Delaunay TIN Generation and Real Time Updating....Pages 751-757
Performance Simulation of Hybrid Power Tactical Vehicle Based on AMESim....Pages 759-765
Constructing the Information Management System Based on Ontology and Concept Lattices....Pages 767-772
Back Matter....Pages -