Online Library » Recent Advances in Mechatronics

Mechatronics is the synergistic combination of precision engineering, electronics, photonics and IT engineering. The main research task for mechatronics is development and control of advanced hybrid systems covering all these fields and supported by interdisciplinary studies.

This book presents recent state of advances in mechatronics presented on the 7th International Conference Mechatronics 2007, hosted at the Faculty of Mechatronics, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland. The chosen topics of the conference included: Nanotechnology, Automatic Control & Robotics, Biomedical Engineering, Design Manufacturing and Testing of MEMS, Metrology, Photonics, Mechatronic Products. The selected papers give an overview of the state-of-the-art and present new research results and prospects of the future development in this interdisciplinary field of mechatronic systems. This book will provide up-to-date and useful knowledge for researchers and engineers involved in mechatronics and related fields.

Mechatronics is the synergistic combination of precision engineering, electronics, photonics and IT engineering. The main research task for mechatronics is development and control of advanced hybrid systems covering all these fields and supported by interdisciplinary studies.

This book presents recent state of advances in mechatronics presented on the 7th International Conference Mechatronics 2007, hosted at the Faculty of Mechatronics, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland. The chosen topics of the conference included: Nanotechnology, Automatic Control & Robotics, Biomedical Engineering, Design Manufacturing and Testing of MEMS, Metrology, Photonics, Mechatronic Products. The selected papers give an overview of the state-of-the-art and present new research results and prospects of the future development in this interdisciplinary field of mechatronic systems. This book will provide up-to-date and useful knowledge for researchers and engineers involved in mechatronics and related fields.

Mechatronics is the synergistic combination of precision engineering, electronics, photonics and IT engineering. The main research task for mechatronics is development and control of advanced hybrid systems covering all these fields and supported by interdisciplinary studies.

This book presents recent state of advances in mechatronics presented on the 7th International Conference Mechatronics 2007, hosted at the Faculty of Mechatronics, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland. The chosen topics of the conference included: Nanotechnology, Automatic Control & Robotics, Biomedical Engineering, Design Manufacturing and Testing of MEMS, Metrology, Photonics, Mechatronic Products. The selected papers give an overview of the state-of-the-art and present new research results and prospects of the future development in this interdisciplinary field of mechatronic systems. This book will provide up-to-date and useful knowledge for researchers and engineers involved in mechatronics and related fields.

Front Matter....Pages I-XVIII
Dynamical behaviors of the C axis multibody mass system with the worm gear....Pages 1-5
Control unit architecture for biped robot....Pages 6-10
Quantifying the amount of spatial and temporal information in video test sequences....Pages 11-15
Genetic Identification of Parameters the Piezoelectric Ceramic Transducers for Cleaning System....Pages 16-21
Simulation Modeling and Control of a Mobile Robot with Omnidirectional Wheels....Pages 22-26
Environment detection and recognition system of a mobile robot for inspecting ventilation ducts....Pages 27-31
Calculation of robot model using feed-forward neural nets....Pages 32-36
EmAmigo framework for developing behavior-based control systems of inspection robots....Pages 37-41
Simulation of Stirling engine working cycle....Pages 42-46
Mobile robot for inspecting ventilation ducts....Pages 47-51
Applications of augmented reality in machinery design, maintenance and diagnostics....Pages 52-56
Approach to Early Boiler Tube Leak Detection with Artificial Neural Networks....Pages 57-61
Behavior-based control system of a mobile robot for the visual inspection of ventilation ducts....Pages 62-66
Simulation and Realization of Combined Snake Robot....Pages 67-71
Design of Combined Snake Robot....Pages 72-76
Design of small-outline robot - simulator of gait of an amphibian....Pages 77-81
The necessary condition for information usefulness in signal parameter estimation....Pages 82-86
Grammar Based Automatic Speech Recognition System for the Polish Language....Pages 87-91
State Controller of Active Magnetic Bearing....Pages 92-96
Fuzzy set approach to signal detection....Pages 97-101
The robot for practical verifying of artificial intelligence methods: Micro-mouse task....Pages 102-106
The enhancement of PCSM method by motion history analysis....Pages 107-110
Mathematical Model for the Multi-attribute Control of the air-conditioning in green houses....Pages 111-115
Kohonen Self-Organizing Map for the Traveling Salesperson Problem....Pages 116-119
Simulation modeling, optimalization and stabilisation of biped robot....Pages 120-125
Extended kinematics for control of quadruped robot....Pages 126-130
Application of the image processing methods for analysis of two-phase flow in turbomachinery....Pages 131-135
Optoelectronic Sensor with Quadrant Diode Patterns Used in the Mobile Robots Navigation....Pages 136-140
Mathematical Analysis of Stability for Inverter Fed Synchronous Motor with Fuzzy Logic Control....Pages 141-145
The influence of active control strategy on working machines seat suspension behavior....Pages 146-150
Verification of the walking gait generation algorithms using branch and bound methods....Pages 151-155
Control of a Stewart platform with fuzzy logic and artificial neural network compensation....Pages 156-160
Mechanical carrier of a mobile robot for inspecting ventilation ducts....Pages 161-166
The issue of symptoms based diagnostic reasoning....Pages 167-171
The idea and the realization of the virtual laboratory based on the AMandD system....Pages 172-179
The discrete methods for solutions of continuous-time systems....Pages 180-184
Control units for small electric drives with universal software interface....Pages 185-189
Predictor for Control of Stator Winding Water Cooling of Synchronous Machine....Pages 190-194
The Design of the Device for Cord Implants Tuning....Pages 195-199
Time Series Analysis of Nonstationary Data in Encephalography and Related Noise Modelling....Pages 200-205
Ambient dose equivalent meter for neutron dosimetry around medical accelerators....Pages 206-210
External Fixation and Osteogenesis Progress Tracking Out in Use to Control Condition and Mechanical Environment of the Broken Bone Adhesion Zone....Pages 211-215
Evaluation of PSG sleep parameters applied to alcohol addiction detection....Pages 216-221
Drive and control system for TAH application....Pages 222-226
Acoustic schwannoma detection algorithm supporting stereoscopic visualization of MRI and CT head data in pre-operational stage....Pages 227-232
Computer gait diagnostics for people with hips implants....Pages 233-237
Time Series Analysis of Nonstationary Data in Encephalography and Related Noise Modelling....Pages 238-242
Precision Electrodischarge Machining of High Silicon P/M Aluminium Alloys for Electronic Application....Pages 243-247
Modeling of drive system with vector controlled induction machine coupled with elastic mechanical system....Pages 248-252
Method of increasing performance of stepper actuators....Pages 253-257
Methods of image processing in vision system for assessing welded joints quality....Pages 258-262
Application of analysis of thermographic images to machine state assessment....Pages 263-267
The use of nonlinear optimisation algorithms in multiple view geometry....Pages 268-272
Modeling and Simulation Method of Precision Grinding Processes....Pages 273-277
Determination of DC micro-motor characteristics by electrical measurements....Pages 278-282
Poly-optimization of coil in electromagnetic linear actuator....Pages 283-287
Characterization of Fabrication Errors in Structure Geometry for Microtextured Surfaces....Pages 288-292
Accelerated Fatigue Tests of Lead — free soldered SMT Joints....Pages 293-297
Early Failure Detection in Fatigue Tests of BGA Packages....Pages 298-302
Design and Fabrication of Tools for Microcutting Processes....Pages 303-307
Ultra capacitors — new source of power....Pages 308-312
Implementation of RoHS Technology in Electronic Industry....Pages 313-317
Simulation of Unilateral Constraint in MBS software SimMechanics....Pages 318-322
Fast prototyping approach in design of new type high speed injection moulding machine....Pages 323-329
Ultra-precision machine feedback-controlled using hexapod-type measurement device for six-degree-of-freedom relative motions between tool and workpiece....Pages 330-334
Mechatronics aspects of in-pipe minimachine on screw-nut principle design....Pages 335-339
Assembly and soldering process in Lead-free Technology....Pages 340-344
Applying Mechatronic Strategies in Forming Technology Using the Example of Retrofitting a Cross Rolling Machine....Pages 345-349
Simulation of Vibration Power Generator....Pages 350-354
An Integrated Mechatronics Approach to Ultra-Precision Devices for Applications in Micro and Nanotechnology....Pages 355-359
Conductive silver thick films filled with carbon nanotubes....Pages 360-364
Perspectives of applications of micro-machining utilizing water jet guided laser....Pages 365-369
Selected Problems of Micro Injection Moulding of Microelements....Pages 370-374
Estimation of a geometrical structure surface in the polishing process of flexible grinding tools with zone differentiation flexibility of a grinding tool....Pages 375-380
Fast Prototyping of Wireless Smart Sensor....Pages 381-385
Microscopic and macroscopic modelling of polymerization shrinkage....Pages 386-390
Study of Friction on Microtextured Surfaces....Pages 391-395
Design of the magnetic levitation suspension for the linear stepping motor....Pages 396-400
Analyze of Image Quality of Ink Jet Printouts....Pages 401-405
Development of Braille’s Printers....Pages 406-410
The influence of Ga initial boundaries on the identification of nonlinear damping characteristics of shock absorber....Pages 411-415
Digital diagnostics of combustion process in piston engine....Pages 416-420
Superplasticity properties of magnesium alloys....Pages 421-425
Technological Process Identification in Non-Continuous Materials....Pages 426-430
Problems in Derivation of Abrasive Tools Cutting Properties with Use of Computer Vision....Pages 431-437
Mechatronic stand for gas aerostatic bearing measurement....Pages 438-442
Compression strength of injection moulded dielectromagnets....Pages 443-447
Over-crossing test to evaluation of shock absorber condition....Pages 448-452
Laboratory Verification of the Active Vibration Isolation of the Driver Seat....Pages 453-457
Variants of Mechatronic Vibration Suppression of Machine Tools....Pages 458-463
Flexible Rotor with the System of Automatic Compensation of Dynamic Forces....Pages 464-469
Properties of High Porosity Structures Made of Metal Fibers....Pages 470-474
Fast prototyping approach in developing low air consumption pneumatic system....Pages 475-479
Chip card for communicating with the telephone line using DTMF tones....Pages 480-484
CFD Tools in Stirling Engine Virtual Design....Pages 485-489
Analysis of viscous-elastic model in vibratory processing....Pages 490-494
Improvement of performance of precision drive systems by means of additional feedback loop employed....Pages 495-499
“Manipulation of single-electrons in Si nanodevices....Pages 500-504
Calibration of normal force in atomic force microscope....Pages 505-510
Advanced Algorithm for Measuring Tilt with MEMS Accelerometers....Pages 511-515
Theoretical and Constructive Aspects Regarding Small Dimension Parts Manufacturing by Stereophotolithography....Pages 516-520
Comparative Studies of Advantages of Integrated Monolithic versus Hybrid Microsystems....Pages 521-525
New thermally actuated microscnner — design, analysis and simulations....Pages 526-530
Influence study of thermal effects on MEMS cantilever behavior....Pages 531-535
Comparison of mechanical properties of thin films of SiNx deposited on silicon....Pages 536-540
Micro- and nanoscale testing of tribomechanical properties of surfaces....Pages 541-545
Novel design of silicon microstructure for evaluating mechanical properties of thin films under quasi axial tensile conditions....Pages 546-550
Computer simulation of dynamic atomic force microscopy....Pages 551-555
KFM measurements of an ultrathin SOI-FET channel surface....Pages 556-560
The improvement of pipeline mathematical model for the purposes of leak detection....Pages 561-565
Thermodynamic Analysis of Internal Combustion Engine....Pages 566-570
Extraction and liniarization of information provided from the multi-sensorial systems....Pages 571-575
Contact sensor for robotic applications - Design and verification of functionality....Pages 576-580
Two-variable pressure and temperature measuring converter based on piezoresistive sensor....Pages 581-585
Modelling the influence of temperature on the magnetic characteristics of Fe40Ni38Mo4B18 amorphous alloy for magnetoelastic sensors....Pages 586-590
“Soft particles” scattering theory applied to the experiment with K?rm?n vortex....Pages 591-595
Measurement of cylinder diameter by laser scanning....Pages 596-600
Tyre global characteristics of motorcycle....Pages 601-605
Magnetoelastic torque sensors with amorphous ring core....Pages 606-610
Subjective video quality evaluation: an influence of a number of subjects on the measurement stability....Pages 611-615
The grating interferometry and the strain gauge sensors in the magnetostriction strain measurements....Pages 616-620
Micro-features measurement using meso-volume CMM....Pages 621-626
Distance measuring interferometer with zerodur based light frequency stabilization....Pages 627-631
Application of CFD for the purposes of dust and mist measurements....Pages 632-636
Optomechatronics cameras for full-field, remote monitoring and measurements of mechanical parts....Pages 637-642
The studies of the illumination/detection module in Integrated Microinterferometric Extensometer....Pages 643-647
Analysis and design of a stationary Fourier-transform spectrometer using Wollaston prism array....Pages 648-652
Modeling and design of Microinterferometric Tomography....Pages 653-657
Technology chain for production of low-cost high aspect ratio optical structures....Pages 658-662
Automatic color calibration method for high fidelity color reproduction digital camera by spectral measurement of picture area with integrated fiber optic spectrometer....Pages 663-667
Coherent noise reduction in optical diffraction tomography....Pages 668-672
On micro hole geometry measurement applying polar co-ordinate laser scanning method....Pages 673-678
Silicon quantum detectors with large photosensitive surface....Pages 679-683
Fizeau interferometry with automated fringe pattern analysis using temporal and spatial phase shifting....Pages 684-689
Back Matter....Pages 691-693

Mechatronics is the synergistic combination of precision engineering, electronics, photonics and IT engineering. The main research task for mechatronics is development and control of advanced hybrid systems covering all these fields and supported by interdisciplinary studies.

This book presents recent state of advances in mechatronics presented on the 7th International Conference Mechatronics 2007, hosted at the Faculty of Mechatronics, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland. The chosen topics of the conference included: Nanotechnology, Automatic Control & Robotics, Biomedical Engineering, Design Manufacturing and Testing of MEMS, Metrology, Photonics, Mechatronic Products. The selected papers give an overview of the state-of-the-art and present new research results and prospects of the future development in this interdisciplinary field of mechatronic systems. This book will provide up-to-date and useful knowledge for researchers and engineers involved in mechatronics and related fields.

Front Matter....Pages I-XVIII
Dynamical behaviors of the C axis multibody mass system with the worm gear....Pages 1-5
Control unit architecture for biped robot....Pages 6-10
Quantifying the amount of spatial and temporal information in video test sequences....Pages 11-15
Genetic Identification of Parameters the Piezoelectric Ceramic Transducers for Cleaning System....Pages 16-21
Simulation Modeling and Control of a Mobile Robot with Omnidirectional Wheels....Pages 22-26
Environment detection and recognition system of a mobile robot for inspecting ventilation ducts....Pages 27-31
Calculation of robot model using feed-forward neural nets....Pages 32-36
EmAmigo framework for developing behavior-based control systems of inspection robots....Pages 37-41
Simulation of Stirling engine working cycle....Pages 42-46
Mobile robot for inspecting ventilation ducts....Pages 47-51
Applications of augmented reality in machinery design, maintenance and diagnostics....Pages 52-56
Approach to Early Boiler Tube Leak Detection with Artificial Neural Networks....Pages 57-61
Behavior-based control system of a mobile robot for the visual inspection of ventilation ducts....Pages 62-66
Simulation and Realization of Combined Snake Robot....Pages 67-71
Design of Combined Snake Robot....Pages 72-76
Design of small-outline robot - simulator of gait of an amphibian....Pages 77-81
The necessary condition for information usefulness in signal parameter estimation....Pages 82-86
Grammar Based Automatic Speech Recognition System for the Polish Language....Pages 87-91
State Controller of Active Magnetic Bearing....Pages 92-96
Fuzzy set approach to signal detection....Pages 97-101
The robot for practical verifying of artificial intelligence methods: Micro-mouse task....Pages 102-106
The enhancement of PCSM method by motion history analysis....Pages 107-110
Mathematical Model for the Multi-attribute Control of the air-conditioning in green houses....Pages 111-115
Kohonen Self-Organizing Map for the Traveling Salesperson Problem....Pages 116-119
Simulation modeling, optimalization and stabilisation of biped robot....Pages 120-125
Extended kinematics for control of quadruped robot....Pages 126-130
Application of the image processing methods for analysis of two-phase flow in turbomachinery....Pages 131-135
Optoelectronic Sensor with Quadrant Diode Patterns Used in the Mobile Robots Navigation....Pages 136-140
Mathematical Analysis of Stability for Inverter Fed Synchronous Motor with Fuzzy Logic Control....Pages 141-145
The influence of active control strategy on working machines seat suspension behavior....Pages 146-150
Verification of the walking gait generation algorithms using branch and bound methods....Pages 151-155
Control of a Stewart platform with fuzzy logic and artificial neural network compensation....Pages 156-160
Mechanical carrier of a mobile robot for inspecting ventilation ducts....Pages 161-166
The issue of symptoms based diagnostic reasoning....Pages 167-171
The idea and the realization of the virtual laboratory based on the AMandD system....Pages 172-179
The discrete methods for solutions of continuous-time systems....Pages 180-184
Control units for small electric drives with universal software interface....Pages 185-189
Predictor for Control of Stator Winding Water Cooling of Synchronous Machine....Pages 190-194
The Design of the Device for Cord Implants Tuning....Pages 195-199
Time Series Analysis of Nonstationary Data in Encephalography and Related Noise Modelling....Pages 200-205
Ambient dose equivalent meter for neutron dosimetry around medical accelerators....Pages 206-210
External Fixation and Osteogenesis Progress Tracking Out in Use to Control Condition and Mechanical Environment of the Broken Bone Adhesion Zone....Pages 211-215
Evaluation of PSG sleep parameters applied to alcohol addiction detection....Pages 216-221
Drive and control system for TAH application....Pages 222-226
Acoustic schwannoma detection algorithm supporting stereoscopic visualization of MRI and CT head data in pre-operational stage....Pages 227-232
Computer gait diagnostics for people with hips implants....Pages 233-237
Time Series Analysis of Nonstationary Data in Encephalography and Related Noise Modelling....Pages 238-242
Precision Electrodischarge Machining of High Silicon P/M Aluminium Alloys for Electronic Application....Pages 243-247
Modeling of drive system with vector controlled induction machine coupled with elastic mechanical system....Pages 248-252
Method of increasing performance of stepper actuators....Pages 253-257
Methods of image processing in vision system for assessing welded joints quality....Pages 258-262
Application of analysis of thermographic images to machine state assessment....Pages 263-267
The use of nonlinear optimisation algorithms in multiple view geometry....Pages 268-272
Modeling and Simulation Method of Precision Grinding Processes....Pages 273-277
Determination of DC micro-motor characteristics by electrical measurements....Pages 278-282
Poly-optimization of coil in electromagnetic linear actuator....Pages 283-287
Characterization of Fabrication Errors in Structure Geometry for Microtextured Surfaces....Pages 288-292
Accelerated Fatigue Tests of Lead — free soldered SMT Joints....Pages 293-297
Early Failure Detection in Fatigue Tests of BGA Packages....Pages 298-302
Design and Fabrication of Tools for Microcutting Processes....Pages 303-307
Ultra capacitors — new source of power....Pages 308-312
Implementation of RoHS Technology in Electronic Industry....Pages 313-317
Simulation of Unilateral Constraint in MBS software SimMechanics....Pages 318-322
Fast prototyping approach in design of new type high speed injection moulding machine....Pages 323-329
Ultra-precision machine feedback-controlled using hexapod-type measurement device for six-degree-of-freedom relative motions between tool and workpiece....Pages 330-334
Mechatronics aspects of in-pipe minimachine on screw-nut principle design....Pages 335-339
Assembly and soldering process in Lead-free Technology....Pages 340-344
Applying Mechatronic Strategies in Forming Technology Using the Example of Retrofitting a Cross Rolling Machine....Pages 345-349
Simulation of Vibration Power Generator....Pages 350-354
An Integrated Mechatronics Approach to Ultra-Precision Devices for Applications in Micro and Nanotechnology....Pages 355-359
Conductive silver thick films filled with carbon nanotubes....Pages 360-364
Perspectives of applications of micro-machining utilizing water jet guided laser....Pages 365-369
Selected Problems of Micro Injection Moulding of Microelements....Pages 370-374
Estimation of a geometrical structure surface in the polishing process of flexible grinding tools with zone differentiation flexibility of a grinding tool....Pages 375-380
Fast Prototyping of Wireless Smart Sensor....Pages 381-385
Microscopic and macroscopic modelling of polymerization shrinkage....Pages 386-390
Study of Friction on Microtextured Surfaces....Pages 391-395
Design of the magnetic levitation suspension for the linear stepping motor....Pages 396-400
Analyze of Image Quality of Ink Jet Printouts....Pages 401-405
Development of Braille’s Printers....Pages 406-410
The influence of Ga initial boundaries on the identification of nonlinear damping characteristics of shock absorber....Pages 411-415
Digital diagnostics of combustion process in piston engine....Pages 416-420
Superplasticity properties of magnesium alloys....Pages 421-425
Technological Process Identification in Non-Continuous Materials....Pages 426-430
Problems in Derivation of Abrasive Tools Cutting Properties with Use of Computer Vision....Pages 431-437
Mechatronic stand for gas aerostatic bearing measurement....Pages 438-442
Compression strength of injection moulded dielectromagnets....Pages 443-447
Over-crossing test to evaluation of shock absorber condition....Pages 448-452
Laboratory Verification of the Active Vibration Isolation of the Driver Seat....Pages 453-457
Variants of Mechatronic Vibration Suppression of Machine Tools....Pages 458-463
Flexible Rotor with the System of Automatic Compensation of Dynamic Forces....Pages 464-469
Properties of High Porosity Structures Made of Metal Fibers....Pages 470-474
Fast prototyping approach in developing low air consumption pneumatic system....Pages 475-479
Chip card for communicating with the telephone line using DTMF tones....Pages 480-484
CFD Tools in Stirling Engine Virtual Design....Pages 485-489
Analysis of viscous-elastic model in vibratory processing....Pages 490-494
Improvement of performance of precision drive systems by means of additional feedback loop employed....Pages 495-499
“Manipulation of single-electrons in Si nanodevices....Pages 500-504
Calibration of normal force in atomic force microscope....Pages 505-510
Advanced Algorithm for Measuring Tilt with MEMS Accelerometers....Pages 511-515
Theoretical and Constructive Aspects Regarding Small Dimension Parts Manufacturing by Stereophotolithography....Pages 516-520
Comparative Studies of Advantages of Integrated Monolithic versus Hybrid Microsystems....Pages 521-525
New thermally actuated microscnner — design, analysis and simulations....Pages 526-530
Influence study of thermal effects on MEMS cantilever behavior....Pages 531-535
Comparison of mechanical properties of thin films of SiNx deposited on silicon....Pages 536-540
Micro- and nanoscale testing of tribomechanical properties of surfaces....Pages 541-545
Novel design of silicon microstructure for evaluating mechanical properties of thin films under quasi axial tensile conditions....Pages 546-550
Computer simulation of dynamic atomic force microscopy....Pages 551-555
KFM measurements of an ultrathin SOI-FET channel surface....Pages 556-560
The improvement of pipeline mathematical model for the purposes of leak detection....Pages 561-565
Thermodynamic Analysis of Internal Combustion Engine....Pages 566-570
Extraction and liniarization of information provided from the multi-sensorial systems....Pages 571-575
Contact sensor for robotic applications - Design and verification of functionality....Pages 576-580
Two-variable pressure and temperature measuring converter based on piezoresistive sensor....Pages 581-585
Modelling the influence of temperature on the magnetic characteristics of Fe40Ni38Mo4B18 amorphous alloy for magnetoelastic sensors....Pages 586-590
“Soft particles” scattering theory applied to the experiment with K?rm?n vortex....Pages 591-595
Measurement of cylinder diameter by laser scanning....Pages 596-600
Tyre global characteristics of motorcycle....Pages 601-605
Magnetoelastic torque sensors with amorphous ring core....Pages 606-610
Subjective video quality evaluation: an influence of a number of subjects on the measurement stability....Pages 611-615
The grating interferometry and the strain gauge sensors in the magnetostriction strain measurements....Pages 616-620
Micro-features measurement using meso-volume CMM....Pages 621-626
Distance measuring interferometer with zerodur based light frequency stabilization....Pages 627-631
Application of CFD for the purposes of dust and mist measurements....Pages 632-636
Optomechatronics cameras for full-field, remote monitoring and measurements of mechanical parts....Pages 637-642
The studies of the illumination/detection module in Integrated Microinterferometric Extensometer....Pages 643-647
Analysis and design of a stationary Fourier-transform spectrometer using Wollaston prism array....Pages 648-652
Modeling and design of Microinterferometric Tomography....Pages 653-657
Technology chain for production of low-cost high aspect ratio optical structures....Pages 658-662
Automatic color calibration method for high fidelity color reproduction digital camera by spectral measurement of picture area with integrated fiber optic spectrometer....Pages 663-667
Coherent noise reduction in optical diffraction tomography....Pages 668-672
On micro hole geometry measurement applying polar co-ordinate laser scanning method....Pages 673-678
Silicon quantum detectors with large photosensitive surface....Pages 679-683
Fizeau interferometry with automated fringe pattern analysis using temporal and spatial phase shifting....Pages 684-689
Back Matter....Pages 691-693
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