Online Library » Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences: 3 International Symposium

This book provides a world-wide perspective of submarine mass movements and their consequences. This has been made possible by assembling excellent contributions from active researchers, groups, or institutions, thus providing full coverage of the many scientific and engineering aspects of this type of marine and coastal geo-hazard. It covers fundamental as well as site specific studies from many areas including the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, inner seas such as the Mediterranean Sea, and fjords using the most recent technologies from multibeam sonar imaging techniques, 3D seismic analysis, slope stability analysis, to debris flow and tsunami modeling.
This book is of interest to any researcher in the field of marine and coastal geo-hazards. It will be useful for planners, scientists and engineers involved in the development of offshore and near-shore resources and also to those in charge of the management and mitigation of coastal hazards. For graduate students, this book provides an up-to-date vision of the process of submarine mass movements and their consequences from both a scientific and an engineering standpoint, and it includes a unique collection of the existing literature on marine geo-hazards.

This book provides a world-wide perspective of submarine mass movements and their consequences. This has been made possible by assembling excellent contributions from active researchers, groups, or institutions, thus providing full coverage of the many scientific and engineering aspects of this type of marine and coastal geo-hazard. It covers fundamental as well as site specific studies from many areas including the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, inner seas such as the Mediterranean Sea, and fjords using the most recent technologies from multibeam sonar imaging techniques, 3D seismic analysis, slope stability analysis, to debris flow and tsunami modeling.
This book is of interest to any researcher in the field of marine and coastal geo-hazards. It will be useful for planners, scientists and engineers involved in the development of offshore and near-shore resources and also to those in charge of the management and mitigation of coastal hazards. For graduate students, this book provides an up-to-date vision of the process of submarine mass movements and their consequences from both a scientific and an engineering standpoint, and it includes a unique collection of the existing literature on marine geo-hazards.

This book provides a world-wide perspective of submarine mass movements and their consequences. This has been made possible by assembling excellent contributions from active researchers, groups, or institutions, thus providing full coverage of the many scientific and engineering aspects of this type of marine and coastal geo-hazard. It covers fundamental as well as site specific studies from many areas including the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, inner seas such as the Mediterranean Sea, and fjords using the most recent technologies from multibeam sonar imaging techniques, 3D seismic analysis, slope stability analysis, to debris flow and tsunami modeling.
This book is of interest to any researcher in the field of marine and coastal geo-hazards. It will be useful for planners, scientists and engineers involved in the development of offshore and near-shore resources and also to those in charge of the management and mitigation of coastal hazards. For graduate students, this book provides an up-to-date vision of the process of submarine mass movements and their consequences from both a scientific and an engineering standpoint, and it includes a unique collection of the existing literature on marine geo-hazards.

Front Matter....Pages i-xi
Front Matter....Pages 1-1
Fractal statistics of the Storegga Slide....Pages 3-10
Submarine Paleo-Failure Morphology On A Glaciated Continental Margin From 3d Seismic Data....Pages 11-18
Slope Instability And Mass Transport Deposits On The Godavari River Delta, East Indian Margin From A Regional Geological Perspective....Pages 19-27
Repeated Instability Of The Nw African Margin Related To Buried Landslide Scarps....Pages 29-36
Along Slope Variations In Mass Failures And Relationships To Major Plio-Pleistocene Morphological Elements, Sw Labrador Sea....Pages 37-45
Submarine Landslides Along The North Ecuador – South Colombia Convergent Margin: Possible Tectonic Control....Pages 47-55
The Southern Flank Of The Storegga Slide: Imaging And Geomorphological Analyses Using 3d Seismic....Pages 57-65
Submarine Mass Movements On An Active Fault System In The Central Gulf Of Corinth....Pages 67-75
Analysis Of Multibeam Seafloor Imagery Of The Laurentian Fan And The 1929 Grand Banks Landslide Area....Pages 77-88
Landslide And Gravity Flow Features And Processes Of The Nazar? And Set?bal Canyons, West Iberian Margin....Pages 89-98
Front Matter....Pages 99-99
Experimental Studies Of Subaqueous Vs. Subaerial Debris Flows – Velocity Characteristics As A function Of The Ambient Fluid....Pages 101-110
The General Behavior Of Mass Gravity Flows In The Marine Environment....Pages 111-118
Submarine Spreading: Dynamics And Development....Pages 119-127
Flood-Induced Turbidites From Northern Hudson Bay And Western Hudson Strait: A Two-Pulse Record Of Lake Agassiz Final Outburst Flood?....Pages 129-137
Underwater Rockfall Kinematics: A Preliminary Analysis....Pages 139-147
Anthropogenic Turbidity Current Deposits In A Seismically Active Graben, The Gulf Of Corinth, Greece: A Useful Tool For Studying Turbidity Current Transport Processes....Pages 149-157
Front Matter....Pages 159-159
Probability Study On Submarine Slope Stability....Pages 161-170
Marine Deep-Water Free-Fall Cpt Measurements For Landslide Characterisation Off Crete, Greece (Eastern Mediterranean Sea) Part 1: A New 4000M Cone Penetrometer....Pages 171-177
Front Matter....Pages 179-179
Linking Geotechnical And Rheological Properties From Failure To Post-Failure: The Pointe-Du-Fort Slide, Saguenay Fjord, Qu?bec....Pages 181-189
Rheological Properties Of Fine-Grained Sediments In Modeling Submarine Mass Movements: The Role Of Texture....Pages 191-198
Front Matter....Pages 179-179
Marine Deep-Water Free-Fall Cpt Measurements For Landslide Characterisation Off Crete, Greece (Eastern Mediterranean Sea) Part 2: Initial Data From The Western Cretan Sea....Pages 199-208
Recursive Failure Of The Gulf Of Mexico Continental Slope: Timing And Causes....Pages 209-219
Geotechnical Considerations Of Submarine Canyon Formation: The Case Of Cap De Creus Canyon....Pages 221-230
Front Matter....Pages 231-231
Submarine Mass Movements In The Betsiamites Area, Lower St. Lawrence Estuary, Qu?bec, Canada....Pages 233-241
Submerged Landslide Morphologies In The Albano Lake (Rome, Italy)....Pages 243-250
Dynamics Of The Deltaic Canyon Area Of The Rv. Chorokhi, Georgia....Pages 251-258
The 1990 Submarine Slide Outside The Nidelv River Mouth, Trondheim, Norway....Pages 259-267
Submarine Slope Failures Near Seward, Alaska, During The M9.2 1964 Earthquake....Pages 269-278
The Ad 1881 Earthquake-Triggered Slump And Late Holocene Flood-Induced Turbidites From Proglacial Lake Bramant, Western French Alps....Pages 279-286
Morphosedimentology Of Submarine Mass-Movements And Gravity Flows Offshore Sept-?les, Nw Gulf Of St. Lawrence (Qu?bec, Canada)....Pages 287-296
Sediment Failure Processes In Active Grabens: The Western Gulf Of Corinth (Greece)....Pages 297-305
Front Matter....Pages 307-307
High Frequency Sediment Failures In A Submarine Volcanic Environment: The Santorini (Thera) Basin In The Aegean Sea....Pages 309-316
Sediment Stability Conditions West Of Milos Island, West Hellenic Volcanic Arc....Pages 317-324
Front Matter....Pages 325-325
Mass Wasting Processes - Offshore Sumatra....Pages 327-336
Slope Failures Of The Flanks Of The Southern Cape Verde Islands....Pages 337-345
Triggering Factors And Tsunamigenic Potential Of A Large Submarine Mass Failure On The Western Nile Margin (Rosetta Area, Egypt)....Pages 347-355
Reassessment Of Seismically Induced, Tsunamigenic Submarine Slope Failures In Port Valdez, Alaska, USA....Pages 357-365
Towards The Mitigation Of The Tsunami Risk By Submarine Mass Failures In The Gulf Of Corinth: The Xylocastro Resort Town Case Study....Pages 367-375
Probabilistic Smf Tsunami Hazard Assessment For The Upper East Coast Of The United States....Pages 377-385
Role Of Soil Behavior On The Initial Kinematics Of Tsunamigenic Slides....Pages 387-394
Front Matter....Pages 325-325
Revisiting Submarine Mass Movements Along The U.S. Atlantic Continental Margin: Implications For Tsunami Hazards....Pages 395-403
Tsunamigenic Landslides In The Western Corinth Gulf: Numerical Scenarios....Pages 405-414
Tsunamis Generated By Coastal And Submarine Landslides In The Mediterranean Sea....Pages 415-422
Back Matter....Pages 423-424

This book provides a world-wide perspective of submarine mass movements and their consequences. This has been made possible by assembling excellent contributions from active researchers, groups, or institutions, thus providing full coverage of the many scientific and engineering aspects of this type of marine and coastal geo-hazard. It covers fundamental as well as site specific studies from many areas including the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, inner seas such as the Mediterranean Sea, and fjords using the most recent technologies from multibeam sonar imaging techniques, 3D seismic analysis, slope stability analysis, to debris flow and tsunami modeling.
This book is of interest to any researcher in the field of marine and coastal geo-hazards. It will be useful for planners, scientists and engineers involved in the development of offshore and near-shore resources and also to those in charge of the management and mitigation of coastal hazards. For graduate students, this book provides an up-to-date vision of the process of submarine mass movements and their consequences from both a scientific and an engineering standpoint, and it includes a unique collection of the existing literature on marine geo-hazards.

Front Matter....Pages i-xi
Front Matter....Pages 1-1
Fractal statistics of the Storegga Slide....Pages 3-10
Submarine Paleo-Failure Morphology On A Glaciated Continental Margin From 3d Seismic Data....Pages 11-18
Slope Instability And Mass Transport Deposits On The Godavari River Delta, East Indian Margin From A Regional Geological Perspective....Pages 19-27
Repeated Instability Of The Nw African Margin Related To Buried Landslide Scarps....Pages 29-36
Along Slope Variations In Mass Failures And Relationships To Major Plio-Pleistocene Morphological Elements, Sw Labrador Sea....Pages 37-45
Submarine Landslides Along The North Ecuador – South Colombia Convergent Margin: Possible Tectonic Control....Pages 47-55
The Southern Flank Of The Storegga Slide: Imaging And Geomorphological Analyses Using 3d Seismic....Pages 57-65
Submarine Mass Movements On An Active Fault System In The Central Gulf Of Corinth....Pages 67-75
Analysis Of Multibeam Seafloor Imagery Of The Laurentian Fan And The 1929 Grand Banks Landslide Area....Pages 77-88
Landslide And Gravity Flow Features And Processes Of The Nazar? And Set?bal Canyons, West Iberian Margin....Pages 89-98
Front Matter....Pages 99-99
Experimental Studies Of Subaqueous Vs. Subaerial Debris Flows – Velocity Characteristics As A function Of The Ambient Fluid....Pages 101-110
The General Behavior Of Mass Gravity Flows In The Marine Environment....Pages 111-118
Submarine Spreading: Dynamics And Development....Pages 119-127
Flood-Induced Turbidites From Northern Hudson Bay And Western Hudson Strait: A Two-Pulse Record Of Lake Agassiz Final Outburst Flood?....Pages 129-137
Underwater Rockfall Kinematics: A Preliminary Analysis....Pages 139-147
Anthropogenic Turbidity Current Deposits In A Seismically Active Graben, The Gulf Of Corinth, Greece: A Useful Tool For Studying Turbidity Current Transport Processes....Pages 149-157
Front Matter....Pages 159-159
Probability Study On Submarine Slope Stability....Pages 161-170
Marine Deep-Water Free-Fall Cpt Measurements For Landslide Characterisation Off Crete, Greece (Eastern Mediterranean Sea) Part 1: A New 4000M Cone Penetrometer....Pages 171-177
Front Matter....Pages 179-179
Linking Geotechnical And Rheological Properties From Failure To Post-Failure: The Pointe-Du-Fort Slide, Saguenay Fjord, Qu?bec....Pages 181-189
Rheological Properties Of Fine-Grained Sediments In Modeling Submarine Mass Movements: The Role Of Texture....Pages 191-198
Front Matter....Pages 179-179
Marine Deep-Water Free-Fall Cpt Measurements For Landslide Characterisation Off Crete, Greece (Eastern Mediterranean Sea) Part 2: Initial Data From The Western Cretan Sea....Pages 199-208
Recursive Failure Of The Gulf Of Mexico Continental Slope: Timing And Causes....Pages 209-219
Geotechnical Considerations Of Submarine Canyon Formation: The Case Of Cap De Creus Canyon....Pages 221-230
Front Matter....Pages 231-231
Submarine Mass Movements In The Betsiamites Area, Lower St. Lawrence Estuary, Qu?bec, Canada....Pages 233-241
Submerged Landslide Morphologies In The Albano Lake (Rome, Italy)....Pages 243-250
Dynamics Of The Deltaic Canyon Area Of The Rv. Chorokhi, Georgia....Pages 251-258
The 1990 Submarine Slide Outside The Nidelv River Mouth, Trondheim, Norway....Pages 259-267
Submarine Slope Failures Near Seward, Alaska, During The M9.2 1964 Earthquake....Pages 269-278
The Ad 1881 Earthquake-Triggered Slump And Late Holocene Flood-Induced Turbidites From Proglacial Lake Bramant, Western French Alps....Pages 279-286
Morphosedimentology Of Submarine Mass-Movements And Gravity Flows Offshore Sept-?les, Nw Gulf Of St. Lawrence (Qu?bec, Canada)....Pages 287-296
Sediment Failure Processes In Active Grabens: The Western Gulf Of Corinth (Greece)....Pages 297-305
Front Matter....Pages 307-307
High Frequency Sediment Failures In A Submarine Volcanic Environment: The Santorini (Thera) Basin In The Aegean Sea....Pages 309-316
Sediment Stability Conditions West Of Milos Island, West Hellenic Volcanic Arc....Pages 317-324
Front Matter....Pages 325-325
Mass Wasting Processes - Offshore Sumatra....Pages 327-336
Slope Failures Of The Flanks Of The Southern Cape Verde Islands....Pages 337-345
Triggering Factors And Tsunamigenic Potential Of A Large Submarine Mass Failure On The Western Nile Margin (Rosetta Area, Egypt)....Pages 347-355
Reassessment Of Seismically Induced, Tsunamigenic Submarine Slope Failures In Port Valdez, Alaska, USA....Pages 357-365
Towards The Mitigation Of The Tsunami Risk By Submarine Mass Failures In The Gulf Of Corinth: The Xylocastro Resort Town Case Study....Pages 367-375
Probabilistic Smf Tsunami Hazard Assessment For The Upper East Coast Of The United States....Pages 377-385
Role Of Soil Behavior On The Initial Kinematics Of Tsunamigenic Slides....Pages 387-394
Front Matter....Pages 325-325
Revisiting Submarine Mass Movements Along The U.S. Atlantic Continental Margin: Implications For Tsunami Hazards....Pages 395-403
Tsunamigenic Landslides In The Western Corinth Gulf: Numerical Scenarios....Pages 405-414
Tsunamis Generated By Coastal And Submarine Landslides In The Mediterranean Sea....Pages 415-422
Back Matter....Pages 423-424
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