Ebook: Frontiers of Computational Science: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Frontiers of Computational Science 2005
- Tags: Computational Intelligence, Computing Milieux, Simulation and Modeling, Bioinformatics, Statistical Physics Dynamical Systems and Complexity
- Year: 2007
- Publisher: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
- Edition: 1
- Language: English
- pdf
With the dramatic increase in speed and capacity of modern computers, computational approaches are becoming of crucial importance in various fields of science and engineering. Computational science is the interdisciplinary science, which promotes systematic development of methodologies and framework of computational approaches, basic studies of algorithms and soft-computation technologies and vast areas of applications.
This volume is the proceedings of International Symposium on Frontiers of Computational Science 2005, containing papers from 7 plenary and keynote lecturers, 17 invited lecturers and 33 contributed papers. This book discusses the high-level use of computers in a wide variety of areas such as fluid mechanics, material and genome sciences.
This book is suitable for researchers and postgraduate students in computational science including computational biophysics, computational thermal and fluid mechanics, computational physics, and quantum chemistry. It is especially useful also for engineers in automobile, semiconductor, chemical and pharmaceutical industries.
With the dramatic increase in speed and capacity of modern computers, computational approaches are becoming of crucial importance in various fields of science and engineering. Computational science is the interdisciplinary science, which promotes systematic development of methodologies and framework of computational approaches, basic studies of algorithms and soft-computation technologies and vast areas of applications.
This volume is the proceedings of International Symposium on Frontiers of Computational Science 2005, containing papers from 7 plenary and keynote lecturers, 17 invited lecturers and 33 contributed papers. This book discusses the high-level use of computers in a wide variety of areas such as fluid mechanics, material and genome sciences.
This book is suitable for researchers and postgraduate students in computational science including computational biophysics, computational thermal and fluid mechanics, computational physics, and quantum chemistry. It is especially useful also for engineers in automobile, semiconductor, chemical and pharmaceutical industries.
With the dramatic increase in speed and capacity of modern computers, computational approaches are becoming of crucial importance in various fields of science and engineering. Computational science is the interdisciplinary science, which promotes systematic development of methodologies and framework of computational approaches, basic studies of algorithms and soft-computation technologies and vast areas of applications.
This volume is the proceedings of International Symposium on Frontiers of Computational Science 2005, containing papers from 7 plenary and keynote lecturers, 17 invited lecturers and 33 contributed papers. This book discusses the high-level use of computers in a wide variety of areas such as fluid mechanics, material and genome sciences.
This book is suitable for researchers and postgraduate students in computational science including computational biophysics, computational thermal and fluid mechanics, computational physics, and quantum chemistry. It is especially useful also for engineers in automobile, semiconductor, chemical and pharmaceutical industries.
Front Matter....Pages I-XXV
Front Matter....Pages 1-1
Computational Methods Combining Large Eddy Simulation with Approximate Wall-Layer Models for Predicting Separated Turbulent Near-Wall Flows....Pages 3-14
Numerical Experimentation: A Third Way to Study Nature....Pages 15-30
Recent Computational Developments in Quantum Conductance and Field Emission of Carbon Nanotubes....Pages 31-35
Energy Landscapes of Protein Self-Assembly: Lessons from Native Topology-Based Models....Pages 37-51
A Brief Introduction to Krylov Space Methods for Solving Linear Systems....Pages 53-62
Recent Developments in DNS and Modeling of Rotating Wall-Turbulent Shear Flows with Heat Transfer....Pages 63-73
Contribution of Computational Biology and Structural Genomics to Understand Genome and Transcriptome....Pages 75-80
Front Matter....Pages 82-82
Achromatic and Chromatic Visual Information Processing and Discrete Wavelets....Pages 83-89
On Decaying Two-Dimensional Turbulence in a Circular Container....Pages 91-97
A Study Toward Improving Accuracy of Large Scale Industrial Turbulent Flow Computations....Pages 99-105
Direct Numerical Simulations of Turbulent Premixed Flames with Realistic Kinetic Mechanisms....Pages 107-113
Variational Monte Carlo Studies of Superconductivity in ?-BEDT-TTF Salts....Pages 115-118
Simulation for Measurements of Electric Properties of Surface Nanostructures....Pages 119-124
Ultra-Fast Dynamics in Nanocarbon Explored by TDDFT-MD Simulations....Pages 125-130
Heat Transport in Nanoscale Objects: Classical to Quantum....Pages 131-136
Aromaticity Driven Rupture of CN and CC Multiple Bonds....Pages 137-142
Protein Function Prediction in Proteomics Era....Pages 143-148
What We can Learn about Protein Folding from Recent Progress in Structure Prediction....Pages 149-155
Brownian Dynamics Approach to Protein Folding....Pages 157-163
A Fourth Type of Secondary Structure Breaker....Pages 165-170
Front Matter....Pages 82-82
Neighborhood Parallel Simulated Annealing....Pages 171-176
New Computing System Architecture for Simulation of Biological Signal Transduction Networks....Pages 177-180
Convergence Analysis of GMRES Methods for Least Squares Problems....Pages 181-187
A Numerical Method for Calculating the Green's Function Arising from Electronic Structure Theory....Pages 189-195
Front Matter....Pages 198-198
Direct Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Channel Flow Imposed with Spanwise Couette Flow....Pages 199-203
Reynolds-Number Dependence of Transport Barriers in Chaotic Mixing....Pages 205-208
On the Treatment of Long-range Electrostatic Interactions in Biomolecular Simulations....Pages 209-214
DNS of Turbulent Channel Flow Obstructed by Rectangular Ribs....Pages 215-220
Source Models of Gravity Waves in an F-plane Shallow Water System....Pages 221-225
Direct Numerical Simulation of Neutrally Stratified Ekman Boundary Layer....Pages 227-230
Application of the Renormalization Group Analysis to a Noisy Kuramoto–Sivashinsky Equation and its Numerical Simulation....Pages 231-234
Wavelet-Based Statistics in High-Resolution Direct Numerical Simulations of Three-Dimensional Homogeneous Isotropic Turbulence....Pages 235-238
Hydrophobic Hydration on Nanometer Length Scale....Pages 239-242
Ultra-Fast Genome Wide Simulation of Biological Signal Transduction Networks: Starpack....Pages 243-246
Molecular Dynamics Study on Interaction of C-Component Dislocation Loop and Edge Dislocation in ?-Zirconium....Pages 247-251
Theoretical Analysis of Intramolecular Interaction....Pages 253-257
Effect of Nanoscale Structure of Solid Surface on Moving Droplet....Pages 259-263
Proximity Effect in NS Junctions in the Presence of Anderson Impurities....Pages 265-268
Wiedemann–Franz Law in Diffusive Normal Metal/p-Wave Superconductor Junctions....Pages 269-272
Nodal Structures of Wave Functions in Chaotic Billiards....Pages 273-276
Front Matter....Pages 198-198
Elongation of Water Residence Time at the Protein Interior in Aqueous Solution with Ectoine....Pages 277-281
Analytical Model for Protein Folding....Pages 283-287
Theoretical Research on Dynamics of the Genetic Toggle Switch....Pages 289-292
Non-Condon Theory for the Energy Gap Dependence of Electron Transfer Rate....Pages 293-297
Density Functional Molecular Orbital Calculations on Longer DNA–DNA and PNA–DNA Double Strands....Pages 299-303
A Parallel Computing Framework for Nonexperts of Computers: Easy Installation, Programming and Execution of Master–Worker Applications Using Spare Computing Power of PCs....Pages 305-308
Derivation of TIS for Search Performance Quantification on HC Method....Pages 309-312
Improvement of Search Performance of Genetic Algorithm Through Visualization of Search Process....Pages 313-316
A Proposal for Analysis of SD Evaluation Data by Using Clustering Method Focused on Data Distribution....Pages 317-320
Multiobjective Evolutionary RBF Networks and Its Application to Ensemble Learning....Pages 321-325
A New Concept of Cerebral Autoregulation Using Mathematical Expressions....Pages 327-331
Evolution Strategies on Desktop Grid Environment Using Scheduling Algorithms RR for Same Length Tasks....Pages 333-337
Solution of Black-Scholes Equation By Using RBF Approximation....Pages 339-343
Evaluation of High Imaging Quality LCDs Which Features Moving Picture: Comparison using Stabilometers....Pages 345-348
Template Translation for Multilingual Disaster Information System....Pages 349-352
An Application of Double-Wayland Algorithm to Detect Anomalous Signals....Pages 353-356
....Pages 357-361