Ebook: Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation WAVES 2003: Proceedings of The Sixth International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation Held at Jyväskylä, Finland, 30 June – 4 July 2003
- Tags: Computational Intelligence, Partial Differential Equations, Computational Mathematics and Numerical Analysis, Theoretical Mathematical and Computational Physics, Numerical and Computational Physics, Optics and Electrodynamics
- Year: 2003
- Publisher: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
- Edition: 1
- Language: English
- pdf
This volume includes articles on the mathematical modeling and numerical simulation of various wave phenomena. For many years Waves 2003 and its five prior conferences have been an important forum for discussions on wave propagation. The topic is equally important for fundamental sciences, engineering, mathematics and, in particular, for industrial applications. Areas of specific interest are acoustics, electromagnetics, elasticity and related inverse and optimization problems. This book gives an extensive overview of recent developments in a very active field of scientific computing.
Front Matter....Pages I-XX
Front Matter....Pages 1-1
Dispersive Properties of High Order Finite Elements....Pages 3-10
Computing Solutions for Helmholtz Equation: Domain Versus Boundary Decomposition....Pages 11-18
A Eulerian Geometric Optics Method for High Frequency Electromagnetic Fields Computations in Presence of Fold Caustics....Pages 19-25
Exact and High-Order Non-Reflecting Computational Boundaries....Pages 26-31
Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Methods for Induction Logging Applications....Pages 32-38
The Inverse Kinematic Problem in Anisotropic Media....Pages 39-45
Front Matter....Pages 47-47
Aeroacoustics of Moving Compact Bodies Application to the Bullroarer....Pages 49-53
Numerical Simulation of a Guitar....Pages 54-59
Challenges and Requirements in the Modelling of Musical Instruments....Pages 60-65
A Webster-Lokshin Model for Waves with Viscothermal Losses and Impedance Boundary Conditions: Strong Solutions....Pages 66-71
Numerical Simulation of Acoustic Waveguides for Webster-Lokshin Model Using Diffusive Representations....Pages 72-77
Regularization of the Time-Harmonic Galbrun’s Equations....Pages 78-83
Acoustic Transmission Through a Splitter Silencer: A Technique that Avoids “Root Finding”....Pages 84-89
Acoustic Waves Tunnelling into Whispering Gallery Waves....Pages 90-94
High-Order Numerical Simulation of Rocket Launch Noise....Pages 95-100
Front Matter....Pages 101-101
Lacunae-Based Artificial Boundary Conditions for the Numerical Simulation of Unsteady Waves Governed by Vector Models....Pages 103-108
Active Absorbing Boundary for an Extended Boussinesq-Like Model....Pages 109-114
Stabilized Perfectly Matched Layer for Advective Acoustics....Pages 115-119
Long-Time Behavior of the Unsplit PML....Pages 120-124
A New Construction of Perfectly Matched Layers for Hyperbolic Systems with Applications to the Linearized Euler Equations....Pages 125-129
Front Matter....Pages 101-101
Discretely Nonreflecting Boundary Conditions for Higher Order Centered Schemes for Wave Equations....Pages 130-135
Diffusive Realization of the Impedance Operator on Circular Boundary for 2D Wave Equation....Pages 136-141
Perfectly Matched Layers for the Convected Helmholtz Equation....Pages 142-147
Laplace Domain Methods for the Construction of Transparent Boundary Conditions for Time-Harmonic Problems....Pages 148-153
Front Matter....Pages 155-155
Vibrating Systems with Concentrated Masses: On the High Frequencies and the Local Problem....Pages 157-162
Bulk and Surface Waves in Porous Media: Asymptotic Analysis....Pages 163-168
Asymptotical Models for Wave Propagation in Media Including Slots....Pages 169-173
Front Matter....Pages 175-175
Boundary Control of the Maxwell Dynamical System: Lack of Controllability by Topological Reasons....Pages 177-182
Global Exact Controllability of Semi-linear Time Reversible Systems in Infinite Dimensional Space....Pages 183-188
Some Control Problems for the Maxwell Equations Related to Furtivity and Masking Problems in Electromagnetic Obstacle Scattering....Pages 189-194
The Effect of Group Velocity in the Numerical Analysis of Control Problems for the Wave Equation....Pages 195-200
Simultaneous Interior Controllability of Elastic Strings....Pages 201-206
A Study of Numerical Methods for Boundary Control of the Wave Equation in 1D....Pages 207-212
A 2-Grid Algorithm for the 1-d Wave Equation....Pages 213-217
Front Matter....Pages 219-219
Diffraction by a Locally Perturbed Acoustic Grating....Pages 221-226
A New Class of Integral Equations for Scattering Problems....Pages 227-232
Scattering by Inhomogeneities....Pages 233-238
Wave Reflection by a Sheet of Sea Ice....Pages 239-244
Modification of Boundary Condition for the Problem of Source Radiation in a Half-Space with a Curvilinear Impedance Surface....Pages 245-251
A Domain Imbedding Method with Distributed Lagrange Multipliers for Acoustic Scattering Problems....Pages 252-256
Front Matter....Pages 219-219
A Galerkin Boundary Element Method for a High Frequency Scattering Problem....Pages 257-262
Dirichlet-to-Neumann Boundary Condition for Multiple Scattering Problems....Pages 263-267
Generalized Brakhage-Werner Integral Formulations for the Iterative Solution of Acoustics Scattering Problems....Pages 268-273
Volume Singular Integral Equations Method for Solving of Diffraction Problem of Electromagnetic Waves in Rectangular Resonator....Pages 274-279
A Coupling of Spectral and Finite Elements for an Acoustic Scattering Problem....Pages 280-285
Transient Scattering from Metallic Enclosures Using 3D Time Domain Methods....Pages 286-291
Plane Wave Basis in Integral Equation for 3D Scattering....Pages 292-297
Determination of Green’s Tensor for a Conducting Magneto-Viscoelastic Medium....Pages 298-303
Numerical Analysis of Transverse Localization of Radiation in Freely Propagating Electromagnetic Bessel Beams....Pages 304-309
Front Matter....Pages 311-311
Space-Time Mesh Refinement for the Elastodynamic Equations....Pages 313-318
Dealing with Cross-Points in a Non-Overlapping Domain Decomposition Solution of the Helmholtz Equation....Pages 319-324
On Handling the Boundary Conditions at the Infinity for Some Exterior Problems by the Alternating Schwarz Method....Pages 325-330
Front Matter....Pages 331-331
Mathematical Modeling of Elastic-Plastic Waves in Granular Media....Pages 333-338
Wave Excitation, Propagation and Diffraction in Elastic Layered Structures with Obstacles....Pages 339-344
On the Oscillation of a Punch Moving on Free Surface of an Elastic Half-Space....Pages 345-350
On the Antiplane Dynamical Problem of Elasticity Theory in a Domain with Crack....Pages 351-356
Diffusive Regime for the High-Frequency Dynamics of Randomly Heterogeneous Plates....Pages 357-362
Mixed Spectral Elements for the Linear Elasticity System in Unbounded Domains....Pages 363-368
Element-Based Node Selection Method for Reduction of Eigenvalue Problem....Pages 369-374
Front Matter....Pages 375-375
A Family of First-Order Conditions for the Long-Time Stability of the Maxwell System....Pages 377-382
Front Matter....Pages 375-375
Mass-Lumped Edge Elements for the Lossy Maxwell’s Equations....Pages 383-388
A New Discontinuous Galerkin Method for 3D Maxwell’s Equation on Non-conforming Grids....Pages 389-394
Space-Time Regularity of the Solution to Maxwell’s Equations in Non-Convex Domains....Pages 395-399
Maxwell’s Equations in Nonlinear Biperiodic Structures....Pages 400-405
Homogenization of the Maxwell Equations Using Floquet-Bloch Decomposition....Pages 406-411
Electromagnetic Wave Propagation Through Small Diameter Tube Bundles....Pages 412-416
Link Between the Parabolic Equation Method and Finding the Gradient Index of Refraction....Pages 417-422
Front Matter....Pages 423-428
A Fictitious Domain Method for a Unilateral Contact Problem....Pages 429-429
A Fictitious Domain Method with Operator Splitting for Wave Problems in Mixed Form....Pages 431-436
Front Matter....Pages 437-442
Mathematical Analysis of the Guided Modes of Integrated Optical Guides....Pages 443-443
Rapidly-Convergent Local-Mode Representations for Wave Propagation and Scattering in Curved-Boundary Waveguides....Pages 445-450
Riccati Equation for the Impedance of Waveguides....Pages 451-456
Eigenvalues of the Steklov Problem in an Infinite Cylinder....Pages 457-462
On a Method of Search for Trapped Modes in Domains with Cylindrical Ends....Pages 463-468
The Forced Motion of Structures that Support Trapped or Near-Trapped Water Waves....Pages 469-474
Front Matter....Pages 475-480
On the Motion of a Floating Body Supported by an Air Cushion....Pages 481-481
Long Wave Approximations for Water Waves....Pages 483-488
Oblique-Angled Periodicity Lattice in Capillary-Gravity Waves Problems....Pages 489-494
Localized Waves in a Thin Film with Growing Islands....Pages 495-499
Front Matter....Pages 500-505
Numerical Schemes for 2D Shallow Water Equations with Variable Depth and Friction Effects....Pages 481-481
Generalized Eigenfunction Expansions; an Application to Linear Water Waves....Pages 506-511
Shallow Water Wave Modelling Using a High-Order Discontinuous Galerkin Method....Pages 512-517
A Nonlinear Spectral Model for Gravity Waves Generation and Propagation in a Bounded Domain....Pages 518-522
Simulation of Internal Waves in the Strait of Gibraltar Using a Two-layer Shallow-water Model....Pages 523-528
Second Order Methods for the Simulation of Pressure Waves and Cavitation of Water....Pages 529-534
Raviart-Thomas Approximations for Variational Hydroacoustics Problems....Pages 535-540
Front Matter....Pages 541-546
1-D Inverse Problem of Thermoelasticity....Pages 547-547
Electromagnetic Propagation in Troposphere: Inverse Problem Using Optimization Approaches....Pages 549-554
Inverse Problem for a Nonlinear Helmholtz Equation....Pages 555-560
On Masking Operations for the Point-Source Method Solving Inverse Boundary Value Problems....Pages 561-566
Dynamic Identification of the Deformed Body Parameters....Pages 567-572
Underground Cavity Detection Based on Elastodynamic Boundary Element and Topological Derivative Approaches....Pages 573-576
Reconstruction of the Original Tsunami Waveform on the Insular Arc Bottom Topography by the Coastal Observations Inversion....Pages 577-581
A Numerical Method for Solving a Class of Inverse Eigenvalue Problems. Application to Optical Fibre Design....Pages 582-587
Destabilization of Inertial Waves in a Rotating Cylinder....Pages 588-592
Front Matter....Pages 593-598
Parameter Retrieval in Electron Microscopy by Solving an Inverse Scattering Problem....Pages 599-604
Interior Transmission Problem for Anisotropic Media....Pages 605-605
A Modified Frozen Newton Method to Identify a Cavity by Means of Boundary Measurements....Pages 607-612
Front Matter....Pages 613-618
On the Solution of Inverse Obstacle Acoustic Scattering Problems with a Limited Aperture....Pages 619-624
Resolution Estimation for Imaging and Time Reversal in Scattering Media....Pages 605-605
Inverse Scattering by Rough Surfaces in the Time Domain....Pages 625-630
Global and Selective Focusing Using Acoustic Time Reversal Mirrors in the Frequency Domain....Pages 631-636
On the Validation of the Linear Sampling Method in Electromagnetic Inverse Scattering Problems....Pages 637-642
Front Matter....Pages 643-648
Complex Industrial Computations in Electromagnetism Using the Fast Multipole Method....Pages 649-654
Using the Multipole Techniques for the Far to Near Field Transformation....Pages 655-655
Coupling of a Fast Multipole Method and a Microlocal Discretization for Integral Equations of Electromagnetism....Pages 657-662
Fast Direct Solver for a Time-harmonic Electromagnetic Problem with an Application....Pages 663-668
Front Matter....Pages 669-674
A Finite Element Method for the Solution of a Time-Dependent Nonlinear Wave Propagation Equation....Pages 675-680
Elimination of First Order Errors in Time Dependent Shock Calculations....Pages 681-681
On the Numerical Simulation of the Constrained Wave Motion: a Penalty Approach....Pages 683-687
Nonlinear Supratransmission: Energy Transmission by Nonlinear Mode Generation....Pages 688-693
A Half Plane Problem Related to the Stability of Viscous Shock Waves....Pages 694-699
The Propagation of Nonlinear Water Waves in a Bounded Domain....Pages 700-705
Homoclinic Structures for Nonlinear Integrable Wave Equations: New Approach....Pages 706-710
Nonlinear Coupled Thermomechanical Waves: Modelling Shear Type Phase Transformation in Shape Memory Alloys....Pages 711-716
Evans Function for the AKNS Problem with Algebraic Solitons....Pages 717-722
Nonlinear Focusing and Rogue Waves in Deep Water....Pages 723-728
Front Matter....Pages 729-734
Mixed Spectral Elements for the Helmholtz Equation....Pages 735-740
Front Matter....Pages 741-741
Three Dimensional Plane Wave Basis Finite Elements for Short Wave Modelling....Pages 743-748
Methods for Computing Synthetic Seismograms and Estimating Their Computational Error....Pages 741-741
Numerical Simulation of Thermoelastic Wave and Phase-Transition Front Propagation....Pages 749-753
Finite Volume Methods for Wave Phase Conjugation in Active Media....Pages 754-758
Convergence of a Collocation Scheme for a Retarded Potential Integral Equation....Pages 759-764
On the Numerical Stability of Schemes for Time Domain Scattering from a Thin Strip....Pages 765-769
The Use of Nonlinear Solitary Waves for Computing Short Wave Equation Pulses....Pages 770-775
On a Class of Preconditioners for Solving the Discrete Helmholtz Equation....Pages 776-781
Wavelet Analysis in Solving the Cauchy Problem for the Wave Equation in Three-Dimensional Space....Pages 782-787
Backward Error Analysis for a Multi-Symplectic Integrator....Pages 788-793
Time-Periodic Solutions of Wave Equation via Controllability and Fictitious Domain Methods....Pages 794-798
Front Matter....Pages 799-804
Asymptotics of Bound States, Bands and Resonances for Waveguides and Layers Coupled Through Small Windows....Pages 805-810
Spectral Theory of Resonances in Electromagnetic Gratings....Pages 811-811
Absence of Positive Eigenvalues for the Linearized Elasticity System. The Half-space Case....Pages 813-817
Optimal Design of Waveguide-Grating Resonances....Pages 818-823
Resonances of an Elastic Plate in a Confined Flow....Pages 824-829
Front Matter....Pages 830-835
The Scattering Amplitude for the Schr?dinger Operator in a Layer....Pages 836-841
Adaptive Absorbing Boundary Conditions for Schr?dinger-type Equations....Pages 843-843
Shallow Potential Wells for the Discrete Schr?dinger Equation....Pages 845-850
Paraxial Approximation in a Tilted Frame for Laser Wave Propagation....Pages 851-856
Front Matter....Pages 857-861
Wavepacket Dynamics in Superfluid Helium....Pages 862-867
Front Matter....Pages 843-843
Mathematical Analysis of Diffusion Models in Poro-Elastic Media....Pages 868-869
Seismic Wave Modeling with the Generalized Screen Propagator....Pages 871-871
An Upgrade in Linearized Modeling of Wave Propagation....Pages 873-878
Spectral Laguerre Method for Viscoelastic Seismic Modeling....Pages 879-884
Numerical Modeling of P-wave AVOA in Media Containing Vertical Fractures....Pages 885-890
Front Matter....Pages 891-896
Uniqueness of the Solution to the Reflection-Transmission Problem in a Viscoelastic Layer....Pages 897-902
A Time Domain Method for Modeling Wave Propagation Phenomena in Viscoacoustic Media....Pages 903-903
Mathematical and Numerical Modeling of Wave Popagation in Linear Viscoelastic Media....Pages 905-910
Numerical Model of Seismic Wave Propagation in Viscoelastic Media....Pages 911-915
Back Matter....Pages 916-921
....Pages 922-927
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