Ebook: Wohn Raum Alpen / Abitare le alpi / Living in the Alps: Nachhaltiger Wohnbau in den Bergen – zeitgenössische Wohnformen mit Perspektive
- Year: 2010
- Publisher: Birkhäuser
- Language: German
- pdf
New housing concepts for changing needs
The provision of attractive dwellings in Europe's population centers has long been a topic of central concern not only to architects but also to city planners, investors, and municipalities. Redensification and the creation of new residential developments are always accompanied by the question of sustainable approaches. In Alpine areas, such efforts must contend with topographical and structural framework conditions that raise the bar even higher. Living in the Alps presents intelligent ideas and approaches from selected residential developments and construction projects from Europe's eight Alpine countries, and it examines not just dwelling itself but also the integration of various functions. New photo essays produced especially for the volume show how the structures in question are actually used. The publication offers planners, architects, cities, and towns encouragement and ideas for pursuing approaches to residential development and housing construction.
- Exemplary residential projects and sustainable urban planning
- A broad range of typologies from apartment housing to multigenerational family homes and whole residential settlements
- Practical planning aid from design to construction methods