Ebook: Die Grenzen der Rohstoffausbeutung: Umweltkonflikte und ökoterritoriale Wende in Lateinamerika
- Year: 2020
- Publisher: Bielefeld University Press
- Language: German
- pdf
The exploitation of raw materials and the advance of neo-extractivism in Latin America has taken on enormous proportions and has profound consequences for people and nature. Maristella Svampa takes on this process and analyzes it comprehensively from socio-ecological and political perspectives. To do so, she elaborates on the historical conjunctures of neo-extractivism since 2003 and proposes the concept of commodity consensus for a better understanding of the crisis. In relation to socio-environmental resistance, she introduces the concept of the ecoterritorial turn, which particularly emphasizes the vanguard role of indigenous people and women and finally, she turns to the limits of exploitation of raw materials regarding criminal territorialities, patriarchal violence, and right-wing extremism.