Ebook: My Bauhaus – Mein Bauhaus: 100 Architekten zum 100. Geburtstag eines Mythos / 100 Architects on the 100th Anniversary of a Myth
Author: Sandra Hofmeister (editor)
Anniversary of an avant-garde institution
Architects the world over are familiar with the name Bauhaus. A century after it was founded, the principles, philosophies and memories of this avant-garde school are still very much alive. Bauhaus is a legend, and its legacy continues to shape our world in many different ways. To mark its centenary, Detail has produced an autograph book in which 100 architects from all over the world wish the school a happy birthday. Their short texts, photos and sketches reveal what Bauhaus means to them. The result is a colourful album of anecdotes, experiences and personal stories that will raise a smile or make you think. Rather than defining what Bauhaus is, the short statements show the extent to which Bauhaus is still relevant today.
- International architects give their personal thoughts on Bauhaus
- An autograph book for a legendary institution
- Personal statements by international architects