Ebook: 20几岁要懂点说话之道(插图精读本) Learn (Some Talking Skills in Your 20s)
Author: 赵会芹
- Tags: Language Arts, Nonfiction, LAN000000
- Year: 2014
- Publisher: CNPeReading
- Language: Chinese
- epub
生活中,许多人不是败在自己的能力上,而是败在了不会说话上。说话是一种技巧,更是一门艺术。一句恰到好处的话,可以改变一个人的命运;一句不得体的话,也可以毁掉一个人的一生。在这个注重人际沟通的现代社会,说话的艺术也就是成功的艺术!尤其对年轻人而言,要想拥有好人缘,被老板器重,被客户认可......必须会说话。好口才是年轻人闯荡社会的利器、取得人生成功的法宝。本书向读者介绍了初次见面、日常生活、社交应酬、职场环境、交朋结友等各种场景下不同的说话方式,是一部内容最全面、技巧最丰富、方法最实用的说话技巧工具书,指点年轻人在最恰当的时机,对最恰当的人,说出最恰当的话。对年轻人来说,把说话练好,才是最划算的事!In life, many people are not defeated by their abilities, but their talking. Talking is a skill and a kind of art. Proper talking can change one's fate; improper talking can also destroy one's life. In the modern society where interpersonal communication is stressed, the art of talking is the art of success! Especially, if young people want to have good relationships with others and be valued by their bosses and approved by their customers, they must be eloquent. Eloquence is the most effective tool to help young people make a living in the society and gain life success. This book introduces different ways of talking in various scenarios like the first meeting, daily life, social intercourse, workplace environment and making friends, being a reference book with the most comprehensive contents, the richest skills and the most practical methods to guide young people to talk in the most proper way to the most proper person at the most proper moment. For young people, it is the most cost-effective to be eloquent.