Ebook: 做个不差钱的生意人 (Be a Businessman with No Lack of Money): 活学活用经商老经验 (Learning Business Experiences with a Lively Mind)
Author: 吴学刚
- Tags: Business, Nonfiction, BUS073000
- Year: 2010
- Publisher: CNPeReading
- Language: Chinese
- epub
经商是一门很深的学问,不仅需要精明的头脑,更需要丰富的经验。用智慧经商不是耍手腕,而是一种正确的思维方式、操作技巧和办事方法。《做个不差钱的生意人:活学活用经商老经验》通过经典的实例、翔实的分析、精辟的论述多层面地阐述了经商谋业需熟知的经验和策略,作为一个成功商人需要具备的能力和素养。不管你是久经商场,还是初入商界,乃至尚未涉足,只要你有志于做一个成功商人,读完《做个不差钱的生意人:活学活用经商老经验》都会让你受益匪浅。(Doing business is a very deep knowledge, which not only needs a smart mind, but also needs a wealth of experience. Doing business with wisdom is a correct way of thinking, operating skills and ways of doing things instead of playing tricks. Experience and strategy that shall be known well for doing business and job-hunting and the ability and quality for a successful businessman are expounded through the classic example, detailed analysis, penetrating exposition at multi-layer ground in Be a Businessman with No Lack of Money: Learning Business Experiences with a Lively Mind. No matter whether you are a very experienced businessman, new for the business circles or have not been in the business circles yet, as long as you aspire to be a successful businessman, you will benefit a lot after finishing reading Be a Businessman with No Lack of Money: Learning Business Experiences with a Lively Mind.)