Ebook: 青花青 (Blue and White Porcelain)
Author: 杨俊艳
- Tags: Antiques, Nonfiction, ANT035000
- Year: 2013
- Publisher: CNPeReading
- Language: Korean
- epub
本书由青花瓷器的历史掌故、工艺制作、历代青花瓷器珍品鉴赏入手,巧妙穿插与青花瓷有关的历史知识,配以70余幅彩图,帮助读者了解鉴赏青花瓷的常识。其中最后一章"青花品鉴"对于收藏族来说尤为实用。作者认为,青花品鉴是一个经验性极强的实践活动,需要多看、多上手触摸,久而久之才能融会贯通。品青花,需要具有文化艺术背景与修养,有助于宏观方面的判断;鉴青花,需要牢记各时代青花的青料、纹样、胎釉、造型、款识的典型特征,并在此基础上判别真伪。(The book focuses on anecdotes, techniques and blue & white porcelain masterpieces in different periods. At the same time, it introduces history and knowledge of the blue & white porcelain. With more than 70 colored illustrations, the book gives readers common sense of blue & white porcelain.The last chapter Evaluation & Appreciation of Blue & White Porcelain is very useful for collectors.The author believes blue & white porcelain evaluation and appreciation represent the practice with great experience, needing frequent views, touches and long-time experience accumulation.The blue & white porcelain appreciation needs background and competency in culture and art, helping with macro judgments; the blue & white evaluation needs you to clearly remember the typical characteristics of materials, pattern, body & glaze, appearance and model, and judges whether it is the genuine blue & white porcelain or not.)