Ebook: Sprache im Leben der Zeit: Beiträge zur Theorie, Analyse und Kritik der deutschen Sprache in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart. Helmut Henne zum 65. Geburtstag
- Year: 2001
- Publisher: De Gruyter
- Edition: Reprint 2012
- Language: German
- pdf
27 German studies scholars and one philosopher have contributed these essays in honour of Helmut Henne. The subject matter ranges from reflection on the dialogic principle, the linguistic analysis of literary texts, contributions on the history of language critique, the critical discussion of lexicological and lexicographic issues, the historical, systematic and contrastive/intercultural study of important problems in semantics and pragmatics all the way to selected issues in the theory of German studies as a scholarly discipline. The unifying link between most of the articles is the clear allegiance to (lexical) semantics and to an awareness of tradition and the historical perspective. As such, the volume is not merely a kaleidoscopic survey of present-day German language studies; at the same time, it reflects the present state of scholarly debate in an approach to semantics enriched by pragmatics and geared to lexicographic, literary and language-critical concerns. The festschrift contains a complete list of Helmut Henne's publications.