Ebook: Perspektiven der pädagogischen Lexikographie des Deutschen I: Untersuchungen anhand von »Langenscheidts Großwörterbuch Deutsch als Fremdsprache«
Author: Herbert Ernst Wiegand (editor)
- Series: Lexicographica. Series Maior, 86
- Year: 1998
- Publisher: Max Niemeyer Verlag
- Edition: Reprint 2014
- Language: German
- pdf
The present volume is divided into 9 chapters containing 19 articles by 23 authors and closing with a bibliography of 589 titles. Its organisation is systematic. First, "Langenscheidts Großwörterbuch Deutsch als Fremdsprache" is situated in the historical context of European learner lexicography. Analysis of the entries on grammar is followed by that of the various semantic and pragmatic aspects covered. There follows a discussion of the lexicographic handling of selected lexical units (particles, compounds, prepositions, conjunctions) and an analysis of the cotexts. This leads on to a discussion of central aspects of the macrostructure followed by analyses of the mediostructure and the accompanying texts. The volume closes with an article by the editors of the dictionary. The contributions deal with the general metalexicographic issues and selected lexicological aspects posed by their subject and are not restricted to a critique of the dictionary in question.