Ebook: 楚国往事(The Past of Chu State)
Author: 冯知明
- Tags: History, Nonfiction, HIS008000
- Year: 2009
- Publisher: CNPeReading
- Language: Chinese
- epub
春秋战国时期是一段至今仍让人回味无穷的历史,其精彩不仅在于各大诸侯国之间的争霸,也在于各国时刻变化的内政外交。《楚国往事》专门讲述先秦时期楚国前后800年的兴衰史及产生的奇人异事,楚国作为春秋五霸和战国七雄之一,是先秦最具特立独行个性的诸侯国。它独据荆襄,不服周朝,与秦国争霸,也以蛮夷自居,无论其内政外交都有能吸引读者阅读的精彩内容。本书文字幽默,解读轻松有趣,融知识性与娱乐性于一体,是了解先秦历史的经典通俗读本。 ( The Spring and Autumn and Warring-States Period has always been a memorable history up to now. Its splendidness not only lies in the struggles among each vassal state, but also in the changing domestic and foreign affairs in each state. The Past of Chu State tells the 800-year history and strange people/events of Chu State during the Pre-Qin Period. As one of the “Five Overlords of Spring and Autumn Period” and “Seven Powers in the Warring Period”, Chu State was the vassal state with the most distinct independent personality. It independently occupied Jingxiang, without giving in to Zhou Dynasty; competed with Qin State for hegemony and settled down in Barbarians. Whether in its domestic or foreign affairs, there is something attractive to readers. With literal humor and interesting interpretations, this book, which integrates knowledge and entertainment, is a good choice for learning the Pre-Qin history. )