Ebook: 长短经一日一释(One Day One Introduction for Long and Short Classics)
Author: 徐德伟
- Tags: Essays, Politics, Nonfiction, POL032000
- Year: 2007
- Publisher: CNPeReading
- Language: Chinese
- epub
《长短经》是唐代学者赵蕤编写的一本纵横学著作。共九卷64篇,集儒家、道家、法家、兵家、杂家和阴阳家思想之大成,黑白杂糅之书,深入地剖析君臣谋略的利害得失,不失为官场学扬名立万的顶级范本。成书后作者亦因此显名于世,时人称“赵蕤术数,李白文章”。全书整体框架以谋略为经,历史为纬,交错纵横,蔚然成章。作者打破时空界限,从宏观上鸟瞰了上至尧舜、下至隋唐的历史全貌,围绕权谋政变和知人善任这两个重心,时而引经据典,雄辩滔滔;时而运筹帷幄,驰骋沙场;时而审时度势,策划于密室;时而纵横捭阖,游说于诸侯。既有五侯争霸的刀光剑影、百子争锋,又有三国割据的金戈铁马、斗智斗勇。奇谋叠出,电击雷鸣。铺述历史,或则白描淡线,或则浓墨重彩。有理论上的探讨,有策略上的权衡,有人物的品评,有得失的反思。因此可以说,《长短经》既是对唐以前历史的多角度、全方位的审视,也是历代政治创意与谋略之集大成。 ( The book is a famous work of vertical and horizontal theory compiled by scholar of Tang Dynasty Zhao Rui. The book has nine volumes and 64 pieces. It is a combination of Confucianism, Taoists, Legalists, Militarist and Yin-Yang School’s thoughts, mixed with the black and white, deeply analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of strategies between the monarch and his subjects. It can yet be regarded as top template for official circles. After completing the book, the author becomes well-known. At this time, people calls “Zhao Rui’s divination and Li Bai’s articles”. The overall framework of this book uses the strategy as longitude and history as latitude. The author breaks limit of space-time, gets a bird's-eye view to the overall history pictures from Yao and Shun to Sui and Tang dynasties, introduces chapter and verse, speaking eloquently; devises strategies within a command tent, galloping on war field; considers the situation, planning in a secret room; maneuvers among various political groupings, lobbying the feudal princes based on tactics and coup. The book has lights of the long knives in the period of five princes striving for hegemony and the ancient philosophers fighting for mastery, military hardware in the period of the three kingdoms, fighting a battle of wits and courage. It is full of strategies. Narrate the history by line drawing or thick and heavy in colors. Therefore, the book is not only the multi-angle and all-around review of the histories before Tang Dynasty, bus also a compressive expression of historical political creation and strategies. )