"Curious about cats? It has been claimed that people who like house cats invariably love books. This delightfully illustrated volume on cat care presents information about their behavior, interactions with their own as well as other species, vaccination, deworming, restraining, feline vocalizations, mating, pregnancy, delivery, aggression, old age, ethical issues and myriad other things in a manner that is both pleasurable and concise. I have the experience of bringing up dozens of house cats by hand for well over a decade. Among other things you will find information on when to fire that vet for inappropriate deworming and how to choose a surgeon. Cat parlance is is gradually explained without turning the work into a glossary which will make concepts easier to recall when the vet speaks. Legal issues are briefly touched. Even if you don't own a cat or ever mean to, in life you will come across cats - that's a guarantee. Dive into this and learn to read a cat like a book!"