Ebook: Practice-Oriented Marketing: Basics – Instruments – Case Studies
Author: Ralf T. Kreutzer
Ralf Kreutzer has once again succeeded in setting the right priorities. He makes it convincingly clear that the proven basics in marketing are also valid in the online and digital age. Predict: especially worth reading!
Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Wolfgang Fritz, Technical University of Braunschweig and University of Vienna
The 6th edition has been extensively revised and supplemented with important, current topics of online marketing and digitalization. This further enhances the strengths of the previous editions.
Prof. Dr. Klaus Gutknecht, University of Applied Sciences Munich
The author encourages critical thinking about the content presented through the use of "mnemonic boxes" and "food for thought". Very good!
Prof. Dr. Sabine Haller, Berlin School of Economics and Law
An indispensable orientation in the ever faster changing everyday marketing. The book provides implementation and practical know-how without getting lost in details.
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Michael Lingenfelder, Philipps-Universität Marburg
Further proof of Ralf T. Kreutzer's special expertise in marketing, his great passion for conveying knowledge in the best possible way and his special ability to identify the truly relevant topics.
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Merkle, UE - University of Europe for Applied Sciences, President Marketing Club Hamburg
Particularly noteworthy is the expansion of the classic marketing mix to include the fifth P for personnel. Because in the end, it is still the employees who make good marketing!
Prof. Dr. Karsten Kilian, Würzburg-Schweinfurt University of Applied Sciences and Markenlexikon.com
Concise language, convincing thought leadership, clear examples and goal-oriented transfer questions form an almost ideal basis for opening up the world of marketing.
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Klaus-Peter Wiedmann, Leibniz University Hanover
New from the 6th edition
Newly added are chapters on the topics of the customer journey map, special market research concepts and special forms of static price and condition design.
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