Ebook: Die Werke Notkers des Deutschen: Band 7A Notker latinus zu den kleineren Schriften
- Series: Altdeutsche Textbibliothek, 117
- Year: 2003
- Publisher: De Gruyter
- Edition: Reprint 2012
- Language: German
- pdf
This »Notker latinus« or commentary volume for the ten shorter works comprises not only the primary sources but also parallel passages in other texts and interactions with Notker's writings in general. The editors are confident that this compilation establishes further and in more detail Notker's authorship of the St. Gall Tractate, »De dialectica«, and »Distributio«, which they had added to the canon, now that in a recent article, »Die lateinischen Schriften Notkers des Deutschen. Altes und Neues« (PBB 124, 2002, p. 411-441), the authenticity of these three texts in general could be demonstrated. Also treated in this collection are »De arte rhetorica«, »De partibus logicae«, »De syllogismis«, »De definitione«, »Computus«, »De musica«, and Notker's Latin letter to Bishop Hugo of Sitten.