Ebook: Cellphone Photography Mastermind - Simple techniques for taking incredible pictures with iPhone and Android: Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Great Photography
Author: Sijie Deng
Chatting during a long beach walk, we realized that we have accumulated all of this knowledge and we wanted to share it so in 2012 we started taking Educational Photo-Tours through our company Photo School VIP. We have taught over 8000 students with an 80% repeat rate. We have turned the entire video course into this book so more people can afford to learn from us.
We teach through the back roads of South Africa, on safari in Botswana, while exploring the hidden gems of Italy, through the foothills of Spain, the mountain villages of Lesotho, the wild coastline of the Transkei, the kaleidoscope of culture in India and in the unique and wonderful Zanzibar.
You then learn how to photograph for your brand. Consistency in your image is key to making your brand stand out, and it's a combination of color, design and photography.
We teach you to get the technical set up right first, on IOS and Android phones. Then teach you how to take great photos from a photographer's point of view.
- Do you lack confidence in your skills to follow your passion?
- Have you lost your inspiration to be creative are you unsure of what inspired you and you want it back?
- Do you want to learn techniques that Pro's use?
- Do you want to be taught in a clear and simple manner?
- Are you tired of not getting the results that you dream of?
- Are you a hobbyist who just wants to learn some new skills and have some fun?
- Or are you a blogger / influencer and need to up skill your visual content creation skills?
- Were you brought up believing that “creative” jobs aren’t “real” jobs and you can’t make money from it
- Are you ready to consider a career change?
- Are you ready to learn and have some fun?
- Do you wish to make money through your creative skills?
tutorial one
Setting up your Cellphone (iPhone, Samsung or Huawei etc.)
tutorial two
Get your composition right so you understand where to let the light in
tutorial three
How to focus your Cell Phone Camera easily
tutorial four
Finding the hero in your landscapes
tutorial five
Understanding light & adjusting exposure
tutorial six
Story telling with shadows
tutorial seven
Learn to photograph silhouettes like a Pro!
tutorial eight
Learn to tell the whole story
tutorial nine
Backing up, storage & printing
tutorial ten
How to create interesting messages
tutorial eleven
How to write Messages on your photographs
tutorial twelve
Get creative with Video
tutorial thirteen
Foreground, Middleground & Background
tutorial fourteen
Get Creative with Macro
tutorial fifteen
Get Creative with Underwater
tutorial sixteen
Processing & Editing with your phone.
Everyone who has a cell phone! We teach the “yold” (“young-old”) how to take better photos! Beginners, hobbyists, bloggers, marketers, businesses, foodies, entrepreneurs, prosSo please don't wait, Click the Read Now Button Now!