Ebook: 宇宙疑云 (The Secret of The Universe)
Author: 龚勋
- Tags: Science, Young Adult Nonfiction, YAN050020
- Year: 2009
- Publisher: CNPeReading
- Language: Chinese
- epub
外星人绑架事件、UFO神秘基地寻踪、火星村落不明来历……惊世疑案,扑朔迷离,谁来解开这些谜题的惊天秘密!《宇宙疑云》汇集古今中外最让人匪夷所思的天外来客、天体运行、星空变幻、太空探秘等悬而未决的宇宙谜团,用科学客观的镜头揭秘幕后真相,极度冲击你的好奇心,充分激发你探索未知的勇气和热情!人类无数伟大的发明、发现正源自于对某一现象未知原因的质疑和不懈探索。这种由好奇开始的探索未知的意识对儿童来说尤其宝贵,是最能激发想象力与创造力的思维源泉,将提供给他们学习知识、认识世界的强大动力。本套“等待你去破解的世界未解之谜”专门为小读者精心准备。书中展示了一个个不可思议的神秘世界,让人充分感受到我们所生活的世界,奥秘无处不在,神奇无时不有。(Alien abductions, mysterious UFO base pursuit, Mars village of unknown origin...... It’s stunning and whirling mystery, who will solve these puzzles of the secret! The Secret of Universe collects suspense mystery of the universe including the most unbelievable extraterrestrial, celestial bodies, sky changing and space exploration at all times and in all countries. It reveals the truth behind the scenes with the scientific objective principle and gives extreme impact on your curiosity to fully inspire your courage and enthusiasm to explore the unknown world. Countless great inventions by human come from doubt and continuous exploration to unknown reason of a phenomenon. The consciousness to explore the unknown from curiosity is especially valuable for children, it is the most important source of imagination and creativity and will provide them with a strong impetus to learn knowledge and to know the world. This collection of The Mystery of The World Waitingfor You to Solve is carefully prepared for the children. The book shows a mysterious world one by one to make people fully feel the world we are living in and know that mystery and magic is everywhere at any time. )