Trump Bubbles: The Dramatic Rise and Fall of High-Conflict Politicians is the first book to really explain the rise and fall of Donald Trump, candidate for President of the United States of America.
What's a trump bubble? It's when emotions trump thinking in politics. When fear trumps facts. When leader love trumps logic. Donald Trump is the most recent trump bubble, but trump bubbles have occurred before and will again.
Remember the dot.com bust of 2000? The housing and stock market bubbles that burst in 2008? They were held up by "irrational exuberance." Now there's the Donald Trump Bubble. People love him or hate him or are totally confused. However, he is quite predictable, if you understand high-conflict personalities.
Trump Bubbles explains the rise-and-fall pattern of high-conflict politicians, focusing on the case of Donald Trump and the questions people ask:
To answer these questions, the author relies on social science, psychology and history, as well as his years of training professionals in dealing with high-conflict personalities and situations. It's a beautiful thing!