Ebook: 狼性生存 (Survival of Wolf Nature)
Author: 袁建财
- Tags: Psychology, Nonfiction, PSY023000
- Year: 2006
- Publisher: CNPeReading
- Language: Chinese
- epub
"长于适应环境,创造环境;锁定目标,决不轻易放手;运用谋略,出奇制胜;把握时机,放手一搏;更要有情有义,善于群策群力,惟此方能所向无敌……"这就是狼的生存法则,与狼共舞,以狼为鉴,以智慧的生存谋略立于不败之地,本书是将狼道智慧与个人及企业生存发展现状有机结合起来编写而成的一本职场实用"宝典",书中揭示了狼族驰骋天下、历久不衰的奥秘,并结合现代企业特点总结出一套"职场生存经",能够帮你在职场中游刃有余,步步高升。 服从是狼的天性。职场员工应把狼族成员对头狼"绝对服从"的精神移植到大脑中,对老板下达的指令无条件接受,并坚决完成任务。下级服务上级,是上下级开展工作、保持关系正常发展的前提条件,也是领导者观察和评价下属的一个重要尺度。员工在服从过程中,如何能表现出乐于接受的态度,并从始至终为所做的事尽心尽力,一定会给老板留下深刻的印象。相反的。任何一个老板都不喜欢哪名员工跟他唱"对台戏",逆老板意愿行事的人终将被老板打入"冷宫"。 《狼性生存》是将狼道智慧与个人及企业生存发展现状有机结合起来编写而成的一本职场实用"宝典"。书中揭示了狼族驰骋天下、历久不衰的奥秘,并结合现代企业特点总结出一套"职场生存经",希望能够帮助广大读者在职场中游刃有余,步步高升。(“Be good at adapting to environment and creating environment; lock your target and never let it go; use strategy and ace in the hole; seize the opportunity and fight; be more affectionate and righteous, be good at pooling the wisdom and efforts of everyone, and only in this way can you become invincible...” This is the wolf’s law of survival, dancing with the Wolf, regarding the wolf as the mirror, remaining invincible with the wisdom of the survival, this book is a practical “valuable book” in the job market, which combines the wisdom of the wolf and the life and development of individual and enterprise. The book reveals the mystery of the wolf’s roaming the world and long lasting, concludes a set of “career survival classics” in combination with the characteristics of modern enterprises, which can help you accomplish a task with ease and be promoted to a higher position. Obedience is the nature of the wolf. Working employees should transplant the spirit that the members of the wolf family make “absolute obedience” to the leader wolf into the brain, accept the boss’s instructions unconditionally and complete the task resolutely. That subordinate serves superior is the precondition that the subordinate and the superior conduct work and maintain the normal development of the relationship, which is also an important measure for leaders to observe and evaluate subordinates. How employees show a receptive attitude during the process of obedience, and do their best to do what they have done from the beginning to the end will leave a great impression on the boss. On the contrary, all the bosses would not like their staff to sing “a different tune”, those who act against the will of the boss will eventually be thrown into the “cold palace” by the boss. Survival of Wolf Nature is a practical “valuable book” in the job market, which combines the wisdom of the wolf and the life and development of individual and enterprise. The book reveals the mystery of the wolf’s roaming the world and long lasting, concludes a set of “career survival classics” in combination with the characteristics of modern enterprises, hoping to help a large number of readers in the working field to accomplish a task with ease and be promoted to a higher position.)...