Ebook: LEAD: 50 models for success in work and life
Author: John Greenway, Andy Blacknell, Andy Coombe
Leadership Best Seller with #1 for Business Coaching and Team Skills on Amazon
LEAD is here to help you lead yourself – and others - through life’s unpredictable challenges towards your aspirations.
If you are looking for fresh insights, tools and inspiration you won’t be disappointed.
LEAD focuses on the top 3 priorities of a leader. To Map. To Navigate. To Grow. It enables you to:
● MAP the journeys that you want to make in work and life
● NAVIGATE through life’s twists and turns to success
● GROW yourself and others as leaders
Its style is like that of the best coach whose sole aim is to help you find your purpose and to thrive.
With the strapline “50 models for success in work & life” the authors have thoughtfully blended 30 classic leadership models with 20 of their own proven tools which they have developed through working with business leaders and teams across the globe.
Let LEAD be your constant companion, always within reach to coach, challenge and cheer you on.