Ebook: A Comprehensive Guide to Core Needle Biopsies of the Breast
In recent years, there have been several notable developments in the field of breast pathology including revisions in AJCC breast cancer staging, updated guidelines in the testing and reporting of ER, PR, and HER2, as well as implementation of immunotherapy and companion biomarker testing. In addition, several key updates were included in the most recent edition of the WHO Classification of Breast Tumours (2020).
In addition to updates specific to individual breast entities, the second edition will detail updates regarding biomarker testing in the primary and metastatic setting, and incorporate newly defined entities and updated definitions of rare tumors in alignment with the WHO Classification of Breast Tumours (2020). Furthermore, this edition will address the role of CNB in companion biomarker testing for eligibility for immunotherapy in the context of advanced triple-negative breast carcinoma.
Written by leaders in the field and edited by expert breast pathologists, The Second Edition of Comprehensive Guide to Core Needle Biopsies of the Breast is the definitive reference on breast core needle biopsies for practicing pathologists, pathology trainees, oncologists and clinicians of patients with breast disease.