Ebook: 孩子一定要知道的50座历史文化名城(世界篇) (50 Historical and Cultural Cities Children Must Know World Edition)
Author: 张振鹏
- Tags: Juvenile Nonfiction, Science, JNF051180
- Year: 2010
- Publisher: CNPeReading
- Language: Chinese
- epub
《孩子一定要知道的50座历史文化名城(世界篇)》从世界范围内遴选了50座在全球具有深远影响的历史文化名城。从欧洲的巴黎、伦敦、罗马、圣彼得堡、斯德哥尔摩到亚洲的加德满都、雅加达、京都、新德里、大马士革,从非洲的开罗、开普敦、亚历山大到北美洲的纽约、华盛顿、多伦多,从大洋洲的墨尔本、悉尼到南美洲的巴西利亚、布宜诺斯艾利斯……书中对这些城市进行了细致的描写,凸显了每一座世界历史文化名城的魅力与风情。衷心希望本套书能够带给孩子一份认知、一份震撼、一份充满人文关怀的乐趣和思索,带给孩子一种对性情的陶冶、一种眼界的提高、一种人文知识的增长和人生阅历的丰富。 (50 Historical and Cultural Cities Children Must Know (World Edition) selects 50 historical and cultural cities with a profound global impact from worldwide. From Paris, London, Roma, St Petersburg and Stockholm in Europe to Kathmandu, Jakarta, Kyoto, New Delhi and Damascus in Asia, from Cairo, Cape Town and Alexander in Africa to New York, Washington and Toronto in North America, from Melbourne and Sydney in Oceania to Brasilia and Buenos Aires in South America...... The book describes these cities in details to highlight the charm and atmosphere of every world's historical and cultural city. Sincerely we hope that this book can give readers a cognition, a shock, an interest and thinking full of humane care, a nature to cultivate, a wider vision, a increased knowledge of science and technology, a richer kind of life experience ……)