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"Hulda Clark The Cure for all diseases Hulda Clark" The Cure: An exclusive interview with Dr. Hulda Clark VHS DVD Transcript PDF

A video featuring Dr. Hulda Clark.
You be the judge.
People days from death return to health.

Travel with us to interview famous Medical Doctors,Dentists, Orthomolecular Scientists and other experts from around the world who support the disease treatment protocols of Dr. Hulda Clark.

Does a cure for cancer actually exist? We asked Massachusetts Rep. Nancy Caffyn who was saved from serious invasive surgery on her tongue. Her MD said it was a miracle. It was no miracle according to Dr. Clark. It was only the result of years of research in an area of study not sufficiently explored by traditional medicine.

Included is an exclusive interview with Dr. Hulda Clark, best selling author of "The Cure for All Diseases" and three other books on cures for cancer, advanced cancer, and AIDS.

After treating patients using Dr. Clark's protol, "the cancer is history." says Dr. Adolfo Panfili, President, International Association of Orthomolecular Medicine.

Dr. James Rota, past professor at UCLA College of Dentistry talks about mercury in dental fillings which was outlawed in the 1800's but is now a standard ingredient in dental fillings. Why? "Because it is easy to obtain and inexpensive." says Dr. Rota. See vivid visual evidence of how these and other toxic metals leach into your body's tissues causing all kinds of illness while depleting immune systems.

And there is more: See step by step instructions on how you, your friends and loved ones can cleanse your bodies of harmful toxins and parasites.

The information in this documentary does not necessarily reflect the opinions of Zero Point
Films, the director or its producers.
The intent of this feature is to educate the audience to the research and observations of Dr.
Hulda Clark. This should not be considered medical advice.
Before taking any vitamin supplements or altering your diet, consult a competent health care
Educating yourself on your condition will complement professional medical attention.
The Producers
Zero Point Films Presents:
The Cure
Chapter 1
The Cause
Cape Code Massachusetts
Nancy Caffyn
Mass. State Representative
Used Dr. Hulda Clark’s Method
Nancy Caffyn: In 1998 when I was running for office for State Representative not only was I
probably extraordinarily fatigued, I had a sore throat – continuous sore throat – started going
to the doctor looking for some assistance and didn’t get any, but realized there was something
wrong. Eventually that lead to having my lymph nodes swelling and I went to a throat doctor
sometime in February and he felt I might have lymphoma. At that point I decided to go to one
of the Boston hospitals: I felt if I was going to go and have an operation or have any kind of
problem I should got o the best so I went up to Mount Sinai and at that time after having a
biopsy of the tongue was found to have a tumor in the back of the tongue. The operation they
were proposing for me was pretty invasive. I had second third and forth and fifth opinions. I
went on to another hospital in Dana Farber and spoke to the leading directors of all the
departments at Dana Farber which is a leading cancer hospital in Boston, probably one of the
most famous in the world, and they too substantiated that I would need this very invasive
operation which would mean cutting part of my tongue. So it was not a very happy kind of
situation that I was looking forward to.
Then approximately three and a half weeks later I went in for a test. I had to go for a pre
operative test. Because I was still proceeding as if I would have the traditional operation. And
we went through the test, cat scan, all the other operations, the day after the test the doctor
called me up and said the operation was not going to be necessary and I said why and he said
the tumor was gone. And I asked him what it was and he said it was a miracle.
Mike: Who was this that said that it was a miracle?
Nancy Caffyn: This was a Dr. William Montgomery who is at Mount Siani and who is a
world renowned doctor who I had started working with who seemed to be the most
empathetic and understanding and also the most accomplished in throat cancer.
Mike: What was his advice?
Nancy Caffyn: His advice was keep doing whatever you have done and keep the treatment
I hope to encourage alternative medicine in the State of Massachusetts. I have also worked
very hard to get other women legislators to support this and sponsor it and I think we are
going to make great strides because what we need to do is give people an alternative choice
prior to surgery, prior to radiation or chemotherapy because I have seen people have all of
those and yet have tumors come back.
Mike McElrea
Celebrity Fitness Trainer
Mike: Hi my name is Mike McElrea. I am a personal trainer and nutritional consultant here in
Santa Monica, California. For the last 5 years I have been using Dr. Hulda Clark’s method for
killing parasites and cleaning people’s bodies of pollution. She has discovered that those are
the two things that cause cancer. She has also discovered that this is the cause to many
diseases. In her new book “The Cure for All Advanced Cancers”, Dr. Clark will introduce you
to the way that you can actually cure yourself or your loved ones. What we want you to do
over these next few minutes is watch the specific doctors and scientists and patients explain to
you how they cured themselves and Dr. Clark explain the method in which she has discovered
tumor formation as well as cancer, and you too will be fascinated as we were. Now with no
further ado, Dr. Hulda Clark.
Dr. Hulda Clark, Ph.D.
Research Scientist
HRC: Every disease that I saw in my office over a period of say 10 years, had a dominant
parasite involved. Remember I was testing everybody for a set of parasites, about 70. I list all
the parasites in the book, which ones I was testing for. And to my surprises, if you had
diabetes, it would be Eurytrema, the pancreatic fluke. Pancreatic fluke! Diabetes is a disease
of the pancreas.
Mike: What about the fluke that you talked about, the Fasciolopsis fluke, how did we get that
into our body?
Fasciolopsis buski
HRC: It is in the meat and the dairy industry. Except in kosher foods. We were just
discovering that kosher food, and this will go into the books still, that kosher dairy products
do not have these parasites. Which shows you it is a matter of cleanliness.
Mike: We now have all the people watching this squirming at home, because they all think
now, OK I understand I have parasites in my body – and we all do according to our research.
HRC: Yes, of course we do.
Mike: So, according to your research you found that all humans have this and as long as we
are healthy we are OK with it because the body could handle it. My next question to you is,
how do we rid ourselves of these tenacious bacteria, parasites, and viruses. Do you have an
answer to that?
HRC: The answer that I came up with already in the first books was the hull of the black
walnut tree. But the hull has to be green. There is something in the green hull that kills
everything I ever tested for. Which does not mean everything! But let’s say close to 100
parasite varieties.
Mike: So you are telling me that in all of our pharmacology with all the millions of dollars
spent with research on cancer, the native Indians who were using this hundreds of years ago
already had the solution to cancer?
HRC: Those who were, yes. But I do not know how much folklore there is around this herbal
product. And there are many other good herbal products out there. I am sure there must be
other things that can do the same thing.
Mike: But you have found this to be the best product?
HRC: Yes. And now we have a freeze dried product which is even more potent than the
alcohol extract that we call a tincture. And apparently freeze drying preserves some extra
elements so that you do not even really need the cloves and the wormwood with it. Now, not
enough experiments have been done so that I can say, you never need them. But a person can
now use a freeze dried variety and be saved the extra chore of taking so much cloves and
Munich, Germany
Dr. Alan Baklayan
Orthomolecular Medicine [Naturopath]
Alan Baklayan: I started to be very very interested in the relationship between parasites and
the Candida. So my first thing was, I looked into the books from the clinics. Books on
parasitology. And to my own surprise, when you read books on parasitology, they would say
that on some of the parasites the fungus live on the skin. That is known in the clinic. That is
not something new. I read Dr. Clark’s book, and I see that she says, the fungus could live IN
the parasite. So the thing does not really contradict itself, on the contrary. And there was the
explanation, because those people we could not get through with the fungus therapy, they had
parasites and on those parasites they had fungus living. The moment we attack the parasites
with Hulda Clark’s parasite [treatment], is exactly the moment we got through in the fungus
therapy. So from that moment on I was very very interested and I started to read all those
books and then I got all the parasites I could get a hold of, in the meantime I have more than
90 or 100 parasites. You could see all those – this is a kit I developed which now in Germany
is being very popular, especially in all people working with the Bicom. They test with this kit,
there are more than 50 parasites in there, which are all the flukes and all the nematodes, all the
It is not enough, my experience, is that it is not enough just to treat the fluke, the Fasciolopsis
buski. You also have to see all the stages and it is not allowed that any stages would be on any
system left.
Various stages of Fasciolopsis parasite
Alan Baklayan: Because if it does the patient got better but then saw that sometimes the
cancer can start again and when it starts again we found that again the buski has developed, so
we have to make sure that everything is out of his system and that the immune system is
Mike: So we have a relationship with two parasites and cancer: Clostridium bacteria and the
Fasciolopsis parasite which you call the fluke. How did we get that?
Clostridium bacteria
HRC: The Fasciolopsis larval parasites belongs to the malignant development. The
Clostridium belongs to the pre malignant or tumor growth part of the whole process. How do
we get them? That has been the subject of my research and what is in the advanced cancer
book of course. We eat Clostridium bacteria, because they are everywhere in dirt. But we do
not get sick from eating Clostridium in dirt. We eat a common little parasite in dirt called
rabbit fluke – it has a scientific name too – and that rabbit fluke brings in Clostridium, sort of
like the Trojan horse brought in soldiers. They are within. So after eating rabbit fluke with
nearly all the food that you think is perfectly safe…
Mike: Carrots? Root vegetables?
HRC: Raw carrots, yes. Even cooked carrots, yes. Because this parasite, the rabbit fluke, does
not get killed by boiling temperatures.
We test all the foods of our patients for three molds: Zearalenone, Patulin and Aflatoxin. I see
those molds, that is, the mycotoxins that they make, not the growing mold itself. But the
mycotoxins they make are dreadfully toxic. And I always see them in cancer patients right in
the tumor. I am not sure what the significance of that is but when you find it is a common
denominator for tumors it does make you think it is important.
Mike. And where does the Patulin mold come from?
HRC: Patulin is found in other fruits and plant materials too but apples is where we get most
of it. You can hardly peel an apple without seeing some mold under the peeling and that will
have Patulin in it.
Mike: Is it that what we see in the brown spots?
HRC: Yes! That is what the brown spot is. It is not really a brown spot, it is a moldy spot.
Mike: How do suggest we prepare our fruit and how should we eat it?
HRC: Mostly do not eat it. Peel those fruits! Peel the potatoes, peel the apples, peel the pairs,
peel the peaches. Peel everything! And then you will be astounded at what you have been
Mike: What is your concern with the relationship with the pet and the sick patient?
HRC: Pet dander and pet saliva and pet filth gets into everything in the room. I have tested
dust from the room of a home where there was a pet, let’s say just a cat – as much as I love
cats – or a dog and there are Ascaris eggs everywhere and tapeworm eggs everywhere. On the
tabletop, on the kitchen counter, on the chairs, anywhere you want to take a dust sample. And
why wouldn’t there be? Our dander is everywhere. And our germs are everywhere. Why
wouldn’t theirs be?
Mike: And what do these two parasite do to the body.
HRC: They are very injurious. Ascaris does some of the most damaging things to us. Causes
our seizures, causes very many brain disorders.
Tom & Lisa
Tom: About 3 or 4 years ago, I guess it was 4 years ago, Lisa started having seizures. The
seizures were – they covered pretty much a wide range of different types of seizures. They
covered different areas of her body, which to the doctors basically indicated a non epileptic
seizure. She went through EEG, several different doctors. Anyways, I was referred to Dr.
Clark, this was when I actually initially heard of her, and the treatment she used for seizures
which was black walnut. We tried her on the black walnut after not wanting her to go on other
drugs for negative side effects, and the black walnut worked, so we kept her on that.
Mike: When you started taking the black walnut, did you instantly get results?
Lisa: Five days later my seizures stopped. I will have one now once maybe every two months.
Rome, Italy
Mike: So now you are a clinical dietician?
Valeria Panfili [Mangani]
VP: Yes, now I work with my husband in his office and we follow Dr. Clark’s protocol.
Mike: So all the way over here in Italy you are following Dr. Clark’s protocol. Why are you
using her specific protocol?
VP: Well, we use a lot of protocols. My husband is doing orthomolecular medicine here in
Italy. He is the president of the International Association for Orthomolecular Medicine here.
We have seen many kinds of medicines. He knows Ayurvedic medicine, Tibetan medicine,
vitamins, minerals, amino acids of course, all those kind of things, vitamin C from Linus
Paulings’ teachings and everything. Lately we have discovered Dr. Clark’s protocol and we
have seen that it is very very effective.
Dr. Adolfo Panfili
Physician to Pope John Paul II
AP: We are helping people to heal from cancer. Yes, we have several people utilizing the
principles by Dr. Clark. The black walnut, the vitamin C, the antioxidants, and the alkalizing
diet. And we have found very good results. And people – you know when you increase the
level of electrons inside a cell, when you stabilize a cell with the proper fatty acids, when you
teach the people how to get better just avoiding their old mistakes, then cancer is no more – is
Mike: What have you seen so far working with cancer patients and Dr. Clark’s formulas?
VP: Great results. Great recoveries. I can say it because I am not a medical doctor as my
husband is. So I can be more sincere with you. Because medical doctors also in Italy have to
stay aware of the Government.
Mike: So is there a legal problem with saying that you actually cure cancer?
VP: Yes, of course there is, yes. You cannot say you cure cancer. He was called by the
Government once and they told him, you know Dr. Panfili, you are very famous but you must
watch out because you cannot say that you cure cancer. And he said, “but I never did!” But
they told him, but there are some patients of yours that are going around saying they have
been cured, they were sick and now they are healed, how is it possible? He replied, maybe
they said it, I did not say it. That is possible. OK, but you know, the work of a doctor is more
of a writing work, you have to prescribe, you do not have to go on alternative medicine, you
do not have to look so far, just prescribe drugs, do not worry.
Mike: For those people that are obviously going to be your critics, because you use a very
powerful word in your book, in the title to your new book, CURE to all advanced stages of
cancer, perhaps you could elaborate on the word cure and help us to understand why you have
chosen such a powerful word.
HRC: The word cure is an accurate word. I chose it because it was the correct description of
what I was pursuing.
Mike: So now for those people that have cancer, we are in the second week of the healing
process, heading for the third week. We have rounded the corner. You must be excited at this
part in the healing process when you are getting to work with the patient. What do you see?
HRC: At the end of the first week we have cleaned up the tissues so thoroughly that we can
afford to try to open the tumors. You see, what is in the tumor is still everything that you got
of the rest of your tissues. You may have gotten rid of all the parasites, all the bacteria, all the
heavy metals, plasticizers, solvents, everything you have cleaned up in the first week, but it is
all still there in the tumors.
Mike: Is it your suggestion then that you have already stopped the malignancy so the cancer
can’t now kill you?
HRC: Oh, we do that in the first day.
Mike: In the first day?
HRC: Yes, we just give a large dose of green black walnut hull.
Mike: And what does that do?
HRC: That kills the larval stages of the Fasciolopsis parasite called the intestinal fluke.
Mike: And that is the only single thing that causes malignancy?
HRC: That is the only thing that I have found so far over five years of studying possibly
2000-3000 patients.
Mike: All cancer?
HRC: Yes. There may be other things, and other scientists can search for them, but I have not
found them.
Mike. Why have no other researchers found this?
HRC: They have not looked.
Mike: So we have stopped the malignancy, we are in the second week and now you are
attacking the tumor. What specific nutritional supplements do you like to do that with?
HRC: We have only found one way of reliably popping open the tumors. And of coursed we
did not want to do it too soon. If the body is not ready, if the liver is not ready to take that
huge dose of Aflatoxin and azo dye that is going to come out of those tumors, you have done
a lot of damage, the patient may die from the toxicity of opening the tumors.
Mike: now these tumors were caused by the Aflatoxin and the dye that we talked about
HRC: And other things, right.
Mike: So over a lifetime this has accumulated and we have got tumors.
HRC: Right. How it forms I have discussed somewhat in the book, we have a fairly good
insight on how it actually forms into a tumor. But regardless, once you have a toxic collection,
it is like having garbage piles in your house safely closed. Now if you need to clean up the
house, are you going to just open those garbage dumps? No! That could make a much worse
mess than you had before.
Mike: Let’s talk about the azo dye before we continue. Where do you get azo dye?
HRC: Azo dyes used to be used as food colors in the past.
Mike: In what products?
HRC: Very many products. For instance margarine. They used to use an azo dye called
diamino azo benzene, DAB for short.
Mike: Still today?
HRC: Oh no. No. Their carcinogenic potential was recognized by the fifties. And even earlier.
And legislation was passed not allowing azo dyes in hardly any food. At least not the
carcinogenic azo dyes. Some dyes are still allowed, maybe two or three. In jelly beans, jello,
of course candies and many other connections.
Mike: So if they were outlawed in the fifties, how are we seeing cancer and tumors today?
HRC: That is a very puzzling question, it certainly puzzled me. It must puzzle anybody who is
told that very fact. It comes in through pollution of the manufacturing process. A
manufacturing process just cannot be that careful. Now I believe that the actual route of
pollution is regular chlorine bleach, because I find sodium hypochlorite in all foods and
materials that have azo dye pollution. But we do no have the proof for that. And we have tried
to find a way of testing it but there are no labs that I was able to find that could test for these
azo dyes at these – at any level. They are not accustomed to looking for azo dyes in foods
because they are assumed not to exist.
Mike: Does your Syncrometer find azo dyes?
HRC: Oh yes. I have a set of 18. And I find that they all coexist. Especially the two very very
damaging ones that are DAB that I mentioned to you and another one called Sudan Black B.
The reason I consider these the most damaging is because they are the last to leave when we
draw them out of your body. And when they leave, when the DAB is out of your body, as
testing with the Syncrometer, the alkaline phosphatase level drops to normal in your blood
test. Very many people die of a high alkaline phosphatase level. It attacks their bones.
Alkaline phosphatase acid levels
Danger 200-400
High normal 150-200
Normal 75-150
Mike: So this is an important marker for you when you are looking at cancer patients?
HRC: Oh yes. And the other dye, Sudan Black B, when we get that one out – and it takes
longer because it is right inside the nucleus and it is very hard to pull out –
Mike: Where do you find Sudan Black B?
HRC: Along with the other azo dyes polluting everything that is on the market. That is
Mike: So the outlook looks bleak but perhaps you can give us a list of healthy products that
we can choose in the book.
HRC: I have listed a lot of healthy products – and how to choose is perhaps the better – easier
for the public.
David P. Amrein
President of the Dr. Clark Research Association
David P. Amrein: I came across Dr. Clark about 4 years ago and I realized that it is really
important that this knowledge is being used and applied so that people are really getting
better. So I started the Dr. Clark Research Association and I am promoting Dr. Clark in
seminars, in lectures and we are also about to se set up a clinic in Switzerland so that we can
apply her protocol. We have especially in Germany and in Switzerland a lot of therapists in
the alternative medical field who are using it plus a lot of medical doctors as well, especially
in Italy who see the trend that medical doctors are using these therapies.
Mike. What kind of results are you getting with treating cancer?
DPA: Since I work so closely with a lot of therapists I can see results almost every day. Not
all of them about cancer, but incredible cases, like people with only days to go and they get
Chapter 2
Liver & Kidney Cleanse
Mike: Now, I know you are working on coming up with body care chemicals specifically to
help us get better. Skin lotions and even tooth paste and even hair dye. That is interesting to
me because your hair is not the traditional color. What are you using for your hair dye?
HRC: I am doing experiments on hair days and that is why you see it purple on one day, slate
on another day, more blue on another day and maybe more red on another day. I am trying to
develop safe hair dyes because I consider it such a tragedy that all the hair dyes on the market
have azo dyes in them, perhaps even legitimately, because it is not controlled by the FDA.
Mike: So this could be a huge source of cancer problem?
HRC: A very huge source. Now you might think the hair is growing out of you so how could
that penetrate. It does! As soon as you hair dye we see the dyes in the scalp. The fat of the
scalp. The dye is fat soluble. It goes right into the fat of the scalp. And there it sits as a
reservoir for about 6 weeks, by then you are doing it again. And from there the dye has to be
relocated to the liver and then it goes to your tumors and the other problem organs. And there
is no reason that it could not be easily cleaned up so that has been one of my dedications to
find a safe hair dye. And this happens to be Dalia black henna.
Mike: In your suggestion of cleaning up the environment in the home, how do you suggest we
clean up the environment in our personal care products?
HRC: Don’t use them. You can’t clean them up. They are all polluted. From tooth paste to
shampoo, you name it, it is all polluted. That is why the first thing we do, and in fact on the
day one of our 21 Day Program you throw away, you do not just set aside, because you will
never use it again, you just throw away all your products, for your skin, your hair, whatever.
Mike: Why do we have to throw away those products?
HRC: They are all polluted. Most of the m have isopropyl alcohol in them, and azo dyes, and
they also have heavy metal pollution. It is shocking.
Mike: One more question. In your book, “Cure to Cancer” you specifically talk about
isopropyl alcohol, which we also know to be rubbing alcohol. How is it possible that
something so toxic is being used in such a wide variety of commercial products from our
shampoo to our hair conditioners to our skin care products and to even tooth paste?
HRC: And without even noticing that it is doing anything, right? We have been using it
probably for 50 years, maybe more. I remember my father using it, buying a bottle of it, as
part of an after shave. I think that its toxicity is so subtle because it causes mutations. I
discovered the mutations with a Syncrometer. It forms isopropyl complexes with our nucleic
acids. I do not know if anyone has looked for them But the names for the compounds are very
long so I do not want to bore you with them. It also combines with our vitamin C: Isopropyl
butyn ascorbate(?). So perhaps, and this of course should get some good biochemical attention
from regular biochemistry, perhaps isopropyl alcohol depletes your system of ascorbic acid,
vitamin C.
Mike: With relationship to other disease, you have covered that in your other books, where do
you see allergies fitting into all of this?
HRC: It is a very important disorder that we have. Liver dysfunction. It is a loose concept,
because we all have a small degree of liver dysfunction. But the prevalence of allergies now
and especially what we call environmentally sensitive people or multiple allergies, that is very
significant and should be as a bugle call to us: Hey look, something is happening to your liver,
the liver can no longer detoxify a large number of chemicals that you are getting into you and
you better not do that.
Dr. Alan Baklayan
Alan Baklayan: Allergy, we could say, is a kind of civilization sickness. We read a lot of
clinic reports that Indians in the jungle or somewhere do not have any allergies and so it is
very clear that civilization brings allergy with it. And the experience we have is that people
start allergies with one or two allergies and sometimes it is not that harmful, but as the years
go by which means that parasites can develop, they can have more toxins in the body, then
they develop more and more allergies.
David P. Amrein: It is very interesting that in Europe there is a high acceptance for natural
and herbal remedies. More and more people are trying to get well on a natural way because
they see the limits of the highly toxic chemical treatments that we see.
Mike. What other diseases are you seeing cured?
David P. Amrein: We see very fast cures in diabetes. We see people get negative with HIV.
And basically on very simple things. I had a wart myself behind the ear, I zapped and it fell
off. [!!!]
Mike: You have an interesting treatment that you suggest in your book called the liver flush.
And what is the relationship with the liver flush and what we are talking about here for
purging the body of bacteria?
HRC: It does purge the body of bacteria very nicely. I do not incorporate it in the 21 Day
Program because the patients are too sick to be going through a liver flush. They can do that
after they get a little better. But in the book “Cure for Cancers”, which is for earlier cancer
stages, and the other books, where people are just ill of other diseases, cleaning the liver is
probably the most effective thing they can do to get immediate relief of many pains and many
problems, say a digestion problem. Pain in the shoulder is very very typically improved the
very next day.
Mike: Did you invent this liver flush?
HRC: No, I didn’t. I only experimented with it repeatedly to develop something that was
reliable, so that if anybody did it, say 100 people, at least 99 of them would get stones out.
Mike: You say stones, you mean pebbles like we see on the beach?
Various types of liver stones
HRC: Sometimes they are pebbles, what you see on the beach, small green very hard rocks.
But most of the time they are larger green colored roundish objects the size of a bean or pea or
Lima bean and sometimes much much larger.
Mike: Could we see these with an ultra sound or an MRI or an Xray?
HRC: No you can’t because they do not have that much density difference form your tissue.
To be able to see something say on Xray it would have to be calcified and on an ultra sound
or a scan it would have to have quite a density difference, and it does not. It is really just
made of cholesterol crystals, garbage and mush.
Mike: As part of Dr. Clark’s program, she encourages the liver flush. In my nutritional
consulting practice, I have been doing the liver flush for a number of years. Dr. Clark has
helped me to even perfect it to a greater level. The liver flush has been a popular remedy for
flushing the liver, the colon as well as the kidneys for a number of years. In fact it dates back
more than 2000 years ago. The Egyptians were actually doing it. Where the Egyptians would
travel across the desert, get the salt out of the dead see, they would bring it back and they
would put it into the kings with the combination of lemon and sea salt and they would flush
the liver this way.
We have a more sophisticated way of doing it now, using Epsom salts, olive oil and grapefruit
as the grand finale and we will just show you how we build up to it to prepare the body so that
the body can eliminate some of the toxins.
The first thing we use is a beet cucumber juice and the beet cucumber juice helps to alkalize
the body as well as clean the liver. And then we also use black cherry juice, which helps –
both eating the cherries and drinking the juice – to cleanse the kidneys, and then in addition to
that for cleansing the kidneys we also use the tea made from uva ursi. Now we also use for
both the kidneys and the liver a combination of apple and lemon and to that we add ginger.
The reason we suggest the ginger, the apple and the lemon is because it really does help to
emulsify the stones. So if you do this 21 days prior to the actual flush itself, you will emulsify
a lot of these crystals that can accumulate in the liver. In fact we actually use this formula of
apple, lemon and ginger as the first drink after the liver flush just to help get rid of some of
the toxins and clear the liver of any extra crystals that might not have come out in the liver
flush itself.
Dr. Clark has found that this combination of black walnut and super blend of wormwood
combination and cloves kills the parasite, the Fasciolopsis buski. And the best method for
cleaning out the liver is to go in and use these products first for the first three weeks and then
on the day of the flush you stop using all of these products and then you just go straight to the
vegetable juices. And by the way on that day stay completely vegetarian, and stay off of all
the fats that particular day as well, so you build up the bile pressure in the liver and you will
get a more effective flush.
In the digestive tract she suggest that we use betaine HCL. So that helps drive all the bacteria
down into the lower intestine where it can live there out of harm’s way. And then in the teeth
she suggests that we brush our teeth with the oil of oregano. And the way we do that, Jane if I
could just have your hand here for a second, we just put a little a dab on the finger about that
much, a drop, then you take the tooth brush like this and you rub it on the finger absorbing all
the oregano oil This is very very hot, hotter than cayenne pepper actually. And then you just
go about brushing your teeth with it which Jane can do now because she is preparing for her
liver flush. You brush your teeth with it and that kills all the Clostridium bacteria in the teeth
preparing the liver then for the flush itself.
To do the flush what we normally do is we stop eating at 2 o’clock in the afternoon. Now at
that point we allow the body 4 hours to get all of the food through the digestive tract , then we
introduce the body at 6 o’clock to the first glass of Epsom salt which we have here, just
regular Epsom salt, and about a table spoon and a half, in one glass. Now inside this glass of
water we dissolved 1½ table spoons of Epsom salt. And she’ll do that at 6 o’clock. Then the
second glass of water is also 1½ table spoons of Epsom salt that she does two hours later at 8
Liver Flush
6:00pm 8oz. Glass with 1½ tablespoon of Epsom Salt
8:00pm 8oz. Glass with 1½ tablespoon of Epsom Salt
Mike: Now in between these two times – it is not mandatory but it does help to do a foot
massage, which you can do on a foot massage machine or you can just have your spouse or
your mate give you a foot massage. It would really help to sit in a chair with your feet
elevated at least to allow the lymphatic system to cleanse itself.
Liver Flush
Bed Side
6:00am 8oz. Glass with 1½ tablespoon of Epsom Salt
8:00am 8oz. Glass with 1½ tablespoon of Epsom Salt
Mike: Now at the same time I suggest you prepare two other glasses of 8 ounces of water
each with 1½ table spoons of Epsom salt in both that you lay by the bedside and one will be
drunk at 6am in the morning and the other one will be drunk at 8 o’clock in the morning when
you will get out of bed. So the first Epsom salt Jane does at 6 o’clock, the second Epsom salt
she does at 8 o’clock, and then two are prepared for 6am in the morning and 8am respectively.
So once she wakes up in the morning the Epsom salt is going to help encourage the bowel to
eliminate. The reason why Dr. Clark has picked Epsom salts of course if s because is because
the magnesium sulphate helps relax the liver and the bowel so that the stones can roll out
So the body’s now prepared to take the liver flush itself which is a combination of olive oil
and freshly squeezed grapefruit juice. And we just use a regular citrus juicer for this. Between
two and three grapefruits should give you about 8 ounces of grapefruit juice and that is all you
need to do this. The grapefruit juice of course that we get is pink and we filter it to make sure
that there is no pulp. And then in combination with the olive oil it perfectly prepares the liver
so that you can eliminate. Now as an option, and it is a very good option, we suggest that you
ozonate the olive oil. And we will show you how to do that. You just get a regular ozonator –
you can get this down at your local pet store because they use them for fish tanks – and a
regular fish tank pump here. It is very very cheap to get one of these and you can put the
ozonating ball right into the olive oil and then plug it in. I do not suggest to plug it in until you
are ready to go because the ozone can be toxic in your environment. Now the ozone is going
into the olive oil. And it creates a very very toxic formula for micro organisms but it is not
harmful to human health so when we mix this together in combination with the grapefruit
juice this will force all of the bile salts and all of the chemicals that have accumulated in the
liver completely out in the morning. We suggest that you ozonate for approximately 10
minutes. That will be enough to saturate it.
As another option in helping to kill the microorganisms, Dr. Clark has created a product that
she calls the zapper. And it works by sending an electrical frequency into the body. And it is
only run off of a 9 V battery which you can see in the back here. And it is harmless to the
body. And all you do is you just wet it down and put it on the little electrode here. So you just
place it over the pulse point and snap it on, it is that simple. And the little electrode just snaps
on and off on this snap. And then we do the other one the exact same way. Get a little bit wet
so you’ve got conductivity. You don’t even actually feel this when it is going on the body.
Place it over the pulse point. Just turn it on by pushing the button. And it works in a cycle of 7
minutes and then it takes a 20 minute rest then it repeats for 7 minutes and it takes another 20
minute rest then it repeats for 7 more minutes. For the first 7 minutes it will kill the parasite.
And if anything should be living in the parasite like a bacterium, then the next 7 minutes will
kill the bacterium, and if a virus should be living inside the bacterium, the following 7
minutes should clean all of that up as well. And that is the principle behind this device.
Like I said this is optional but we do find that it does help wit the effectiveness of the flush.
And that is the liver flush.
DPA: The liver cleanse is much underestimated. It should be done a lot more often because it
is one of the most important parts of the protocol. Because especially cancer patients are
highly toxic and they need a liver that is in a good shape to get rid of all these toxins.
Chapter 3: Toxic Dentistry
Mike: Dr., if we read the back of many tooth pastes that are available today in the grocery
store it says if we should swallow more than what you could fit on the end of the tooth brush
call poison control immediately. Perhaps you would like to address that.
HRC: I have not actually seen that myself but of course I feel that way, I know that. Tooth
paste is very toxic stuff. Not just because of the chemicals in it but because the material in it is
ground so fine that if you should get some into an extraction site where a tooth once was, it
will stay there forever. I find tooth paste in old extraction sites that never healed, they are
called cavitations, I talk about that in the book. Cavitations where old tooth extractions have
left an area of minor infection, it becomes a bio accumulation site and there is tooth paste in
there. A lot of silicone and tooth paste and silicon is absorbed, taken in by the white blood
cells and white blood cells becoming disabled by it. That is called low immunity. Immune
dysfunction. Coming from your tooth paste, that is awful.
Dr. James Rota, DDS
JR: Well, oddly enough, I was on the staff of UCLA back in the 60s, and I gave the first class
at UCLA – because one of my jobs at UCLA was to develop the curriculum for the new
students coming aboard and also the dental school itself – and so I was fortunate to give the
first lecture on mercury fillings that the students had. And in my research I uncovered that
mercury was a concern. In fact in 1848 it was considered illegal to use mercury, unethical.
The then union of dentistry was the American College of Dental Surgeons and it was like the
analogous to the ADA and that group of bodies said it was illegal or unethical to use mercury
because of its toxic concerns. But then there was no alternative that was able to be used so
dentists got together and began using mercury fillings because it was more economical and
indeed there was a serious problem because what are you going to use, you can’t use gold,
most people could not afford gold and even the gold techniques were not refined as they are
today. So there was no option, no alternative. So this group of dentists began to use mercury
fillings. And that group grew and became the American Dental Association. So the American
Dental Association has had its formation on the utilization of mercury fillings. Which is
ironic, of course.
Mike: The American Dental Association suggests that silver fillings really do not have any ill
effect on our health but you have proven that that is not true.
HRC: I would not call them silver fillings, I would call them mercury, thallium and lanthanide
fillings. Because they are not made of silver and mercury and iron and nickel, let’s say. They
are made of silver, mercury, iron, nickel, and all the other 70 elements in the table, including
the very toxic ones, including even uranium! We are finding uranium in them! How more
carcinogenic can it get? And it gets out, that is the point. I think that the Dental Association is
not aware – and has not done the experiments to find out – is not aware that the metals from
these fillings including uranium, can be found in the kidneys, the liver, the spleen, in other
organs, wherever your tumor is, that is where it is bio accumulating.
JR: There was a body of evidence that would say: hey, you are using this potentially lethal
material, while dentists were teaching and I was one of the ones who were taught who then
taught that mercury was inert when you mixed it with silver, tin, zinc and copper, which
consists of the mercury filling or the amalgam or the silver filling. It is really a mercury filling
because 50% of it is mercury and if you mix it with silver, tin, zinc and copper, we taught that
it was inert, which a scientific impossibility because everything by the laws of entropy is in
the process of decay. And in the case of the dental mercury filling, the decay is quite
Mike: For those people watching this video that have already changed their tooth fillings from
the mercury filling to the white fillings, what about that?
HRC: I have to apologize for that. That is what I said in the first book, “Cure for All
Cancers”, that that is what you should do. At that time I was not aware that they were seeping
carcinogenic dyes. I don’t think any scientist anywhere could ever imagine that a perfectly
white tooth, a white cap, should be tested for carcinogenic dyes that are red. But all the dyes
are polluted with the other dyes. And all the materials that are used for the manufacture of
these synthetic plastic teeth, are polluted with synthetic dyes. We test for 18 azo dyes. These
azo dyes cause the well known p53 mutations.
Mike: And for those people that do not know what a p53 mutation is?
HRC: All tumors, cancers, tumors, are loaded with mutations. This means chromosome
breaks and gene mutations. That is why you do a biopsy and send it to the lab. The cytologist
in the lab looks at the slides and when they see these mutations, chromosomes all over the
place, they can designate what kind of cancer you have. That is a clue to the fact that there is
cancer going on in that biopsy.
Mike: So your research has proven that a healthy cell is turning into a cancerous cell because
of the dye?
HRC: Exactly. That is part of it. It is more complicated than that but that is a very big part.
And we cannot stop the tumor from growing, we can’t start it shrinking unless you stop
giving it dyes, carcinogenic dyes.
JR: In fact in the average mouth we might find sometimes 26 different metals. Which again
not only is a biocompatibility problem with toxicities, but the electronics!
This has been a fascinating field for us in the last 15 years, we have been doing electronic
readings, by using an Amp-meter, a more sophisticated digital Amp-meter. Well if we have
teeth now that have metal in their mouth that are constantly generating electricity! And by the
way out car battery is a lead pole and a zinc pole and a box of sulphuric acid, right? If we
wanted to create the quintessential battery, we would use gold and silver. The cathode and the
anode. A positive and a negative pole. Which can create a wonderful battery. But we do this
in the mouth.
So tremendous amounts of electricity can disturb the normal flow of ionic flow in the body.
So if you have got a constant flow of electricity created by the metal fillings in our mouth we
can then turn off, where the body says: hey, this stimulation is constant, I better do something
to adapt. So it blocks, instead of stimulates like the initial acupuncture needle has stimulated
but if left in there could cause a problem.
Our teeth are those bio electrical electrodes and I refer to them sometimes as spark plugs
because they have capacity. The tooth is a very interesting device because it is surrounded by
crystal. And the crystal if we look at what the computer is all about, the computer has its heart
in the silicone chip, has the crystal of the silicone chip. And the analogous of the silicone chip
in the computer is the enamel that covers this thing we call the tooth. So in a normal healthy
tooth, the tooth has capacity to hold a charge like the spark plug has a capacity to hold a
charge. But if you put metal in that tooth, you disturb this electronic flow. And so a whole
vast of things are now being looked at related to this electrical disturbance that you make
mention of and rightly so.
Mike’s trip to the dentist
As you can see on the Xray, these teeth that are marked out are the ones that have silver
fillings in them. Now they are – as we will see in just a bit in the mouth –- they are decayed
already. They start to leek. And these are full of bacteria. And the bacteria starts to fester in
his mouth and then it will start to spread all through his whole body. So we have here as you
can see some of the mercury and some of the silver filling in there that is oxidizing and it is
seeping into the body. And we have micro leakage. And in this area there he has already got
some micro leakage. And Clostridium bacteria is going under there and festers in there and
that creates an infectious site and it f you have bacteria in there it will start to go down into
your tooth and that will go into your blood system and then it will harbor somewhere and
create a larger problem.
Mike: Like a tumor?
Solorio: It could go into a tumor.
Mike: Why are no other dentists doing this type of extraction procedure?
Solorio: From what I have talked with Dr. Clark, her theory is not – well it is not a theory –
her method is not well received by mainstream dentistry or mainstream medicine. There are a
lot of things that are not well seen by mainstream medical practice.
Mike: Why do you guys see it then?
Solorio: Well, the arguments that Dr. Clark told us were very convincing. And some of the
things we have seen through her method are very blatant, you can’t really ignore them.
Mike: So you actually see the bacteria under the teeth?
Solorio: Well I do not see bacteria because bacteria are microscopic but you see the benefits
that it produces.
Mike: So you are actually seeing patients getting well after the teeth are removed?
Solorio: They are getting a lot better.
JR: We are talking in general today about controversial subjects, right? And certainly root
canal fillings are extreme controversy. And there have been a lot of concerns about the root
canal. And it is not just recent. Dr. Alfred Price was one of the pioneers in the concern of root
canals. He was a past president of the American Dental Association and a tremendous
researcher and a humanitarian and a nutritionist. He said that what he had found in his early
studies is that he would take an extracted root canal tooth and take some of that grindings and
put it underneath a rabbit’s ear. And he would find that if the patient, the donor from that
tooth, let’s say he had a Strep bacteria, that rabbit then would mimic or would develop the
same kind of infection. So he found that there was bacteria present in a dead tooth living in
the tubules themselves.
A healthy vital tooth is made up f a canal on the inside with various blood vessels and nerves
radiating inside the chamber of that tooth. And radiating from this canal are little tubules,
microscopic little tubules in the dentin underneath this cap of enamel I already mentioned
earlier. Little tubules that allow the fluid to come in and out of that tooth, balancing the
hydrostatic pressure within that chamber. So that when there is swelling inside the tooth we
see a fluid coming out the tooth. Otherwise we would have a tooth ache all the time. So this
exchange of fluids throughout the tubules in a healthy tooth is there for a reason. When we do
a root canal filling we take out all the canal, all the dead tissue in the case of a dead tooth. We
were to assume that if a tooth died we would simply remove the nerves and the blood vessels
and the abscess and all the dead tissue that was related to a dead tooth and fill it in with a
suitable filling material. Now assuming that filling material is suitable, Dr. Price showed that
within these tubules that were once occupied by fluid, now they have become dehydrated and
then they become inhabited by micro organisms.
Mike: Why do you have to extract a root canal?
HRC: Because wherever there is foreign material in a tooth socket, which is way down deep
in your tissue, Clostridium bacteria find that location and they grow there. So it is not in this
case a matter a of what the composition is, it is the fact that it gets infected and you do not
know it. You do not feel pain. You are not allergic to it. And the Clostridium bacteria find it a
home because t is anaerobic.
Mike: What is the problem when people extract the teeth and they don’t pull that ligament
Solorio: Well, according to Dr. Clark, everything in this area has already been infected, and if
you leave part of the tissue that is infected, it will still fester in there. It will still be
contaminated. The reason for this is that although you do get a lot of bleeding, the bone in that
area does not have as much circulation. Because it is a thicker type of bone, it is more the
cortical type of bone that goes into that area. Now, this cortical bone is thicker, it is denser, so
it has less circulation, and unless that is scraped off accordingly, and some of that bone that
seems to be contaminated taken out so we leave a nice big bloody mess –
Mike: An open cavity so it can heal back.
Solorio: Yes, so it can heal back.
Mike: And that is what she calls the Arechiga method in her new book.
Dr. Benjamin Arechiga, DDS
Mike: Look at that, Chris Look at those bacteria. All that black.
Dr. Arechiga: There is the old filling, do you see that?
Mike: Look how poisonous that is.
Mike: I am now 37 years old and I have had these fillings since I was 13. And I have
constantly been fighting with an immune system breakdown. And I have always had little
growths growing in my lymph system. And most recently I have had this tumor on my breast
and I could not get it to go away. Constantly fighting with bacteria growing there. Specifically
the Clostridium. So after consulting with Dr. Clark she said the only thing to do is to really
pull the teeth. The fillings were so big that I could not risk trying to drill them out and poison
myself with even the slightest amount of the mercury. And now that we can see what actually
came out it was even more toxic than we thought.
And to be honest with you I think this procedure was actually easier than going in with a drill
and drilling and trying to replace the filling. And today there really is not anything to replace
the fillings with that is not toxic. So for the sake of saving my life I think this was the much
better procedure. And I’ll just get some partials and put them back there and continue on with
my healthy lifestyle.
Mike: So all this research that you have done over this past number of years, you funded
HRC: Yes.
Mike: And in doing so, how were you compensated?
HRC: By the knowledge, I suppose.
Mike: So you do this out of the goodness of your heart, not looking for compensation
financially, but you have a true passion for finding the cure to all Disease.
HRC: Well, at least cancer and AIDS. I can’t cope with all the rest of it. Others will, now that
we have a technology that can do it. But I thought that I should be focused on cancer and
AIDS since there is so much suffering there.
[Text] Directed by Christopher Patton
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