Ebook: Security and Privacy in Ad-Hoc and Sensor Networks: Third European Workshop, ESAS 2006, Hamburg, Germany, September 20-21, 2006, Revised Selected Papers
- Genre: Education // International Conferences and Symposiums
- Tags: Data Encryption, Computer Communication Networks, Systems and Data Security, Algorithm Analysis and Problem Complexity, Management of Computing and Information Systems, Information Systems Applications (incl.Internet)
- Series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4357 : Computer Communication Networks and Telecommunications
- Year: 2006
- Publisher: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
- Edition: 1
- Language: English
- pdf
Theseproceedingscontainthepapersofthe3rdEuropeanWorkshoponSecurity and Privacy in Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks (ESAS 2006), which was held in Hamburg, Germany, September 20–21, 2006, in conjunction with the 11th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS 2006). This year, a total of 44 full papers were submitted to ESAS. Each subm- ted paper was reviewed by at least three expert referees. After a short period of discussion and deliberation, the Program Committee selected 14 papers for presentation and subsequent publication in the workshop proceedings. This c- responds to an acceptance rate of 32% – a respectable rate by any measure. In addition to the presented papers, this year’s workshop also featured two keynote speeches and seven project presentations. In the ?rst keynote, Jean-Pierre Hubaux (EPFL) gave an overview of “Security and Cooperation in WirelessNetworks”.ThesecondkeynotewasgivenbyPimTuyls(Philips)onthe interesting topic of “Grey-Box Cryptography: Physical Unclonable Functions”. The project presentations covered the following European Projects: S3MS, SeVeCom, BIONETS, CASCADAS, MOBIUS, EYES and UbiSecSens. Unf- tunately, the extended abstracts of these presentations could not be included in the proceedings. As the Chairs of ESAS 2006, we are very happy with the outcome of the workshop that clearly demonstrates the continued importance, popularity, and timeliness of the topic: Security and Privacy in Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks.
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-proceedings of the Third European Workshop on Security and Privacy in Ad hoc and Sensor Networks, ESAS 2006, held in Hamburg, Germany in September 2006 in conjunction with the 11th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS 2006).
The 14 revised full papers presented together with the abstracts of 2 invited talks were carefully reviewed and selected from 44 submissions. The papers present original research on all aspects of security and privacy in wireless ad hoc and sensor networks and addressing current topics of network security, cryptography, and wireless networking communities.