Ebook: Algorithms for Sensor and Ad Hoc Networks: Advanced Lectures
- Genre: Computers // Algorithms and Data Structures
- Tags: Computer Communication Networks, Software Engineering, Algorithm Analysis and Problem Complexity, Information Storage and Retrieval, Information Systems Applications (incl.Internet), Communications Engineering Networks
- Series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4621 : Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues
- Year: 2007
- Publisher: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
- Edition: 1
- Language: English
- pdf
Thousands of mini computers (comparable to a stick of chewing gum in size), equipped with sensors,are deployed in some terrain or other. After activation thesensorsformaself-organizednetworkandprovidedata,forexampleabout a forthcoming earthquake. The trend towards wireless communication increasingly a?ects electronic devices in almost every sphere of life. Conventional wireless networks rely on infrastructure such as base stations; mobile devices interact with these base stations in a client/server fashion. In contrast, current research is focusing on networks that are completely unstructured, but are nevertheless able to communicate (via several hops) with each other, despite the low coverage of their antennas. Such systems are called sensor orad hoc networks, depending on the point of view and the application. Wireless ad hoc and sensor networks have gained an incredible research momentum.Computerscientistsandengineersofall?avorsareembracingthe area. Sensor networks have been adopted by researchers in many ?elds: from hardware technology to operating systems, from antenna design to databases, from information theory to networking, from graph theory to computational geometry.
Wireless ad hoc and sensor networks have gained an incredible research momentum. Computer scientists and engineers of all flavors are embracing the area. Sensor networks have been adopted by researchers from many different fields, ranging from hardware technology to operating systems, from antenna design to databases, from information theory to networking, from graph theory to computational geometry.
The purpose of this monograph - outcome of a GI-Dagstuhl Seminar held in Dagstuhl Castle in November 2005 - is to give a first overview of algorithmic results on wireless ad hoc and sensor networks. Its focus is on algorithms and protocols that allow for an analysis of their efficiency and efficacy. Many chapters deal with distributed algorithms, in particular local and localized algorithms.
Importance is attached to topics combining both interesting aspects of wireless networks and attractive algorithmic methods. Each chapter provides a survey of some part of the field, whilst selected results are described in more detail. The structure and content of the book would make it a suitable basis for an advanced course.