Online Library » Autobiography of India: Brand Bharat (5 Vol. Set) Made In India, Roots In India, Unique To India, Lead From India & Future From India
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Ebook: Autobiography of India: Brand Bharat (5 Vol. Set) Made In India, Roots In India, Unique To India, Lead From India & Future From India

Why this name for a book? How can a country write an autobiography?
How can one person or in this case, two individuals write the autobiography of a nation?
To clarify, we all know that a biography of a person is written by another, after studying the activities, experiences and the turning events in the life of this person.
In the case of a person’s autobiography, one pens one’s own thoughts, views and experiences.
Now, in the case of a nation, a country, a civilization, they are looked at, as living entities too. Don’t we refer to India as a mother and don’t the Germans refer to their land as a fatherland?
A nation lives, experiences and grows through its people. The people of a nation, form the family of the nation, its children.
In that sense, when we, the children of this nation, this country, this civilization, write about our family, our ancestors, our society, our nation, our country, our civilization, we are but, writing our own Autobiography, as well as that of our nation, India.
Autobiography of India is not separate from our legacy.
And, we are fortunate to have such a long legacy. But, it is so long and continuous, that we are going to have to narrate it in themes, to keep the continuity going across ethos and time.
Autobiography of India thus, is developing into a series of themes and a wonderful experience.
Further, each of the themes in this series too, has had to be arranged as a multi-volume book, keeping in mind the ease of handling and reading, by
one and all.
Autobiography of India, as a series, is thus an endless endeavour. For, we are narrating the story of
how we have come to be what we are today,
going as far back in time as our collective knowledge will allow us to,
in order to see what our ancestors had done, to see us safely into, thus far in time – i.e. their future.
But, what is the value of this journey, if we cannot bring back leads from them, on how to live in our future so that, someday our progeny too will proudly travel down memory lane to reach upto us.
Autobiography of India, the story of this living civilization, will continue beyond our lives, as the next generation starts to live and write, from where we leave off.
Hopefully what they add to the story then, will be success stories based on our learnings and from where we would have left off.

Table of Contents:-
Vol. 1: Made In India
Benedictory Note
About Bharath Gyan
About the Authors
About Autobiography of India
Made in India
Part 1: Once Upon A Time – A Golden Age
Bharat, A Brand of Splendour For Millennia
Olden Golden Days - 5100 Years Ago and Before
A Land of Prosperity
Prosperous Merchants
Measure of Wealth
Golden Olden Days
Highest Degree of Prosperity 300 BCE
Greek Statement, English Affirmation
Greek Records of 300 BCE
What Hiuen Tsang Sang in 600 CE
Records from the East
Corroborations on Ground Today
Endowed with Wealth and Knowledge
The Ruthless Plunders from 1000 CE
Attracting Plunderers and Marauders
Description of Mathura and Raid on Mathura
Wealth of Delhi
A Brand Worth Millions in 1200 CE
A Land of Millions Image
Prosperity Beyond Belief
India Before the British Rule in 1600 CE
World’s Richest, Most Urbanized Country
Land of Abundance
Richer Than Egypt
Plenty were in Plenty
Golden Age Under the Mahratta
Charting India’s Progress in 1980s
A Stirring Remark
The Stunning Report About India
Further Independent Affirmation
Consistent Performance Over More Than 2 Millennia
Softly Wielding Power
Part 2: Bharat - A Brand
Brand Bharat
Brand India
King of Wisdom
Jawabe Hind – The Cutting Edge of India
Hindsa – Strength in Indian Numbers
Al Hend – Precious India
Hindus and Hindustan
Hindu, Hinduism Came To Be
Europe’s Tryst With India
Arabs, the Face of India to Europe
Europe’s Direct Contact With India
From Trade to Raid
Part 3: Made In India
Wootz Steel
Wootz - New Name, But Old Steel
Popularity of Indian Wootz Steel
Old Was Not Gold But Steel
Old Town With A Steely Past
Kodumanal – Old Town, New Finds
A Mature Town, A Mature Industry
Corroborating Steel
Ideally Located
Large Sized
Richly Endowed
A Connect, Strong as Steel
Monopoly – The Secret in Tutty
Cotton and Textiles
0100 BCE – Attractive Indian Cotton
1300s CE – Covered with Indian Cotton Shawl
1580s CE – Addiction to Indian Cotton
1680s – Still Unable to Desist Indian Cotton
1800s – Preferred by the East Too
1980s – Still weaving its magic over the World
Caught up with Cotton
Discovery of Cotton
First to Grow Cotton
Herodotus on Cotton, in Historia
World’s Earliest Cotton
Cotton Country
The Cotton Brand
Indigo – The Royal Blue
Indigo – That which came from India
Stages in the Indigo Extraction Process
A Simple Process But Compounded Results
First Chemical Synthesis
Mad after Madder – The Red Dye
Anti Bacterial
Red Coat
The Dying Red Dye Slaves
Coromandel Red or Colcothar
Colcothar From Kolkotta
Colours and Dyes
Land of Colours
Festival of Colours
Obsessed with Incense
Agarbatti – India’s Obsession With Incense
Many A Intrigue Surrounding Oud
Curry to the West
Curry to the East
Curry from the South
Curry, The Hot Brand of India
Rolling times with Suruttu
Dindy Cheroot
Ode to Cheroot
Top Prizes
A Fiery Style
Diamonds, A Forever Brand
No Diamonds in Europe During 1st Century CE
Pearls Precious Till 1600s
Precious Diamonds
Heera Panna
Journey of Diamonds to Europe
Diamonds Outshine All
Diamond, Vajra - Hard Core Wealth
The Golcondas
Golconda – Source of Wealth
Carat from Ratti-The Small Measure
The Big Stones of India
Plunder of Diamonds
Travel of The Regent
Koh-i-Noor – Ruling the Destiny of Rulers
India’s Adamant Diamonds In Greek Records Too
Diamonds Used In India From Who Knows When
Formalized Diamond Trade In India
A Crystal Clear Evidence Of An Advanced Civilization
Dazzled by Diamonds
Diamond, an offering of India
Diamonds Are Forever – An Indian Brand
Just a Spoon Full Of Sugar
India’s Sugarcane History
Farming Sugarcane with a Brand
Crystalizing India’s Sugar History
Extracting the Sugar From the Cane
India’s Long Link With This Cane
Home of Sugarcane Acknowledged
From Sweet Salt to Sugar
Condensed Story of The Sugar Crystal
Baharat – Old Spice
Bharat – The Spice Land
Turkey – World’s Exchange Node
Turkey – The Gateway to Spice
India – Hot and Spicy
History of Spices
Common Man’s Common Spices in India
Dhaniya, Coriander
Jeera, Cumin
Saunf, Fennel
Methi, Fenugreek
Adrak, Ginger
Haldi, Turmeric
Spicy Names, Juicy Brains
Spices – Food and Medicine
Indian Trade and Navigation
Trade Facts and Artifacts
Indian Ship Sizes
Archaeological Ratifications
Lothal – A Model Port
Dwaraka – a Gateway of India
Unparalleled Indian Sea Farers
India’s Naval Activity
Exporting Ships Besides Exporting Using Ships
Trade and Navigation
Navigation and Shipbuilding
The British Naval Advantage
Seaworthy and Noteworthy Indian ships
Indian Ship Yards – Excelling by all yardsticks
Indian Craftsmanship in Ship Building
Growth of Sea Power
Power Behind Sea Power
Sea Battles from 1600s
Masterstroke of the British
The Great Indian Advantage
Indian Naval Prowess – A Double Edged Sword for India
Four IS Formidable
America or India? – Not a Hard Choice
Indian Ships Steered World History
HMS Drake
HMS Minden
HMS Cornwallis
Seaworthy and Noteworthy
The East Indiamen – Who or What Were They?
A Sound Course?
Shipping, The Flagship Brand of Bharat
Part 4: The Winds of Change
History of Shipping, Ship building and Trade
A 5000 year old Indian Practice
A Towering Similarity
Dhows from India – Lifeline of Arabia
The Changeover from Need to Greed
Lordship for Britain
Indian Shipping - Better for the British
A Windfall For Britain
Necessity – The Mother Of Inventions
Capital – The Nourisher of Inventions
A Game Changing Era
Indian Sea Power - The Anchor for British Naval Power
Hardship for Indians
Indian ships – A  competition for British ships
Overseas Trade Destroyed
Mariners Destroyed
Yards Destroyed
Industry Destroyed
Deliberate Destruction
The Indian Sea Scape
Elegy on the Death of Indian Shipping Industry
Revival of Indian Shipping
Many Ripples
The First Wave
The Wave of Success
Courage, Enterprise and Forethought
Wave After Wave Of Indian Shipping Industry
Direction from Bharat
Sea the Route to India’s Prosperity
Trade Secrets
A Brand Leader
Vol. 2: Roots In India
Benedictory Note
About Bharath Gyan
About the Authors
About Autobiography of India
Roots in India
Part 1: Rooted In India
Bamiyan – Gateway to the Land of the Buddha
Buddhism in South and East Asia
Zen Buddhism
Due To Zero
No Zero in Roman Numerals
Introduction of Zero into Europe
The Incomprehensible Zero
Zero – A Sign of Confusion
Profound Sign of zero
No Zero in Roman Calendar
Early Evidences Of A Written Zero
The Journey of Zero
Zero, A Place Holder For Everything
Nothing went from India
Infinity – The Unfathomable Endlessness
Source of Infinity
Representing Infinity
Infinity – A Wholesome, Poorna Definition
Infinity – A Wholesome Appreciation
Journey of Infinity
Staal’s Stark Statement
Numerals – India’s Counting Contribution
The Great Indian Impact
Of Indian Origin
Numerals Come Back a Full Circle
A Land of Measures and Metrics
Decimal – The Scale of 10
Expression from Units to Highest
Unique Expressions
Metric System
Nothing, but a Contrasting Image
Bija Ganitham
Bija Ganitham to Algebra
360 Degrees - Going Around in Circles!
Chakra and Circle
360 Degrees from 1 x 360 days
360 Degrees from 360 pairs of Offsprings
360 Degrees from 4 x 90 names
360 Degrees from 12x30 days
360 Degrees from 360 Sunrises
Summing All the Angles
The Story of Pi (∏)
The Most Valuable Ratio
PI - The Paridhi-Vyasa Sambandhana
Circular Shapes For Usage
Circular Structures that Towered
Circular Sky to Map
Circular Seas to Navigate
The Formulation of Pi
Birth of Pi
Birth of the notion of Pi
Birth of the name Pi
Journey of Pi
Pi – A Perimeter Around the World
Trijya, The Basis for Trigonometry
From Jya to Sine
Sine – A Good Sign
Calculus – Its Origins
Calculus – The Science of Calculating
Another Dimension to Calculus – Challenges to Calculating
Calculus – The Indian Answer
Calculus From Indian Theology
Study of Calculus in India
Calculus - the Basis
Meru – Mathematical Pyramids
A Common Name
The Indian base to Pyramids
Indian Pyramids, Meru
Meru in Literature and Culture
Meru, Joining Body and Mind in Yoga
Meru in Worship
The Golden Triangle of Meru
Meru Prastara in Sastra
Fibonacci’s Sequence in Maths
A Golden Ratio
Yantra – The Zenith of Pyramids, The Meru
Golden Ratio – Basis of Divine Art
A Geometric Progression of Divine Art
A Common Pattern
Meru Prastara - A Divine Arrangement
Yantra – The Geomtery in Nature
Understanding Pyramids
Missing the Connect
Joining the Worlds
Meru, The Summit of Human Thought
Maths - Securing Communication & Civilization
Modern Cryptography – Science of Encoding
Encoding Love
Encoding War
Encoding Worship
Encoding Knowledge
Encoding Harmony / Music
Encoded Metres
Encoding Immortality
An Expression of Mathematics
From Mathematics to Ethics
Maths, Ganitham - A Heavy Subject
Travel of Mathematics from India to Europe
Need for Indian Mathematics
An Underestimated Contribution
An Untraced Contribution
A Witness Even After 400 Centuries
Mathematics – A Resounding Contribution from India
Intellect and Imagination
A Designated Space for Intellect
Indian “Math” and Greek “Mathematica”
Phonetic and Semantic Similarity in Mathematics
Crest of the Peacock – Intellect In Sway
Music – A Mix of Maths, Mood and Melody
A Song In The Lips
Thus Evolved Prose
Soon Came Poetry
Evolution of Music
Similar Music, Similar Notes
Do Re Mi – The European Notes
A Noteworthy Question
India’s Music Tradition
Saptaswara – Origins in Nature
An Age Old Structuring
The Influence of Sama Gana
Saman to Psalm
The Profundity in the Indian Notes
An Undeniable Inference
The Concluding Note
IST – Indian Standard Time / Prime Meridian
GMT - Greenwich Meridian Time
Keeping Time With Meridians
Meridian – The Midday
Why Greenwich?
Past Prime Meridians
Ujjain – Prime Meridian of The Ancient World
Maha Kaleshwara Temple – An ancient Observatory?
Significance of Ujjain
The Cardinal Points on Earth
Implications of a Prime Meridian
Tracing Ujjain’s History
Ujjain – The Timekeeper
Tracing the Timeline for World’s Timeline
The Ancient Date Line
Knowledge Share
A Joke
An Irony
Dressing Tips from Tipu
A Pyjama Wardrobe
Pyjama Fashion
A Shady Contraption
From where, when, how?
Rocket Force
The Rocket Centre
The Rocket Havoc
A Crashing Defeat
British Interest
Father and Son Duo
Congreve Rockets
Fireworks -  Works for Display
Tips from Tipu
Resounding Voices
Rockets Go Way Back in India
A Scathing Acknowledgement
A Long Trail
Part 2: Started In India
A Sindhi Legend
Arabic Acknowledgement
The Persian Connect
Losing Limbs in Chess Than In War
Chess Travels Further West to Europe
Chess In a Cipher by Vedanta Desika
Antiquity of Chess
Games of War Strategy
Games of Chance
The Croatian Coat Of Truth
Chess Goes to China
The Black and White Fact
Spread of Chess From India
Board Games
Pachisi – A Precursor to Ludo
Vice from Dice
Morals Through Dice
Board Games Travel
Board Games - Etched in Time
Club Sports
Carrom – A Precursor To Snooker And Billiards
Shuttlecock – Badminton
History of Polo
Invention of Polo
1400 BCE - Pana
34 BCE
1210 CE
1500s CE
Brits take to Polo
Polo develops Team Spirit
Polo Pierces A Hole Into Aryan Myth
Contact Sports
The Roots
Parent Form Still Alive
Martial Arts in India
India’s Hand In Martial Arts
Indian Stadia – Rangabhoomi
Sports Stadia of Dholavira
Convergence of literature, tradition and archaeology
Precursor to Greek and Roman stadia
Sports - A Long Time Entertainer
Vol. 3: Unique To India
Benedictory Note
About Bharath Gyan
About the Authors
About Autobiography of India
Icons of India
unique to India
Part 1: Style
A Heart Felt Salutation
A Yogic Expression
Namaste – a Human as well as Divine Expression
“Such” A Sign of Homage
Variations in Levels
Variations in the Word
Variations in Style
Athithi Devo Bhava – A Welcoming Smile
Atithi – A Divine Guest
Atithi - An Unannounced Guest
Welcomed the Africans
A Land That Welcomes Visitors
India - A Safe Haven Brand
The Welcoming Signs of India
Poorna Kumbha – A Harbinger of Prosperity and Purity
Mango Leaves - Transmitting Auspiciousness
A Reception or A Receptacle?
Toran – Welcoming Good Energies
Symbolic Torans in Art
Bindi - The Identifying Mark
Pooja Mark and Beyond
Bindi Seen All Around India
A Dot, But a Wide Spread Culture
Sari, Dhoti, Angavastram
The Uncut and the Unstitched
Cotton and Culture in a Cloth
1/3rd Indians - Vegetarians by Choice
A Unique Concept and Word
Meaning of Dharma
Dharma – Not Just for Humans
Dharma – Not Just for Earthlings
Dharma – The Innate Character of Character
Dharma – A Relationship, A Role
Indian Sense of Karma
Overlooked Side of Karma
Karma, A Binding Act
Part 2: Sights
God and Idols
Need of the Divine or Need for the Divine?
Temples And The Art of Preserving Arts
Temples And The Spring of Fertility
The Not So Obvious
Ratio – Constant Across Times, Across India
For us to divine
Temples - Convergence Of the Divergent
Part 3: Symbols
National Symbols of India
Emblem of India
National Flag
Lotus – The National Flower
Lotus – Life Bond
Lotus – Knowledge Connect
Lotus’ Profound Message
Mango – The National Fruit
Tiger – The National Animal
Peacock – National Bird
Veena – The National Musical Instrument
National Anthem
Jai Hind – The Nation’s Cry
Jai Hind, A Firm Call
Symbolic Representation of India
Good or Evil?
World Wide Usage
In S.E.Asia
Unravelling the Swastika
Plane of Swastika
The Swirling Universe
Swirling Swastika – A Universal Symbol
Swastika and Auspiciousness
Part 4: Features
Tanks of Prosperity
1017 CE – Al Biruni writes about India
326 BCE – Megasthenes writes about India
1600 CE – British write about India
200 Years Ago - 9 Lakh Water Bodies
A Unique Feat
A Unique Brand
The Brand Steps Down
From Ganga Sagar to Bay of Bengal
Krishna Brands Ganga
In Rome’s Fountain
On Maps
Monsoon Rains -  Varsha, Varsha, Varsha
Monsoon - Indian Rains
Varsha – Varsha - Varsha
Rains Every Year
Rains During Ramayana times
Rains And Battle
Bharathvarsha - The Land Branded By Rains
The Himalayas
The Dividing Range
The Abode of Snow That Bodes Well
Home to Yathis and Yetis
Towering Peaks
Mt.Everest - From 8848 Metres Tall to a Mere 6 Feet Height
The Peaks Speak
Himalaya – The Sibling of India
Vol. 4: Leads From India
Benedictory Note
About Bharath Gyan
About the Authors
About Autobiography of India
Thought Leadership From India
Seeking Seers
Many Migrants
Slaves and Scholars
Travelling Monks
Tireless Traders
Slain Soldiers
Planted Peasants
Persevering Pioneers
Proficient Professionals
Guiding Gurus
All Men Great and Small
Leads From India
Part 1: Led To India
A Land of Learning
The Arabic Quest
The Chinese Quest
The Greek Quest
Takshasila- The 1st International University of the World
Nalanda – Another International University
Other International Universities
Knowledge Centre
The Robust Education System
Part 2: Led By India
Samskrt – A Basis for Western Thought
Samskrt Studies in Europe
An Element of Wonder
Veda, the Fountainhead
Samskrt thought a foundation
Dara Shikoh – Du Perron Route
Samskrt – A Basis for World Tongue
Idioms and Phrases
Modern System of Education from Madras
Taken from Madras
Egmore Goes to England
Key Take Aways By Bell
Universities in England
Non Violent System of India
Acknowledgement Due
Lancasterian System of Instruction
Given Back to India
Rhyme and Reason
Avvaiyar’s Aathichudi – Tamil classic rhymes
Hindi Rhymes
Veda – Source of Rhyme and Rhythm
Land of Morals and Rhymes
Fables and Values
Children’s Fascination for Animals
Pasu Pakshi Katha – Animal Fables of India
The Journey of Fables from India
Fables – A Fabulous Brand of India
Kissing – A Secret On the Lips
A Blame Game
Kissing – Not a World Affair
Tracing the First Kiss
Historical Kisses
Technique of Kissing
Etymology of Kiss
Speaking the Language of Love
Kiss - A Single Act With Many Messages
Kiss – A Brand Not to Be Missed
Rhinoplasty -  India’s Answer to Shaming
Surpanaka’s Shaming
Sepoys’ Shaming
The First Rhinoplasty Of The West
Ayurveda – The Lifeline of India
Surgeon - Practicing Medicine With Knife
Physician - Practicing Medicine With Plants
Counsellors - Practicing Medicine With Words
Varieties Of Ayurveda
Tracing The Legacy Of Ayurveda
A Subtle But Gross Contrast
Ayurveda – The Knowledge Of Life
Many Firsts
Hridayam – A Heart Stopper
Twin birth
Medicine along with Buddhism
Ayurveda to China
Ayurveda in Thailand
Ayurveda in Central Asia
Ayurveda – Treated as a Brand of India
Inoculation In India
Inoculation in India
Invocation with Inoculation
The Western Invention
Inoculation Seen as Intervention
Inoculation Indoctrinated Into Medicine
Horse Breeding
Salihotra – A Horse Poet
Salihotra’s Legacy
Horses in India 5100 years ago
Topsy Turvy
Ahimsa – Might is Not Right
The British Might In Early 1900s
Turning Topsy Turvy
The Ironic Weapon
What is this Ahimsa?
Ahimsa Rahasya – Secret of Ahimsa
Solidarity Movement, Poland
Non Co-operation in South Africa
Martin Luther King in America
A Place for the Oppressed to Express
Statue of Mahatma Gandhi – 21st Century Global Icon for Ahimsa
Recurrent effectiveness of Ahimsa
Ahimsa for Future?
Soft Power, the New Age Paradigm
Ahimsa, where Right is Left
Ahimsa  – Non violent, Not Passive
Khadi – A Soft Tool of Ahimsa
To Bear and Brand in Our Mind
Yoga, A Universal Brand From Bharat
The Roots
The Practice
Yoga Travels World Over
World Yoga Day
The Essence of Spirituality
Striking A Balance
From the Land of Thinkers, Guru and Masters
An Unbalanced War
Spiritual Weapons
Ever Relevant – An Art, A Practice, A Technology
The Transcending Spirit
Part 3: Who Led India?
A Long Lineage
Untraceable Knowledge
Why did India Need Gurus?
Famous Personages, Famous Guru
Guru – The Conscience Keepers of Society
Heavy with Benevolence and Wisdom
The Guiding Gurus
Foremost Guru
Fine Levels in Guru
Guru Parampara – An Over 7100 Year Old Tradition
India’s Beautiful Tree
The Brand Called Bharat
A Wave of Brands
In Medieval Ages Otherwise
Vol. 5: Future From India
Benedictory Note
About Bharath Gyan
About the Authors
About Autobiography of India
A Giving Civilization
A Mindful, Mind Exercise
Future From India
Part 1: Divergent Images
Upto 1800s CE – A Land of Many Treasures
A Land By Many Images
But One Identity
1900 CE – A Mystical India
2000 CE – A Slum India
How India Lost Its Shining Brand
Accounts of Witnesses To The Loss
Poverty stereotyped
3 Waves of Plunder
Part 2: Focus, India
India - A Brand of Resilience
Land of Inexhaustible Wealth
Land With Inherent Capacity
Internal Mobilization Of Resources
Resilient India
Unbranding The Slum India Image
Making, The Indian Way
Make In India
The Scaled Up, Hyped Up Models of Today
Caught in a Swirl
Looking Back to Re-learn
We Must Have Done Something Good
Something Good To EMULATE
The ECO-ECO Mindset
Ethos of the Indigenous ECO-ECO Mindset of India
Economically Viable, Ecologically Friendly
Ecologically Viable, Economically Friendly
Which Eco to Choose?
Why not both, Economically and Ecologically Viable?
or even better
Making Contrasts
The Killing Dyeing Industry
Ironing out Differences in Iron and Steel Making
BIG Vs Small
A Lopsided Global Model
The BIG Message in Small Measures
Intensive Vs Extensive
Footprint and Foodprint of Elephants
The Voracious Greed of Humans
Extensive Instead of Intensive
Small Yet Elephantine
A Small But Widespread Secret
A Cue from the Indian Q & Q Brand
Actually Small But Virtually Big
Bigger And Bigger For Smaller And Smaller
Blending Big and Small
Rebranding Small Scale As Extensive
Moving from Centralism to Decentralism
Extensive Manufacture Vs Intensive Manufacture
Aggregation for trade Vs Aggregation for production
Local End to End Production Vs Global Linear Assembly
Horizontal Range Vs Vertical Scale
Mitigating Risk to Industry
Priority to Ecology over Economy
Success Records From The Past
The Indian Way- The Way Forward
EXIIM – Extensive, Indigenous, Industrial Model
A Convergence Of Economy And Ecology
Roots Of India’s Exiim
India’s Millennia Old Norms
The 5T Principles
Essence of Brand Bharat - A “Leading” Brand
A Thought Leader
Giving What Is Sought
Brand Rebuilding
Part 3: Awaken The Mind
Race Of The World
Post Renaissance
Travel Era – A Reconnaissance Era
Trade Era – A Raid Era
Navigation Era – A Colonizing Era
Industrialization Era – An Automation Era
Investment Era – A Capitalizing Era
Computational Era – A Crunching Era
Communication Era – A Far Reaching Era
Information Era – A Socializing Era
Knowledge Era – An Aggregating Era
Mind Era – A Transcending Era
Steering Mind In Futuristic Science
Futuristic Science
A Cornucopia of Mind based Knowledgebase
A Long Understanding of the mind
Concept of a Mind Leader
Indian View of Evolution – Mind and Form
On Mind Powers Of Ancient Indians
Veda – A Mind Engineering Marvel By Itself
Balanced Use Of Gross And Subtle Power
Availability of Literature
Power To Develop Mind Power
So Much Scope
Age of Indian Ideas - Now
Sandhi, A Window of Transition
At a Cusp, Sandhi
Contributions Thus Far
ToMorrow – What Will It Be?
An Open Book With An Open Mind
Offering Indian Thought To Shape Thinking
India’s Thinking Process
De Bono’s Lateral Thinking With 6 Hats
India’s Thinking In 6 Ways
The 39 Thinking Tools
By The Mind, In The Mind, For The Mind
From Mind Era To Space Era
A Space Age Calendar
A Space Age Teleportation System
A Space Age, Age Defier
Mind Matters
A Jumping Mind
Taming The Monkey With An Elephant
Power Of The Elephant
Mati, The Mind Power
Mind Vs Matter
An Eternal Fight
The Mind Continuum - Brahman
2 Modes Of Existence - Dvidha
5 Levels Of Needs  - Motivational Theory
5 Layers Of Existence – Panchakosha Model
Scaling The Peak – Layer By Layer
Mental or Fundamental
Physiological And Psychological
Closed Vs Open
True Vs Perceived
Mind Vs Space – Brahma And Brahman
Brahman And Braahmanaa
Jnana And Karma
Science Vs Technology
The Mind Science Triad
Body And Mind – A Tango
Fundamental Difference Between West and East
Difference in Mindset
West Consumes East
Mind Science Vs Physical Science
Modern Vs Western
The Trend
The Reverse Flow
A Remix
A Lead To Follow
Part 4: Know Your Strength
Offer Based On Own Strengths Than Other’s Constraints
Putting into Perspective
In Retrospect
An Introspection
A Prospect
Becoming Mindful
Rebrand from Inquisitive To Innovative
Historical Inquisitive Nature
Need For Indigenized Innovativeness
Never Dull, Only A Lull
Part 5: Shift Your Stand
Bharat – Built On A Different Paradigm
The Striking Difference
Indian Paradigms
The Integrated View
One World Family
The Brief Message
Need for Paradigm Shift
Bharat Paradigms
Bharat – To Lead Paradigm Shifts
Break Stereotype of Old is Outdated
Shift Paradigms To Shift Leadership
Shifting Paradigms, Layer By Layer
Paradigm Shifts At Ground Level
From Artificially Synthesized To Nature Given – The Next Natural Step
From Non-Vegetarianism To Vegetarianism – The Next Meal
From Chemical To Natural Farming – The Next Field
From Take All To Share 1/3 rd - The Next Ratio
From Damming To Diverting Waters – The Next Path To Follow
From Raw Materials To Finished Product – The Next Set Of Exports
From Power Shortage To Surplus – The Next In Empowering
From Curbing To Cleansing Pollution – The Next Clean Act
From Intensive To Extensive – The Next In Making
Fundamentals Of The Fundamental Level
Boldly Go Where No Machine Can Go
For Goodness Sake
Shifting Paradigms At A Social Level
A Cascading Effect
From Centralism To Decentralism – The Next Core Philosophy
From Centralized To Decentralized – The Next Governing Decision
From Gender Equality To Gender Complementary – The Next Balance
From Man To Woman Centric Society – The Next Pivot
From Nuclear To Joint Family – The Next Family Circle
From Population Burden To Capital – The Next Capital Asset
From Borrowing To Saving Society – The Next Fine Nuance Of Finance
From Poverty Eradication To Prosperity Generation – The Next Strategy
From Urban To Rural Centric Planning – The Next Outreach Plan
Paradigm Shifts To Align The Mind
From Exercise To Yoga – The Next Work In
From Hard Skills To Soft Skills – The Next Skillset
From English To Samskrt – The Next Language Of Science
From Global To Local And Seasonal – The Next Menu
From Fast Food To Fine Food - The Next Dining Style
From Globally Western To Indigenously Modern – The Next Trend
Paradigm Shifts In Science, Knowledge and Awareness
From Gross To Subtle – The Next Leap In Science
From AFTER To BEFORE Creation - The Next Beginning
From Puranics To Genetics - The Next Application To Stem Forth
From Ritual To Spiritual – The Next Act
From Closed Ip To Open Mind – The Next Door To Be Opened
Culmination of All Paradigm Shifts
Need For A Silicon - Silica Connect
From Existence To Ecosistence – The Next Stable State
From Taking To Giving – A Shift We Owe
Brand Offerings From India For Future
Setting Direction
Offering Solace To Humanity
Sky Is The Limit
Rising Above Earth
Rising Minds
The Brand Wagon Of India - Then And Future
Part 6: Lead Again, India
Bharat – A Sustaining Brand
Bharata – Relishers Of “Bha”
Lead Through Leadership
India of the Future
India Of The Past – A Green And Grey Matter
Bharat was Hard as Metal and Soft as Petal
A Mature Civilization Then
A Ripening India Now
India’s Soft Power
India Of The Future - A Steel and Gold Matter
India, A Giving Civilization
No Ill-Will
Give She Will, Again
Download the book Autobiography of India: Brand Bharat (5 Vol. Set) Made In India, Roots In India, Unique To India, Lead From India & Future From India for free or read online
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