Ebook: Electronic Government: 19th IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference, EGOV 2020, Linköping, Sweden, August 31 – September 2, 2020, Proceedings
- Tags: Computer Science, Computers and Society, Information Systems Applications (incl.Internet), Database Management, Coding and Information Theory
- Series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12219
- Year: 2020
- Publisher: Springer International Publishing
- Edition: 1st ed.
- Language: English
- pdf
This book constitutes the proceedings of the 19th IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference on Electronic Government, EGOV 2020, held in Linköping, Sweden, in August/September 2020, in conjunction with the IFIP WG 8.5 IFIP International Conference on Electronic Participation (ePart 2020) and the International Conference for E-Democracy and Open Government Conference (CeDEM 2020). The conference was held virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The 30 full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 118 submissions. The papers are clustered under the following topical sections: e-government foundations; e-government services and open government; open data: social and technical aspects; AI, data analytics, and automated decision making; and smart cities.