Ebook: Hidden In Plain Sight 10: How To Program A Quantum Computer
Author: Thomas Andrew
16. Saul's reign ; His victory over the Ammonites at Jabesh Gilead ; He conquers the Amalekites ; His sinful neglect to destroy king Agag and the booty ; The prophet Samuel's rebuke of Saul ; Samuel anoints David to be king ; Saul's mental malady ; He is soothed by David's harp ; War with the Philistines ; Story of David and Goliath ; Glory of David ; Jealousy of Saul ; His efforts to kill David ; Friendship of David and Jonathan ; Death of Samuel ; Saul's continued hostility ; David's generous forbearance ; Saul consults the witch of Endor, and hears his doom ; Israel is overcome by the Philistines ; Death of Saul's three sons ; Saul's suicide -- 17. David reigns at Hebron ; His lamentation over the death of Saul ; Wars between the houses of David and Saul ; Description of Hebron ; Death of Abner ; The inauguration of David ; He takes possession of Mount Zion ; He prepares to build a temple to Jehovah ; His victories over Eastern nations ; His fall, and his murder of Uriah ; The reproof of Nathan, the prophet ; The rebellion of Absalom ; Battle in the forest of Ephraim ; Absalom slain ; Absalom's sepulcher ; The famine ; Revolt of Adonijah ; The anointing of Solomon ; David's last counsel to Solomon ; Death of David ; His burial on Mount Zion -- 18. Solomon comes to the throne, 1030 BC ; His great wealth and power ; Plot of Adonijah to gain the kingdom ; Adonijah and Joab are put to death ; Solomon marries the daughter of Pharaoh ; Building of the temple on Mount Moriah ; Description of it ; Solomon's pools ; His splendid palaces ; Account of the commerce and revenues of his kingdom ; Solomon reigns forty years ; His death -- 19. Rehoboam succeeds Solomon ; Revolt of the ten tribes under Jeroboam ; Judah and Benjamin adhere to Rehoboam ; Jeroboam establishes other places of worship besides Jerusalem, and a new priesthood ; Jeroboam's death, 968 BC ; He is followed by Nadab, Baasha, Zimri, and Omri ; Omri builds Samaria ; He dies, 931 BC ; Description of Samaria. Judah, from 990 BC to 929 BC : Rehoboam soon falls into idolatry ; He is conquered and Jerusalem is plundered by Shishak, king of Egypt ; Rehoboam dies, 973 BC. ; Abijah succeeds him ; Asa follows, a pious and prosperous king . Israel, from 931 BC to 895 BC : Ahab succeeds Omri ; Evil influence of Jezebel ; Idolatry becomes prevalent ; Elijah announces famine ; He confounds the prophets of Baal, whom the people slay, and acknowledge Jehovah ; Great victory of Israel over Ben Hadad ; Doom of Ahab pronounced by Elijah ; Ahab slain, 909 BC ; Ahaziah ; Jehoram ; Elisha raises the Shunamite's son ; Story of Naaman ; Famine ; Panic and flight of the Syrian host ; Jehu anointed king by Elisha ; Jehoram, Ahaziah, and Jezebel slain ; Destruction of the family of Ahab ; Jehu destroys the temple of Baal, and roots out idolatry -- 20. Judah, from 929 BC to 725 BC : Jehoshaphat begins to reign, 929 BC; one of the best of the Hebrew kings ; He continues to root out idolatry ; One million one hundred and sixty thousand men enrolled to bear arms ; Judges are placed in all the principal cities ; Jehoshaphat's admirable charge to them ; Death of Jehoshaphat ; Jehoram comes to the throne, 904 BC ; His wife Athaliah, daughter of Jezebel ; Jehoram murders his six brothers ; Idolatry again established ; Judgments denounced by Elisha ; Death and disgrace of the king ; Ahaziah succeeds to the throne ; A bad man ; Reigns one year ; Athaliah slays all her grandsons except Joash ; Joash hidden in the temple ; The people rise up and slay Athaliah, and make Joash king ; Jehoida, the chief priest, is regent ; Joash repairs the temple ; His apostasy and murder ; Amaziah reigns ; Victory over the Edomites ; He is killed by conspirators, 809 BC ; Uzziah succeeds ; He is struck with leprosy ; Jotham, his son, administers the government ; Death of Uzziah ; Death of Jotham ; Ahaz on the throne ; A corrupt, idolatrous monarch ; Dies, 725 BC ; He is not allowed a place in the sepulcher of the kings;21. Israel from 895 BC to 719 BC : Jehu comes to the throne 895 BC ; The country east of the Jordan seized by Hazael, king of Syria ; Death of Jehu ; Death of Elisha ; Jonah's mission ; Conquest of Samaria and the whole country by Shalmaneser, king of Assyria ; The principle inhabitants carried away captive. Judah from 725-586 BC : Hezekiah, a pious prince ; Description of the sepulcher of the kings ; Hezekiah restores true worship ; The Passover revived ; Hezekiah subject, for a time, to Sennacherib, the Assyrian king ; Destruction of the Assyrian host by a blast from the Lord ; Sickness of Hezekiah ; His life prolonged in answer to prayer ; His death ; Manasseh succeeds, at twelve years of age ; He becomes corrupt ; Defeated by Esarhaddon, taken captive, and sent to Babylon ; He repents and is released ; Josiah, a good king ; He overturns idolatry ; Killed in battle against Necho, king of Egypt ; Jehoiakim ; Warning by Jeremiah ; His imprisonment by Jehoiakim ; Jehoiakim subdued by Nebuchadnezzar ; Forty thousand of the people sent into captivity ; Zedekiah made king ; He revolts ; Nebuchadnezzar burns the temple and city, demolishes the walls, carries off all the sacred vessels and treasure ; Zedekiah is taken, and carried in fetters to Babylon ; The country depopulated -- 22. The seventy years' captivity ; Discussion of the causes of the downfall of the Hebrew nation ; The divine intention in its establishment not frustrated ; Media the scene of the captivity ; The captivity a colonization rather than a slavery ; Tobit ; Daniel and his three friends ; Their Chaldean names ; Nebuchadnezzar's dream of the image ; Daniel's interpretation ; Nebuchadnezzar acknowledges God ; Daniel and his friends promoted ;They refuse to worship the image ; The fiery furnace ; Other dreams ; Their interpretation and accomplishment ; Nebuchadnezzar again acknowledges Jehovah ; He dies in 561 BC ; Succeeded by Evil Merodach, who is slain in battle with Cyrus ; Belshazzar comes to the throne ; He profanes the sacred vessels ; The handwriting upon the wall ; Daniel's interpretation ; Belshazzar's death, 553 BC ; Darius takes the kingdom ; Daniel exalted ; Jealousy ; He is thrown to the lions for praying to the Almighty ; His deliverance ; Jehovah honored ; Death of Darius 551 B.C. ; Cyrus succeeds him ; Defection by Nabonadius ; Babylon taken by Cyrus ; Prophecy of Isaiah ; Cyrus acknowledges the supremacy of Jehovah ; He allows the captives to return to the Holy Land -- 23. The restoration ; The honor of Jehovah maintained and extended by the captivity ; Why was Judah allowed to return, and not Israel? ; Remarks of professor Jahn ; What became of the ten tribes? ; Remarks of Rabbi Benjamin; of major Rawlinson ; Zerubbabel and Joshua, with fifty thousand of the people, return to Palestine ; Daniel remains at the court of Cyrus ; Zerubbabel is appointed governor of Judea ; He receives from Cyrus the sacred vessels of the temple ; Feast of Tabernacles celebrated at Jerusalem ; An altar is built on the ruins of the temple ; The people assemble to rebuild the temple ; Death of Cyrus ; Darius Hystaspes elected king ; The temple completed, 516 B.C. ; The dedication ; The temple service re-established ; Battle of marathon, B.C. 490 ; Darius dies, 485 B.C. ; Succeeded by Xerxes, the Ahasuerus of Ezra ; Artaxerxes ; The rebuilding of Jerusalem stopped ; Queen Vashti deposed ; Esther promoted ; Ezra commissioned to go to Jerusalem and beautify the temple ; The plot of Haman ; The Jews saved by Esther ; Nehemiah gains permission to rebuild the walls ; Jeremiah appointed governor of Judea ; Collection and revisal of the sacred books of the Old Testament ; The Chaldee dialect displaces the old Hebrew ; A temple built on Mount Gerizim ; End of the Old Testament canon -- 24. From 420 B.C. to 163 B.C. : Inspired history is discontinued from 420 B.C. to His birth ; Hebrew history derived from Josephus and others ; Artaxerxes succeeded by Xerxes on the Persian throne ; Wars of the Persians with the Egyptians ; The Jews faithful to the Persians ; Destruction of Sidon ; Overthrow of Egypt by the Persian king, 350 B.C. ; Invasion of Persian by Alexander, 224 B.C. ; Fulfillment of the prophecy of Zechariah ; Alexander invades Syria ; he is met in his march against Jerusalem by a procession of priests ; He is shown the prophecy of Daniel ; Offers sacrifices ; Grants the Jews free enjoyment to their national laws ; Exemption from tribute every seventh year ; Alexander dies at Babylon ; Ptolemy ; He favors the Jews ; Depopulation of Babylon ; The high priest, Simon, repairs the temple and city of Jerusalem ; he completes the canon of the Old Testament ; Simon dies, 291 B.C. ; Ptolemy Philadelphus executes the translation of the Hebrew Scriptures into Greek, called the Septuagint, B.C. 278 ; Influence of the Greeks ; Origin of the Sadducees ; Persecution of the Jews by Ptolemy Philopater ; Destruction of the temple by Appolonius, 167 B.C. ; Idolatry established ; Judas Maccabaeus desires to maintain the true worship ; He gains the mastery of Judaea ; Attempts to rebuild the temple ; Wars of the Maccabees -- 25. Death of Judas Maccabaeus ; Jonathan succeeds him ; His treaty with the Syrian king ; Siege of the citadel of Jerusalem ; Jonathan taken and murdered ; Simon, his brother, succeeds him as leader of the Maccabees ; Simon gains possession of the country ; Alliance with the Romans ; Cleopatra becomes mistress of Syria ; Pompey enters Syria, 65 B.C. ; The country becomes a Roman province ; The temple taken and complete establishment of the Roman power, B.C. 63 ; Cicero and Antonius, Roman consuls ; The Jews obliged to pay large tribute ; Hyrcanus appointed High Priest;26. Antipater, governor of Judaea ; The Sanhedrim suppressed ; the government changed to an aristocracy ; Hyrcanus and the Jewish government restored, B.C. 44, by Julius Caesar ; The temple plundered by Crassus ; Liberty given to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem ; Herod made king, 40 B.C. ; His cruelty ; He builds cities and splendid palaces ; He builds heathen temples ; He also rebuilds the temple of Jehovah at Jerusalem, B.C. 17 ; Birth of John the Baptist, B.C. 5 ; Birth of Jesus Christ ; Slaughter of the infants of Bethlehem ; Account of Herod's ten wives ; His death ; Archelaus, his son, succeeds him ; Account of the Herods -- 27. Prophecies concerning Christ, and the Christian religion ; The time of his appearance ; The place of his birth ; The family from which he was to come ; His life and character ; His sufferings and death ; The nature of his doctrine ; The extent of his kingdom ; The value of the Bible;II. New Testament : 1. The New Testament the best commentary on the Old ; The promise of the angel Gabriel to Zacharias and Elisabeth ; The announcement by Gabriel to the virgin Mary ; Birth of John ; Bethlehem ; Birth of Christ ; The joy of the aged Simeon and Anna ; The wise men ; The star ; Herod's bloody purpose ; Flight of Joseph to Egypt ; Death of Herod ; Return of Joseph and Mary ; Nazareth ; John the Baptist ; Baptism of Christ ; His fast of forty days ; His temptation ; Testimony of John ; Christ's miracle at Cana ; Description of Cana ; Cleansing the temple ; Nicodemus ; Death of John ; Christ in Galilee ; Attempt of the people to kill him ; Call of Simon and Andrew, James and John ; The great draught of fishes ; Healing of the demoniac, and of Peter's wife's mother ; Sermon on the Mount ; Miracles ; Pool of Bethesda ; The man with the withered hand ; The twelve apostles ; Their commission -- 2. Raising the widow's son at Nain ; Christ is anointed from the alabaster box of precious ointment ; Description of Tiberius ; The stilling of the tempest ; Casting out of devils ; Raising of the daughter of Jarius ; Feeding of the multitude ; The storm upon the lake ; Peter's attempt to walk upon the water ; Second miraculous supply of food to the multitude ; Christ's transfiguration ; Healing of the lunatic ; Paying tribute ; Teaching in the temple ; Discussions with the scribes ; Jericho ; The holy land in the time of Christ, with map ; Parable of the prodigal ; The rich man and Lazarus ; Restoring sight to the blind ; Christ blesses little children ; Mary and Martha ; Raising of Lazarus -- 3. Passover at Jerusalem ; Description of Jerusalem, with a plan ; Plan of the temple ; Blind Bartimeus ; Bethany ; The anointing by Mary ; Triumphal entry into Jerusalem ; Expulsion of the moneychangers from the temple ; Treachery of Judas ; The last supper ; Gethsemane ; The olive-trees ; Peter's zeal ; The agony ; Peter's fall ; His repentance ; Remorse of Judas ; His suicide -- 4. Jesus at the bar of Pilate ; His condemnation ; Mocking ; Scourging ; Crown with thorns ; Crucifixion ; The two thieves ; Description of the cross, and the mode of execution ; Christ's filial affection ; The darkness ; Rending of the veil of the temple ; Rending of the rocks ; Opening of the graves ; Piercing of the body ; Christ's burial by Joseph ; Closing the tomb ; The guard ; The constancy of the women ; The resurrection ; Absurd falsehood of the priests ; Christ's appearance to Mary; to Thomas; to the two disciples on the way to Emmaus; to the disciples at the sea of Tiberias ; His final instructions to the apostles ; His ascension from the mount of olives ; The character of Christ ; The Christian religion ; Contrast with heathenism ; List of Christ's miracles, parables and discourses -- 5. From the ascension to the full establishment of Christianity ; Choice of Matthias as successor to Judas ; Pentecost ; The gift of tongues ; Preaching of Peter ; Conversion of three thousand people ; Healing the cripple at the beautiful gate ; Peter and John thrown into prison ; Peter's address to the council ; They are released ; The gift of the Holy Ghost ; Charity of the believers ; Ananias and Sapphira ; Cures wrought by the apostles ; They are again cast into prison ; Miraculous deliverance ; They are scourged ; Choice of seven deacons to care for the poor ; Stephen ; His arrest ; His address to the council ; His martyrdom ; Dispersion of the Christians from Jerusalem;6. Birth of Esau and Jacob ; Esau sells his birthright ; Explanation of the birthright ; Isaac removes from Beersheba to Gerar ; His prosperity ; Enmity of the Philistines ; Wells ; Isaac returns to Beersheba ; He calls his wife his sister ; Description of Beersheba ; Stratagem of Rebecca to obtain the parental benediction for Jacob ; The Edomites ; Jacob's departure to find a wife ; His dream ; Bethel ; He meets Rachel at the well ; He marries Leah and Rachel ; Leah's sons ; birth of Joseph ; Jacob's prosperity ; His flight from Laban ; Laban's pursuit ; Treaty of alliance ; Images ; List of idols mentioned in Scripture ; Meeting of Esau and Jacob ; Tents ; Dinah's disgrace ; The revenge of her brothers ; Slaughter of the Shechemites ; Jacob's return to Bethel ; Birth of Benjamin, and death of Rachel ; Jacob visits his father at Mamre ; Death of Isaac -- 7. Joseph ; His party-colored coat ; Eastern fabrics ; Jealousy of Joseph's brethren ; His two dreams ; He is sent to Shechem ; Description of Dothan ; Ishmaelites ; Midianites ; Caravans ; Account of the commerce of Eastern nations ; Joseph sold to the Ishmaelites ; The plot to deceive his father ; Joseph sold to Potiphar ; He is made chief manager of his master's affairs ; His temptation and triumph ; His false accusation and imprisonment ; His interpretation of the dreams of the cup-bearer and baker ; Pharaoh's dreams ; Joseph's interpretation, and his wise advice ; His deliverance from prison ; He is appointed chief deputy of the king ; The Nile ; Famine ; Visit of Joseph's brethren to Egypt ; Joseph discovers himself to them ; His father removes to Egypt ; Jacob's dying words ; His death ; He is buried in the cave of Machpelah ; Joseph's death ; His character -- 8. Oppression of the Hebrews ; Pharaoh's order to drown all their male children ; Birth of Moses ; He is hidden in the ark of rushes ; Found, adopted, and educated by the king's daughter ; He avenges his brethren ; He flees to Midian ; helps the women at the well ; is invited to the house of Jethro ; marries his daughter, and becomes his shepherd ; The Lord appears to him in the burning bush ; Commissions him to deliver his people ; Aaron accompanies him to Pharaoh ; Pharaoh refuses to let the people go ; Moses performs a miracle before Pharaoh ; The ten plagues ; The borrowed jewels ; The departure from Egypt ; The column of fire and cloud ; Pursuit of the Egyptians ; The Israelites pass the Red Sea ; The Egyptians overwhelmed ; The song of triumph ; Egypt: its learning, language, religion, and idolatry -- 9. Journey of the Israelites ; They are miraculously supplied with quails and manna ; The palm tree ; Smiting of the rock ; Defeat of the Amalekites ; Mount Sinai ; Giving of the Decalogue ; Description of the tabernacle ; The golden calf ; Punishment of the idolaters ; Table of Hebrew months and sacred festivals ; The sacrifices explained ; Aaron constituted High Priest -- 10. Census of the people ; Plan of the Israelitish encampment ; Mode of marching ; Murmurings of the people ; Jealousy of Aaron and Miriam against Moses ; Miriam punished with leprosy ; God pardons and heals her upon the prayer of Moses ; Spies are sent to Canaan ; The people desire to return to Egypt ; Rebellion of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram ; They are swallowed up by a miraculous opening of the earth ; Death of Miriam at Kadesh ; Second smiting of the rock for water ; Death of Aaron ; Eleazer, his son, succeeds him in the priesthood;6. Philip flees from Jerusalem ; His successful preaching in Samaria ; Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch ; Saul's persecution of Christians ; His miraculous conversion ; Caesarea ; Damascus ; His powerful preaching ; Description of Joppa ; Peter raises Tabitha ; His vision and commission to the Gentiles ; Cornelius ; Peter's discourse ; Descent of the Holy Ghost ; Conversion and baptism of many -- 7. Persecutions under Herod Agrippa ; He kills James ; Peter imprisoned ; He is delivered by an angel in answer to prayer ; Death of Herod ; Barnabas and Saul journey to Cyprus, Paphos, Perga, and Antioch, preaching ; Paul's discourse in the synagogue in Pisidia ; He is invited to preach again ; He proclaims the doctrine that salvation is for the Gentiles as well as the Jews ; He is driven out of the city ; He heals the cripple at Lystra ; The people wish to offer sacrifice to him and Barnabas ; They forbid it ; Paul stoned -- 8. Paul and Silas make an extensive tour to preach ; The cure of the demoniac ; Paul and Silas are taken before the magistrates ; Imprisoned, with their feet in the stocks ; They pray and sing ; The prison doors opened by an earthquake ; Conversion and baptism of the jailer and his family ; Paul at Athens ; Idolatry of the city ; Paul brought before the Areopagus ; His discourse to the judges ; Conversion of some persons of rank ; Paul at Corinth ; Description of the city ; Paul writes his second letter to the Thessalonians ; Paul's success at Ephesus ; Geographical notices -- 9. Description of Ephesus ; Disorderly conduct of some Christians at Corinth ; Paul writes them a letter ; He also writes to the Galatians ; Jealousy of Demetrius, the silversmith ; Paul's deliverance from the fury of the people ; He leaves Timothy in care of the church at Ephesus ; He travels through Macedonia and Achaia ; He preaches at Troas ; The death of Eutychus ; Paul restores him to life ; Geographical notices ; Paul's farewell speech to the Ephesian Christians ; He visits Tyre ; Here he is advised not to go to Jerusalem ; Paul at Jerusalem ; He is falsely accused and dragged from the temple ; He is allowed by the Roman commander to speak ; He gives a detailed account of his conversion ; They dare not scourge him because he is a Roman citizen ; The plot to kill him ; It is frustrated ; He is sent under guard to Caesarea to Felix, the Roman governor -- 10. Paul brought before Felix ; Tertullus speaks against him ; Paul's defense ; Paul speaks again before Felix and his wife Drusilla upon the doctrines of Christianity ; Paul is kept in prison two years ; He is brought before the new governor, Festus ; Paul's defense and appeal to Caesar ; His speech before Agrippa ; He is sent to Rome ; The shipwreck ; Paul's vision ; He foretells the safety of all ; They land on the island of Malta ; Paul heals the governor's father ; Performs many other cures ; They remain three months on the island ; Arrival at Rome ; Paul assembles the rulers and explains the doctrines of the gospel ; He preaches two years at Rome ; Description of the city ; Colossae ; Paul writes his letter to Philemon, and also Ephesians ; Colossians ; James writes his epistle ; Martyrdom of James His character;I. History of the Old Testament : 1. The creation ; The Bible account consistent with geology ; Opinions of distinguished writers ; The firmament ; Order of creation ; Adam ; Eve ; The seventh day ; Site of the garden of Eden ; The temptation ; The fall ; Expulsion from Eden ; Mosaic Cosmogony -- 2. Birth of Cain and Abel ; Their sacrifices ; Murder of Abel ; Genealogy of Cain ; Birth of Seth ; His posterity ; Great depravity of the human race ; Noah ordered to build the ark ; Description of it ; The deluge ; Mount Ararat ; Noah's intoxication ; Canaan's curse -- 3. The tower of Babel ; Description of Babylon ; Language ; Its origin ; Different dialects ; Genealogy of Noah's sons ; Countries possessed by their descendants ; Description of Nineveh ; Modern discoveries of its ruins by Botta and Layard ; They confirm the prophecies ; Important results to biblical history ; The posterity of Shem ; Terah, the father of Abraham ; His removal from Ur to Haran, in Mesopotamia ; His death -- 4. The call of Abram ; Description of Ur ; Abram removes, with Lot and Sarai, to the land of Canaan ; Famine ; Abram's removal to Egypt ; He calls his wife his sister ; Abram's return to Canaan ; Friendly separation of Abram and Lot ; Lot chooses the plain of Sodom and Gomorrah ; The Jordan ; Abram settles in the plain of Mamre ; He rescues Lot ; Melchisedec ; God's promise to Abram of a numerous posterity ; Hagar ; Ishmael ; Change of name to Abraham ; Promise of a son to Sarah ; Circumcision -- 5. Sodom and Gomorrah ; Abraham warned of their destruction ; His petitions for their salvation ; Lot warned to flee ; Lot's wife ; Destruction of the cities of the plain ; Wickedness of Lot's daughters ; Abraham's removal to Gerar ; His second equivocation in regard to his wife ; The Talmudical story of it ; Primitive longevity and vigor ; Birth of Isaac ; Hagar and Ishmael banished ; Analogy of Hebrew and Druidical worship ; Abraham commanded to sacrifice Isaac ; His rescue ; Death of Sarah ; Her burial in the cave of Machpelah ; Marriage of Isaac and Rebecca ; Eastern customs ; Death of Abraham ; Account of the Ishmaelites;11. Mount Hor. ; Murmurings of the people ; Punishment by fiery serpents ; The brazen serpent ; Victories over the Ammonites ; Balaam is called to curse Israel ; He is met in the way by an angel ; His ass speaks to him in reproof ; Balaam pronounces a blessing instead of a curse ; Israel's idolatry and punishment ; Successful expedition against the Midianites ; Slaughter of five kings ; Balaam is slain ; The Israelites draw near to Canaan ; The tribes of Reuben and Gad settle upon the east of Jordan, with the half tribe of Manasseh ; Moses appoints the division of Canaan by lot ; Cities of refuge ; Farewell address of Moses to the tribes ; Urim and Thummim ; Death of Moses ; Mount Pisgah -- 12. The conquest ; Joshua succeeds Moses ; Spies sent to Jericho ; Rahab conceals them ; Crossing of the Jordan ; Joshua is informed in a vision how to take Jericho ; The walls of the city fall down ; Description of Jericho ; Achan's theft ; Its consequences ; Achan stoned ; Capture of Ai ; Sacrifices and reading of the law upon Mount Ebal ; Treaty with the Gibeonites ; Joshua routs and slays the confederate kings ; The sun stands still ; The whole country subdued ; Death of Joshua and Eleazer ; Burial of the bones of Joseph at Shechem -- 13. The Hebrews become corrupted by their idolatrous neighbors ; Idolatry prevails ; They are subdued and become tributary to the king of Mesopotamia ; Othniel delivers them ; Again subdued by the Moabites ; Ehud is their deliverer ; Eighty years of rest, BC 1426 ; Story of Ruth ; War with the Canaanites ; The great victory of Deborah and Barak over Sisera ; Sisera slain by Jael, the wife of Heber ; Song of Deborah ; Incursions of the MIdianites ; Gideon, the deliverer ; His great victory with three hundred men ; The Israelites offer to make him king ; He refuses ; His death -- 14. Abimelech, spurious son of Gideon, murders all his brothers except Jotham ; He takes the government ; He oppresses the people ; They expel him ; He is killed by a woman ; Tola and Jair govern Israel ; Jephtha defeats the Ammonites ; Jephtha's vow ; He judges Israel six years, 1247 BC ; Idolatry and subjection of Israelites ; Birth of Samson ; His strength ; His capture by the Philistines ; He carries off the gates of Gaza ; He pulls down the temple, and kills great numbers of his enemies, with himself, 1222 BC -- 15. Eli ; His neglect of family government ; Punishment denounced on him ; The Israelites defeated by the Philistines ; The ark taken ; Death of Eli ; Samuel judges Israel ; Israel renounces idolatry ; Great victory over the Philistines ; Wickedness of Samuel's sons ; The people demand a king ; Jahn's estimate of the causes that led the nation to this demand ; Samuel endeavors to dissuade them ; Saul the first king ; Chosen by lot, 1110 BC ; Jahn's account of the times and the office of the judges;11. After two years, Paul is set at liberty ; He writes his epistle to the Hebrews ; He, with Timothy, travels into Spain ; Visits Sicily and Greece ; Peter also set at liberty ; He visits Africa, Sicily, Italy, and Britain, preaching the Christian faith ; He returns to Rome ; Nero orders the persecution of the Jews ; Burning of Rome by Nero ; Paul returns to Rome ; Paul and Peter instruct the Jews in the synagogues ; They are thrown into prison ; Here peter writes his second epistle, and Paul his second letter to Timothy ; They are condemned to death ; Peter is crucified, Paul beheaded ; Sketch of their character -- 12. St. Andrew ; He was crucified ; He taught the people while hanging on the cross ; St James the great ; Beheaded ; St John the evangelist ; Thrown into a cauldron of boiling oil ; Miraculously saved ; Banished to Patmos, where he wrote the Revelation ; Account of Patmos ; St John, the only apostle who escaped a violent death ; St Philip, crucified ; St Bartholomew, beaten and crucified ; St Matthew, thought to have been slain by a halberd ; St Thomas, pierced with a lance ; St Simon the Zealot, crucified ; St Jude, cruelly put to death ; St Matthias, stoned ; St Mark, bound and dragged through rough places until he died ; St Luke, hung on an olive tree ; St Barnabas, stoned ; Timothy, beaten to death ; Titus, died a natural death ; John Mark, died at Ephesus ; Clement, death unknown -- 13. The seven churches of Asia ; Ephesus ; Smyrna ; Pergamos ; Thyatira ; Sardis ; Philadelphia ; Laodicea -- 14. Account of the final destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans, 70 AD, as foretold by our Savior ; Josephus an eye-witness ; Prophecies in regard to it ; Their agreement with facts ; Prodigies that preceded the destruction of the city ; Revolt under Eleazer ; Massacre of the Jews at Caesarea ; Siege of Jerusalem under Cestius ; His repulse ; Vespasian assumes command of the Roman Army ; Great slaughter of the Jews ; Siege of Jotapata ; Its reduction ; Capture of Josephus, the Jewish general ; He foretells the elevation of Vespasian to the empire ; Death of Nero ; Civil war at Rome ; Vespasian proclaimed the Emperor by the army ; He sets Josephus at liberty ; He commits the war against the Jews to his son, Titus ; Titus lays siege to Jerusalem ; Josephus in vain entreats the Jews to surrender ; Famine in the city ; Plunder and burning of the temple ; Conquest of the city, its complete destruction.
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