Ebook: Dark Psychology: The Practical Uses and Best Defenses of Psychological Warfare in Everyday Life: How to Detect and Defend Against Manipulation, Deception, Dark Persuasion, and Covert NLP
Author: W. Williams James
- Year: 2019
- Language: English
- azw3
La Barre, Weston (1911-1996) -- Labor -- Labor, Division of -- Lafitau, Joseph-François (1681-1746) -- Language -- Language and Biology -- Language and Culture -- Language Use, Sociology of -- Language, Animal -- Language, Classification of -- Language, Origin of -- Language, Types of -- Lapps -- Lascaux Cave -- Law and Anthropology -- Law and Society -- Lazaret Cave -- Leakey, Louis S. B. (1903-1972) -- Leakey, Mary D. (1913-1996) -- Leakey, Meave Epps (1942-) -- Leakey, Richard E. F. (1944-) -- Legends -- Lemurs -- Lenin, Vladimir I. U. (1870-1924) -- Leonardo Da Vinci (1452-1519) -- Levalloisian Tradition -- Levinas, Emmanuel (1906-1995) -- LÉvy-Bruhl, Lucien (1857-1939) -- Libby, Willard (1908-1980) -- Life Cycle, Human -- Life, Characteristics of -- Life, Origin of -- Lineage Systems, Segmentary -- Linguistic Reconstruction -- Linguistics, Descriptive -- Linguistics, Historical -- Linguistics, Transformational -- Linnaeus, Carolus (1707-1778) -- Linton, Ralph (1893-1953) -- Llano Culture -- Lorenz, Konrad (1903-1989) -- Lorises -- Lovejoy, C. Owen -- Lucretius (94/95-51/55 BCE) -- Lucy Reconstruction Models -- Lyell, Charles (1797-1875) -- Maasai -- Macaques -- Machu Picchu -- Magic -- Maine, Henry Sumner (1822-1888) -- Malinowski, Bronislaw (1884-1942) -- Malthus, Thomas (1766-1834) -- Mana -- Manioc Beer -- Mann, Thomas (1875-1955) -- Māori -- Marett, Robert Ranulph (1866-1943) -- Marmosets -- Marquesas -- Marriage -- Marx, Karl (1818-1883) -- Marxism -- Masks, Ceremonial -- Materialism, Cultural -- Matriarchy -- Mauss, Marcel (1872-1950) -- Mayas -- Mbuti Pygmies -- Mccown, Theodore D. (1908-1969) -- Mcluhan, Marshall (1911-1980) -- Margaret Mead (1901-1978) -- Medical Genetics -- Medicine Man -- Meganthropus -- Mehan, Hugh -- Melanin -- Memes -- Mesolithic Cultures -- Mesopotamian Civilization -- Metallurgy -- Mexico -- Miami Indians -- Middens -- Midwifery -- Migrations -- Mintz, Sidney Wilfred (1922-) -- Missing Link -- Modal Personality -- Models, Anthropological -- Modjokerto -- Mohenjo Daro -- Monasticism -- Mongolia -- Monkey Trial [1925] -- Monkeys, New World -- Monkeys, Old World -- Monogamy -- Montagu, Ashley (1905-1999) -- Montaigne, Michel Eyquem De (1533-1592) -- Monte Verde -- Mores -- Morgan, Elaine (1920-) -- Morgan, Lewis Henry (1818-1881) -- Morphology versus Molecules in Evolution -- Morris, Desmond (1928-) -- Muller, Friedrich Max (1823-1900) -- Multiculturalism -- Mummies and Mummification -- Mungo Lady/Man -- Murdock, George Peter (1897-1985) -- Museums -- Music -- Muslims -- Mutants, Human -- Mutations -- Myths and Mythology -- Napier, J. R. (1917-1987) -- Narmada Man -- Naroll, Raoul (1920-1985) -- Nash, June C. (1927-) -- Nationalism -- Native North American Religions -- Native Peoples of Central and South America -- Native Peoples of the Great Plains -- Native Peoples of the United States -- Native Studies -- Natufian Culture -- Naturalism -- Nature -- Nature, Role of Human Mind in -- Navajo -- Nazca Culture -- Neandertal Burials -- Neandertal Evidence -- Neandertal Sites -- Neandertals -- Neo-Darwinism, Origin of -- Neolithic Cultures -- Neurotheology -- Ngandong -- Nietzsche, Friedrich (1844-1900) -- Nomads -- Non-Darwinian Evolutionary Mechanisms -- Norms -- Oakley, Kenneth Page (1911-1981) -- Ochre -- Ogbu, John (1939-2003) -- Ohio Hopewell -- Ojibwa -- Oldowan Culture -- Olmecs -- Omaha Indians -- Onas -- Oparin, A. I. (1894-1980) -- Oral Literature -- Orality and Anthropology -- Orangutan Ecology and Behavior -- Orangutan Survival, Threats to -- Orangutans -- Orce -- Oreopithecus -- Ornamentation -- Orwell, George (1903-1950) -- Osteology, Human -- Pacific Rim -- Pacific Seafaring -- Paleoanthropology -- Paleoecology -- Paleomagnetism -- Paleontology -- Paluxy Footprints -- Palynology -- Panama -- Pantheism -- Paralinguistic Communication -- Park, Robert Ezra (1864-1944) -- Participant-Observation -- Pascal, Blaise (1623-1672) -- Patriarchy -- Patterson, Francine G. -- Peasants -- Pentecostalism -- People's Republic of China and Taiwan -- Peru -- Petra -- Petroglyphs -- Peyote Rituals -- Philosophy, Dynamic -- Phonetics -- Phonology -- Pictographs -- Pike, Kenneth L. (1912-2000) -- Pinker, Steven (1954-) -- Political Anthropology -- Political Economy -- Political Organizations -- Political Science -- Polyandry -- Polygamy -- Polygyny -- Polynesians -- Polytheism -- Pongids -- Popper, Karl (1902-1994) -- Population Explosion -- Positivism -- Postcolonialism -- Postmodernism -- Potassium Argon Dating -- Potlatch -- Pottery and Ceramics -- Pragmatism -- Prehistory -- Primate Behavioral Ecology -- Primate Extinction -- Primate Locomotion -- Primate Morphology and Evolution -- Primate Taxonomy -- Primates, Quadrupedalism -- Primatology -- Prosimians -- Protolanguage -- Psychiatry, Transcultural -- Psychology and Genetics -- Pu'Uhonua o Honaunau -- Pyramids --;Cannibalism -- Carbon-14 Dating -- Cardiff Giant Hoax -- Caribs -- Carpenter, C. R. (1905-1975) -- Carson, Rachel (1907-1964) -- Carter, Howard (1874-1939) -- Caste Systems -- Catastrophism -- Categorical Imperative -- Cavalli-Sforza, Luigi Luca (1922-) -- Cave Art -- Cazden, Courtney B. -- Cebids -- Celtic Europe -- Cercopithecines -- Chachapoya Indians -- Chagnon, Napoleon (1938-) -- Chants -- Chaos Theory -- Chaos Theory and Anthropology -- Chichén Itzá -- Child Abuse -- Childbirth -- Childe, Vere Gordon (1892-1956) -- Childhood -- Childhood Studies -- Chimpanzees -- Chimpanzees and Bonobos, Differences -- Chimpanzees, Saving -- City, History of -- Civil Disobedience -- Cladistics -- Clans -- Clines -- Clinical Genetics -- Clovis Culture -- Coliseum -- Collectors -- Colobines -- Communism -- Communities -- Complexity -- Computers and Humankind -- Comte, Auguste (1798-1857) -- Condorcet, Marquis De (1743-1794) -- Configurationism -- Conflict -- Confucianism -- Consciousness -- Continental Drift -- Coon, Carlton S. (1904-1981) -- Copper Age -- Coptic Monasticism -- Cosmology and Sacred Landscapes -- Counseling -- Cousteau, Jacques-Yves (1910-1997) -- Craniometry -- Creationism Versus Geology -- Creationism, Beliefs in -- Crete, Ancient -- Crime -- Critical Realism -- Critical Realism in Ethnology -- Croizat, Leon C. (1896-1982) -- Cross-Cultural Research -- Cuba -- Cultivation, Plant -- Cults -- Cultural Conservation -- Cultural Constraints -- Cultural Ecology -- Cultural Relativism -- Cultural Traits -- Cultural Tree of Life -- Culture -- Culture and Personality -- Culture Area Concept -- Culture Change -- Culture of Poverty -- Culture Shock -- Culture, Characteristics of -- Cyberculture -- Cybernetic Modeling -- Danilevsky, Nikolaj Jakovlevich (1822-1885) -- Daoism -- Darkness in El Dorado Controversy -- Darrow, Clarence (1857-1938) -- Dart, Raymond A. (1893-1988) -- Darwin and Germany -- Darwin and India -- Darwin and Italy -- Darwin, Charles (1809-1882) -- Darwinism, Modern -- Darwinism, Social -- Dating Techniques -- Dating Techniques, Radiometric -- Dating Techniques, Relative -- Dawkins, Richard (1941-) -- De Angulo, Jaime (1887-1950) -- De Waal, Frans B. M. (1948-) -- Death Rituals -- Degenerationism -- Deleuze, Gille (1925-1995) -- Deloria, Ella Cara (1889-1971) -- Dementia -- Demography -- Dendrochronology -- Dennett, Daniel C. (1942-) -- Derrida, Jacques (1930-2004) -- Determinism -- Deviance -- Devore, Irven (1935-) -- Dewey, John (1859-1952) -- Diamond, Jared (1937-) -- Dictatorships -- Diffusionism -- Dinosaurian Hominid -- Diseases -- Dispute Resolution -- DNA Molecule -- DNA Testing -- DNA, Recombinant -- Douglas, Mary (1921-) -- Dowry -- Dryopithecus -- Dubois, Eugene (1858-1940) -- Durkheim, David ÉMile (1858-1917) -- De Saussure, Ferdinand (1857-1913) -- Ecology and Anthropology -- Ecology, Human Behavioral -- Economics and Anthropology -- Education and Anthropology -- Egypt, Ancient -- Egyptology -- El Cerén -- Elders -- Eliade, Mircea (1907-1986) -- Emics -- Empedocles (495-435 BC) -- Enculturation -- Endogamy -- Engelbrecht, William Ernst -- Engels, Friedrich (1820-1895) -- Enlightenment, Age of -- Entelechy -- Environments -- Environmental Philosophy -- Eoliths -- Eskimo Acculturation -- Eskimos -- Essentialism -- Ethics and Anthropology -- Ethnocentrism -- Ethnoecology -- Ethnogenesis -- Ethnographer -- Ethnographic Writing -- Ethnography -- Ethnohistory -- Ethnology -- Ethnomedicine -- Ethnopharmacology -- Ethnopsychiatry -- Ethnoscience -- Ethnosemantics -- Ethology -- Ethology, Cognitive -- Etics -- Eudysphoria -- Eugenics -- Euthenics -- Evans-Pritchard, Edward (1902-1973) -- Eve, Mitochondrial -- Evil -- Evolution, Arc of -- Evolution, Disbelief in -- Evolution, Human -- Evolution, Models of -- Evolution, Molecular -- Evolution, Organic -- Evolutionary Anthropology -- Evolutionary Epistemology -- Evolutionary Ethics -- Evolutionary Ontology -- Excavation -- Exobiology and Exoevolution -- Exogamy -- Extinction --;Qing, the Last Dynasty of China -- Quechua -- Radcliffe-Brown, A. R. (1881-1955) -- Radin, Paul (1883-1959) -- Ramses II -- Rank and Status -- Rapa Nui -- Rappaport, Roy (1926-1997) -- Rarotonga -- Reciprocity -- Redfield, Robert (1897-1958) -- Reichard, Gladys (1893-1955) -- Religion -- Religion and Anthropology -- Religion and Environment -- Religion, Liberal -- Religious Rituals -- Reproduction -- Research Methods -- Revitalization Movements -- Rites of Passage -- Rivers, W. H. R. (1864-1922) -- RNA Molecule -- Robbins, Richard H. (1940-) -- Rock Art -- Role and Status -- Rome, Ancient -- Rowe, John Howland (1918-2004) -- Rumbaugh, D. M. (1929-) -- Russell, Dale Allen (1937-) -- Russia and Evolution -- Sagan, Carl (1934-1996) -- Sahara Anthropology -- Sahelanthropus Tchadensis -- Sahlins, Marshall D. (1930-) -- Sambungmachan -- Samburu -- Samoa -- Sangiran -- Sapir, Edward (1884-1939) -- Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis -- Sardinia -- Sartono (1928-1995) -- Sasquatch -- Schaller, George B. (1933-) -- Schliemann, Heinrich (1822-1890) -- Schmidt, Wilhelm (1868-1954) -- Schneider, David M. (1918-) -- Schwartz, Jeffrey H. (1948-) -- Science, Philosophy of -- Scientific Method -- Scopes, John (1900-1970) -- Selection, Natural -- Semantics, Ethnographic -- Service, Elman R. (1915-1996) -- Sex Identity -- Sex Roles -- Sexual Harassment -- Sexual Selection -- Sexuality -- Shaman -- Shanidar Cave -- Siamangs -- Siberia -- Sickle-Cell Anemia -- Simpson, George Gaylord (1902-1984) -- Simulacra -- Siwalik Hills -- Slavery -- Smith, Grafton Elliot (1871-1937) -- Smith, William (1769-1839) -- Smuts, Barbara B. -- Social Change -- Social Structures -- Socialization -- Societies, Class -- Societies, Complex -- Societies, Egalitarian -- Societies, Rank -- Societies, Secret -- Sociobiology -- Sociolinguistics -- Sociology -- Sorcery -- Speech, Folk -- Spencer, Herbert (1820-1903) -- Spengler, Oswald (1880-1936) -- Spider Monkeys -- Stereotypes -- Steward, Julian H. (1902-1972) -- Stonehenge -- Stratigraphy -- Structuralism -- Strum, Shirley C. -- Subcultures -- Sudanese Society -- Sufi Islam -- Sumerian Civilization -- Sumner, William Graham (1840-1910) -- Superorganic -- Survivals, Cultural -- Swahili -- Symboling -- Syncretism -- Taboos -- Tahiti -- Taj Mahal -- Tamarins -- Taphonomy -- Tarsiers -- Tasmania -- Tax, Sol (1907-1995) -- Technology -- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre (1881-1955) -- Teleology -- Temples -- Tenochtitlan -- Terra Amata -- Territoriality -- Textiles and Clothing -- Theories -- Thomas, Elizabeth Marshall (1931-) -- Tierra del Fuego -- Tikal -- Tikopia -- Time -- Time in Anthropology -- Tiwanaku (Tiahuanaco) -- Tlingit -- Tlingit Culture -- Tonga -- Tools and Evolution -- Totem Poles -- Totemism -- Toynbee, Arnold Joseph (1889-1975) -- Transnationalism -- Travel -- Treeshrews -- Tropical Rain Forests -- Troy -- Tswana Bantu -- Turnbull, Colin M. (1924-1994) -- Turner, Edith (1921-) -- Tylor, Edward Burnett (1832-1917) -- Ubirr -- Unamuno, Miguel de (1864-1936) -- Uniformitarianism -- United Nations and Anthropology -- Universals in Cultures -- Universals in Language -- Untouchables -- Ur -- Uranium-Lead Dating -- Urban Ecology -- Urban Legends -- Urbanism in Ancient Egypt -- Uxmal -- Von Goethe, Johann Wolfgang (1749-1832) -- von Humboldt, Friedrich Wilhelm Heinrich Alexander(1769-1859) -- Values and Anthropology -- Vayda, Andrew (1931-) -- Venezuela -- Venus of Willendorf -- Vernadsky, Vladimir Ivanovich (1863-1945) -- Verne, Jules (1828-1905) -- Vikings -- Villages -- Virchow, Rudolf Ludwig Karl (1821-1902) -- Vörös, Gyõzõ (1972-) -- Vygotsky, Lev Semenovich (1896-1934) -- Wagner, Richard (1813-1883) -- Wallace, Alfred Russel (1823-1913) -- Wallace, Anthony F. C. (1923-) -- Wallerstein, Immanuel (1930-) -- War, Anthropology of -- War, Archaeology of -- Washburn, Sherwood L. (1911-2000) -- Washoe -- Wegener, Alfred (1880-1930) -- Weidenreich, Franz (1873-1948) -- Wells, H. G. (1866-1946) -- White, Leslie A. (1900-1975) -- White, Timothy D. -- Whitehead, Alfred North (1861-1947) -- Whorf, Benjamin Lee (1897-1941) -- Williams, Raymond (1921-1988) -- Wilson, Edward O. (1929-) -- Wissler, Clark (1870-1947) -- Witch Doctor -- Witchcraft -- Wolf, Eric Robert (1923-1999) -- Wolfian Perspective in Cultural Anthropology -- Women and Anthropology -- Women's Studies -- Work and Skills -- Xenophanes -- Xenophobia -- Yabarana Indians -- Yaganes -- Yanomamo -- Yerkes, Robert M. (1876-1956) -- Yeti -- Y-STR DNA -- Zafarraya Cave -- Zande -- Zapotecs -- Ziggurats -- Zinjanthropus Boisei -- Zooarchaeology -- Zoos -- Zulu -- Zuni Indians.;This five-volume Encyclopedia of Anthropology is a unique collection of over 1,000 entries that focuses on topics in physical anthropology, archaeology, cultural anthropology, linguistics, and applied anthropology. Also included are relevant articles on geology, paleontology, biology, evolution, sociology, psychology, philosophy, and theology. The contributions are authored by over 250 internationally renowned experts, professors, and scholars from some of the most distinguished museums, universities, and institutes in the world. Special attention is given to human evolution, primate behavior, genetics, ancient civilizations, sociocultural theories, and the value of human language for symbolic communication.;v. 1. A-B -- v. 2. C-E -- v. 3. F-K -- v. 4. L-P -- v. 5. Q-Z.;Aborigines -- Acheulean Culture -- Acropolis -- Action Anthropology -- Adaptation, Biological -- Adaptation, Cultural -- Aesthetic Appreciation -- Affirmative Action -- Africa, Socialist Schools in -- African American Thought -- African Americans -- African Thinkers -- Aggression -- Agricultural Revolution -- Agriculture, Intensive -- Agriculture, Origins of -- Agriculture, Slash-and-Burn -- Alchemy -- Aleuts -- ALFRED -- Algonquians -- Alienation -- Altamira Cave -- Altruism -- Amazonia -- Amish -- Anasazi -- Ancestor Worship -- Angkor Wat -- Animals -- Animatism -- Animism -- Anthropic Principle -- Anthropocentrism -- Anthropology and Business -- Anthropology and Epistemology -- Anthropology and the Third World -- Anthropology of Men -- Anthropology of Religion -- Anthropology of Women -- Anthropology, Careers in -- Anthropology, Characteristics of -- Anthropology, Clinical -- Anthropology, Cultural -- Anthropology, Economic -- Anthropology, History of -- Anthropology, Humanistic -- Anthropology, Philosophical -- Anthropology, Practicing -- Anthropology, Social -- Anthropology, Subdivisions of -- Anthropology, Theory in -- Anthropology, Visual -- Anthropometry -- Anthropomorphism -- Aotearoa (New Zealand) -- Ape Biogeography -- Ape Cognition -- Ape Language -- Apes, Fossil -- Apes, Greater -- Apes, Lesser -- Apollonian -- Aquatic Ape Hypothesis -- Aquinas, Thomas (1225-1274) -- Arboreal Hypothesis -- Archaeology -- Archaeology and Gender Studies -- Archaeology, Biblical -- Archaeology, Environmental -- Archaeology, Maritime -- Archaeology, Medieval -- Archaeology, Salvage -- Architectural Anthropology -- Arctic -- Ardrey, Robert (1908-1980) -- Argentina -- Aristotle (384-322 BC) -- Arsuaga, J. L. (1954-) -- Art, Universals in -- Artificial Intelligence -- Asante -- Assimilation -- Atapuerca -- Athabascan -- Auel, Jean Marie (1936-) -- Aurignacian Culture -- Australia -- Australian Aborigines -- Australopithecines -- Axes, Hand -- Aymara -- Aztec Agriculture -- Baboons -- Babylon -- Bakhtin, Mikhail (1895-1975) -- Balkans -- Baluchistan -- Bates, Daniel G. -- Banyang Medicine Man -- Becker, Gary S. (1930-) -- Behavior, Collective -- Benedict, Ruth (1887-1948) -- Berdache -- Bergson, Henri (1859-1941) -- Bermúdez De Castro, José María (1952-) -- Big Bang Theory -- Binford, Lewis Roberts (1930-) -- Bingham, Hiram (1875-1956) -- Bioethics and Anthropology -- Biogeography -- Bioinformatics -- Biological Anthropology -- Biological Anthropology and Neo-Darwinism -- Biomedicine -- Biometrics -- Bipedal Locomotion -- Black, Davidson (1884-1934) -- Blombos Cave -- Blood Groups -- Blumenbach, Johann Friedrich (1752-1840) -- Bonobos -- Boucher De Perthes, Jacques (1788-1868) -- Bourdieu, Pierre (1930-2002) -- Brace, C. Loring (1930-) -- Brachiation -- Braidwood, Robert John (1907-2003) -- Brain, Evolution of Primate -- Brain, Human -- Brain, Primate -- Brazil -- Breuil, Henri (1877-1961) -- Bride Price -- Briggs, Jean L. (1929-) -- Bruno, Giordano (1548-1600) -- Buber, Martin (1878-1965) -- Buddhism -- Buechel, Eugene (1874-1954) -- Bunzel, Ruth Leah (1898-1990) -- Burial Mounds --;Franz Boas (1858-1942) -- Fa Hien Cave -- Fagan, Brian M. (1936-) -- Family, Extended -- Family, Forms of -- Family, Nuclear -- Farber, Marvin (1901-1980) -- Fayoum Culture -- Feasts and Festivals -- Feminism -- Fertility -- Feuding -- Feuerbach, Ludwig (1804-1872) -- Field Methods -- Fieldwork, Ethnographic -- Fiji -- Firth, Raymond (1901-2002) -- Folk Culture -- Folkways -- Folsom Culture -- Food -- Fortes, Meyer (1906-1983) -- Fossey, Dian (1935-1985) -- Fossil Record -- Fossils -- Foucault, Michel (1926-1984) -- Frazer, Sir James (1854-1941) -- Freeman, Derek (1916-2001) -- French Structuralism -- Freud, Sigmund (1856-1939) -- Fried, Morton H. (1923-1986) -- Friendships -- Fromm, Erich (1900-1980) -- Functionalism -- Gaia Hypothesis -- Galapagos Islands -- Galdikas, Biruté Mary F. (1946-) -- Galton, Francis (1822-1911) -- Gandhi, Mahatma (1869-1948) -- Gangs -- Geertz, Clifford (1926-) -- Gemeinschaft -- Gender -- Gene Distributions -- Gene Flow -- Generative Grammar -- Genetic Drift -- Genetic Engineering -- Genetics, History of -- Genetics, Human -- Genetics, Population -- Genocide -- Genomics -- Geologic Column -- Geomagnetism -- Geomythology -- Gerontology -- Gesellschaft -- Ghost Dance -- Gibbons -- Gigantopithecus -- Globalization -- Glottochronology -- Gluckman, Max (1911-1975) -- God Gene -- Gods -- Goodall, Jane (1934-) -- Goode, William Josiah (1917-2003) -- Gorillas -- Gorillas, Saving -- Gosse, Philip (1810-1888) -- Gramsci, Antonio (1891-1937) -- Graves -- Greenberg, Joseph (1915-2001) -- Grooming -- Guaraní Ñandéva Indians -- Gutenberg, Johannes (1397-1468) -- Gypsies -- Haddon, A. C. (1855-1940) -- Haeckel, Ernst (1834-1919) -- Haidas -- Haiti -- Harappa -- Hardy-Weinberg Principle -- Harlow, Harry F. (1905-1981) -- Harris, Marvin (1927-2001) -- Harrisson, Barbara (1922-) -- Health Care, Alternative -- Heath, Shirley Brice -- Hegel, G. W. F. (1770-1831) -- Heidegger, Martin (1889-1976) -- Henotheism -- Heraclitus -- Hermeneutics -- Herskovits, Melville (1895-1963) -- Heyerdahl, Thor (1914-2002) -- Hinduism -- Historicism -- HIV/AIDS -- Hoaxes in Anthropology -- Hobbes, Thomas (1588-1679) -- Hoebel, E. Adamson (1906-1993) -- Hominization, Issues in -- Hominoids -- Homo Antecessor -- Homo Erectus -- Homo Ergaster -- Homo Habilis -- Homo Sapiens -- Homosexuality -- Hopi Indians -- Horticulture -- Howell, Francis Clark (1925-) -- Howling Monkeys -- Hrdlicka, Ales (1869-1943) -- Huari [Wari] -- Human Canopy Evolution -- Human Competition and Stress -- Human Dignity -- Human Excellence -- Human Genome Project -- Human Paleontology -- Human Rights and Anthropology -- Human Rights in the Global Society -- Human Variation -- Humanism, Evolutionary -- Humanism, Religious -- Humanism, Secular -- Humankind, Psychic Unity of -- Humans and Dinosaurs -- Hume, David (1711-1776) -- Huntington, Samuel P. (1927-) -- Hylobates -- Iceman -- Ideology -- Ik -- Incest Taboo -- India and Evolution -- India, Philosophies of -- India, Rituals of -- Indonesia -- Indus Civilization -- Informants -- Inokun Village -- Instincts -- Integrity, Dynamic -- Intelligence -- Intercultural Education -- International Organizations -- Inuit -- Iron Age -- Iroquoian Nations, Northern -- Iroquois -- Irrigation -- Islam -- Israel -- Jarmo -- Java Man -- Jewelry -- Jews -- Jews and Pseudo-Anthropology -- Johanson, Donald C. (1943-) -- Jones, William (1746-1794) -- Justice and Anthropology -- Kant, Immanuel -- Kardiner, Abram (1891-1981) -- Keith, Sir Arthur (1866-1955) -- Kennewick Man -- Kenyanthropus Platyops -- Kenyapithecus Wickeri -- Kettlewell, H. B. D. (1907-1979) -- Kibbutz -- King, Dr. Martin Luther, Jr. (1929-1968) -- Kinship and Descent -- Kinship Terminology -- Kluckhohn, Clyde K. M. (1905-1960) -- Koba -- Köhler, Wolfgang (1887-1967) -- Koko (Lowland Gorilla) -- Kovalevskii, Aleksandr O. (1840-1901) -- Kovalevskii, Vladimir O. (1842-1883) -- Kroeber, Alfred Louis (1876-1960) -- Kropotkin, Prince Peter A. (1842-1921) -- Kula Ring -- Kulturkreise -- Kung Bushmen -- Kwakiutls --
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