Ebook: Leading through uncertainty: how Umpqua Bank emerged from the Great Recession better and stronger than ever
Author: Raymond P. Davis, Peter Economy, William C. Taylor
From the CEO of Umpqua Bank, the essential leadership practices that allowed the West Coast's largest independent community bank to emerge from the economic crisis even stronger than before.
In this follow-up to the successful Leading for Growth, Umpqua Bank CEO Ray Davis shares the tactics and strategies that have allowed Umpqua to grow and succeed in the toughest economic environment. The results are clear: despite years of economic uncertainty, Umpqua has continued its upward trajectory—expanding from five locations in 1994 to more than 200 today. Davis's approach can help leaders recalibrate their approaches, no matter what the industry or market upheaval they face.
In Leading Through Uncertainty, Davis shares a concise set of smart, actionable leadership practices that leaders can use to navigate their businesses and teams through difficult...
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