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Ebook: Managing all-in-one for dummies

Contents note continued: ch. 3 Embracing Corporate Social Responsibility -- Understanding Socially Responsible Practices -- Figuring out how you can employ CSR -- Enjoying net benefits of socially responsible practices -- Developing a CSR strategy for implementation -- Evaluating the Political Side of Your Workplace -- Assessing your organization's political environment -- Identifying key players -- Redrawing your organization chart -- Doing the Right Thing: Ethics and You -- Defining ethics on the job -- Creating a code of ethics -- Checking out a sample code of ethics -- Making ethical choices every day -- ch. 4 Managing with Technology -- Weighing the Benefits and Drawbacks of Technology in the Workplace -- Making advances, thanks to automation -- Improving efficiency and productivity -- Taking steps to neutralize the negatives -- Using Technology to Your Advantage -- Know your business -- Create a technology-competitive advantage -- Develop a plan -- Get some help.;Contents note continued: Dealing with resistance -- Gaining focus when conversations go off track -- Closing the Conversation with Ease -- Creating powerful action plans -- Following through for success -- ch. 4 Conducting Performance Appraisals -- Gathering and Analyzing a Year's Worth of Information -- Doing your homework -- Completing the evaluation form -- Determining an overall rating -- Managing Your Misperceptions -- Overpowering bias and stereotypes -- Rethinking "just like me" -- Recognizing the halo effect -- Dismissing the horns effect -- Getting beyond first impressions -- Setting the Stage for the Appraisal -- Identifying your objectives -- Preparing an agenda -- Scripting your delicate comments -- Bringing the data -- Setting positive expectations -- Holding the Meeting -- Opening the discussion -- Leading the discussion -- Providing negative feedback -- Actively listening -- Wrapping up the discussion -- Setting Goals -- Looking forward instead of backward.;Contents note continued: Cohesiveness -- Accountability -- Training Your Team in Six Critical Skills -- ch. 2 Strategies for Building Effective Teams -- Laying a Solid Foundation -- Writing a team-purpose statement -- Creating team guidelines -- Setting Goals, Not Activities -- Making Plans and Assigning Roles -- Establishing Team Vision and Values -- Writing a team vision statement -- Defining core values -- Developing Standards and Measurements -- Setting team performance standards -- Developing standard operating procedures -- Deciding what to measure and how to measure it -- Building Connections, Creating Cohesiveness -- Sharing responsibilities -- Putting team guidelines into action -- Training and learning together -- Working the process so you can process the work -- Fostering Accountability -- Conducting status review meetings -- Reporting results outward and upward -- Evaluating team performance -- Using peer feedback -- Reinforcing Good Performance.;Contents note continued: Opting for goals over dreams -- Motivating employees to meet their goals -- Challenging your employees enough but not too much -- Creating performance goals -- Establishing developmental goals -- Managing after the Evaluation -- Wandering around -- Coaching employees tow4rd their goals -- ch. 5 Resolving Conflict -- Developing a Plan to Resolve Conflict -- Preparing the parties for a conversation -- Setting up the meeting -- Facilitating a Mediation Meeting -- Reviewing the ground rules -- Giving the participants a chance to present their perspectives -- Summarizing what you hear -- Creating an agenda -- Negotiating Possible Solutions -- Encouraging communication -- Focusing on values rather than issues -- Fostering brainstorming -- Asking great questions -- Working through resistance -- Developing Solutions and Agreements -- Recognizing the nonnegotiable elements of a good settlement -- Troubleshooting problem areas -- Writing it down.;Contents note continued: Reviewing your notes -- Conducting a second (or third) round -- Hiring the Best (and Leaving the Rest) -- Being objective -- Trusting your gut -- Revisiting the candidate pool -- ch. 2 Engaging Your Employees -- Understanding the Power of Employee Engagement -- Creating a Clear, Compelling Direction -- Assessing employees' understanding of mission and purpose -- Modifying strategies to meet goals -- Opening Lines of Communication -- Employing direct, two-way communication -- Exploring communication techniques -- Communicating bad news and dealing with rumors -- Encouraging Involvement and Initiative -- Guiding employee focus -- Asking employees for their input and ideas -- Involving employees in decision-making -- Increasing Employee Autonomy, Flexibility, and Support -- Giving employees a say in their own work -- Allowing flexible work schedules -- Making the most of technology for working remotely -- Providing managerial access and support.;Contents note continued: Recognizing the Impact of Listening -- Breaking down the listening process -- Eradicating patterns that crush listening -- Discovering the ways people listen -- Putting Active Listening Tools to Work -- Drawing out the speaker's message -- Verifying your understanding of the message -- What You Say and How You Say It -- Communicating with eye contact -- Making sure your body talk supports your message -- Putting oomph in your voice -- Managing your pace -- Navigating E-mail Communication -- Knowing when to use e-mail -- Recognizing when not to use e-mail -- Staying on the right track when writing e-mail -- ch. 3 Having Critical Conversations -- Knowing When It's Time to Have a Critical Conversation -- Avoiding Pitfalls through Preparation -- Heading off stress through preparation -- Being mentally prepared -- Starting with rapport and trust -- Keeping Challenging Situations Productive -- Righting a wrong -- Making tough discussions encouraging.;Contents note continued: Keeping a team on the productive track -- Incentives and Other Rewards for Teams -- Investing in team incentive pay -- Rewarding individual team members: Skill-based pay -- Showing you love them in other ways -- ch. 1 Laying a foundation for Change -- Understanding the Cycle of Change -- Moving out of the current state: Using SWOT to recognize a need to change -- Defining the desired state: Deciding where you're headed -- Checking out the change formula -- Spotting Change Indicators -- Assessing Your Organizational Change Readiness -- Mapping your stakeholders -- Assessing stakeholder readiness -- Deciding What Type of Change You Need -- Implementing a Tried-and-True Change Model -- Recognizing the Call for Leadership -- Distinguishing managing and leading -- Leading by example -- Role Playing: Assuming Different Roles during Change -- Sponsoring success -- Being a change agent -- Serving as an advocate.;Machine generated contents note: About This Book -- Foolish Assumptions -- Icons Used in This Book -- Beyond the Book -- Where to Go from Here -- ch. 1 Now You're a Manager -- Identifying the Different Styles of Management -- Tough guy (or gal) management -- Nice guy (or gal) management -- The right kind of management -- Meeting the Management Challenge -- Skipping quick fixes that don't stick -- Partnering with your employees -- Being open to new ideas and procedures -- Establishing two-way trust -- Mastering the New Functions of Management -- Energize -- Empower -- Support -- Communicate -- Taking the First Steps toward Becoming a Manager -- Look and listen -- Do and learn -- ch. 2 Setting Goals as a Manager -- Knowing Where You're Going -- Identifying SMART Goals -- Setting Goals: Less Is More -- Communicating Your Vision and Goals to Your Team -- Juggling Priorities: Keeping Your Eye on the Ball -- Using Your Power for Good: Making Your Goals Reality.;Contents note continued: Facilitating Change across Leadership Structures -- Glimpsing two common leadership structures -- Working with -- and adapting -- the established leadership structure -- ch. 2 Putting Your Plan for Change into Motion -- Assembling Your Change Toolbox -- Building an inspiring vision -- Creating a change road map -- Putting together your change team -- Creating a Winning Project Plan: What's Going to Happen -- Checking your readiness to launch -- Planning to succeed -- Looking at the elements of a project plan -- The GRPI Model: Getting a grip on how change will happen -- Staying focused on what matters most -- Leading unexpected change -- Assessing and Managing Risk -- Knowing your risks -- How big? How likely? Analyzing your risks' probability and consequences -- Limiting Our risks -- Measuring and Evaluating -- Developing benchmarks -- Establishing milestones -- Keeping an eye on progress -- Communicating the Change.;Contents note continued: Creating a Snowball Effect with Small Wins -- Structuring-and Organizing Complex Change -- Using project management to establish structure -- Organizing manageable but complex change -- Example of managing complexity: A call center and its merger -- Developing organizational knowledge during complex change -- Keeping Interest High -- Solving problems, not generating them -- Breaking out of the annual cycle -- Climbing out of chaos: Using a belay system -- Embedding Complex Change within the Culture -- Controlling what you can -- Planning for what you can't control -- Resolving conflict productively: The four As.;Contents note continued: The spokesperson -- The coach or team builder -- ch. 5 The Process of Leadership -- Discovering the Skills of a Leader -- Making leadership decisions -- Setting a direction -- Conducting mediation -- Facilitating -- Cheerleading -- Harnessing Your Strengths and Weaknesses -- Cooperating -- Listening -- Placing others above yourself -- Meeting Expectations from All Directions -- Mapping out your expectations -- Understanding your team's expectations -- Living up to your superiors' expectations -- ch. 1 Hiring: The Million-Dollar Decision -- Starting with a Clear Job Description -- Defining the Characteristics of Desirable Candidates -- Finding Good People -- Going through traditional recruiting channels -- Leveraging the power of the Internet -- Becoming a Great Interviewer -- Asking the right questions -- Following interviewing do's -- Avoiding interviewing don'ts -- Five steps to better interviewing -- Evaluating Your Candidates -- Checking references.;Contents note continued: Making Decisions as a Team -- The five ways that decisions are made -- Reaching a true consensus -- Selecting the right decision-making tool -- Resolving Conflicts on the Team -- Using five steps to resolve conflict -- Coaching a team to settle conflicts on its own -- Serving as the third-party facilitator -- Giving Your Meetings New Life -- Noting the three stages of a meeting -- Taking a minute for the minutes -- Performing meeting roles -- Holding team meetings for meaningful purposes -- Creating agendas -- Getting maximum participation -- ch. 5 Managing Advanced Team Matters -- Managing without Supervisors: Self-Directed Teams -- Defining and dissecting a self-directed team -- Making the transition to self-directed teams -- Building teams to self-manage and grow -- Managing Project Teams and Task Teams to Success -- Beginning with the essentials for effective project management -- Starting a task team on the same page.;Contents note continued: You can't trust your employees to be responsible -- You'll lose control of a task and its outcome -- You're the only one with all the answers -- You can do the work faster by yourself -- Delegation dilutes your authority -- You relinquish the credit for doing a good job -- Delegation decreases your flexibility -- Taking the Six Steps to Delegate -- Sorting Out What to Delegate and What to Do Yourself -- Pointing out appropriate tasks for delegation -- Knowing what tasks should stay with you -- Keeping delegation on track -- Checking Up Instead of Checking Out -- Excelling at Leadership Tasks (Even When You Delegate Them to Yourself) -- Leading as a follower -- Leading when your position is honorary -- Leading when you're not expected to succeed -- ch. 1 Encouraging Commitment through Coaching and Mentoring -- Getting the Lowdown on Business Coaching -- Managing as a coach versus as a doer -- Mentoring and developing staff.;Contents note continued: ch. 3 Managing Virtual Employees -- Making Room for a New Kind of Employee -- Preparing to get virtual -- Understanding changes to the office culture -- Weighing pros and cons of telecommuting -- Managing from a Distance -- Increasing your interaction -- Providing long-distance recognition -- Using the Internet -- Managing Different Shifts -- ch. 4 Conducting Meetings That Work -- Why You Should Toss the Old Meeting Model -- Developing Focused Agendas, -- Starting with five essentials -- Other agenda parts to include as needed -- Formatting the agenda -- Facilitating a Productive Meeting: Tools and Outcomes -- Planning -- Summarizing -- Recording -- Focusing -- Stimulating participation -- Gatekeeping -- Dealing with a few familiar challenges -- Juggling act: Facilitating and participating at the same time -- ch. 5 Delegating to Get Things Done -- Delegating: The Manager's Best Tool -- Seeing Past Myths about Delegation.;Contents note continued: Tuning In to Personal versus Positional Influence -- Managing by positional influence -- Managing by personal influence -- Seeking commitment versus compliance -- Maintaining your personal influence under pressure -- Managing as a Tone Setter -- Coaching Assertively, through Collaboration -- Engaging in two-way conversations -- Asserting yourself -- Holding the pickles, onions, and aggressiveness! -- Choosing not to be passive -- Testing your collaboration skills -- The Five Pillars for Building Commitment -- Analyzing an Instance of Poor Coaching -- Reviewing the manager's coaching efforts -- Studying the manager's efforts to affect his employee's level of commitment -- Ascertaining how to, handle corrections for this project -- ch. 2 Communicating Effectively -- Understanding the Four Approaches to Speaking -- The aggressive approach -- The nonassertive approach -- The passive-aggressive approach -- The assertive approach.;Your all-encompassing guide to managing people, projects, and teams Being a manager can be an intimidating and challenging task. Managing involves teaching new skills to employees, helping land a new customer, accomplishing an important assignment, increasing performance, and much more.;Contents note continued: Aligning Technology Change with Results -- Matching technology with people, processes, and strategy -- Joining the online e-business revolution -- Effectively using social media and the next "it" thing -- Leveraging Restructuring Changes -- Developing your restructuring plan -- Identifying the necessary process changes and their impacts -- Structuring performance metrics -- Organizing Change during Mergers and Acquisitions -- Taking change to a new level: combining companies -- Following the M & A process -- Supporting employees during the M & A process -- Handling staffing considerations during a merger or acquisition -- Proceeding successfully after the deal is done -- Managing Cultural Change -- Defining the current culture -- Creating successful cultural change -- Working with the new culture -- ch. 5 When Everything Changes: Working with Complex Change -- Getting a Handle on Chaos: When Everything Is Changing at Once.;Contents note continued: Keeping Your Vision Dynamic -- ch. 4 Building Your Leadership Skill Set -- Taking Stock As You Get Started -- Assessing your situation -- Doing a personal inventory -- Understanding your mission -- Getting to know your team -- Strengthening Your Leadership Muscles -- Using what you have -- Responding to situations flexibly -- Taking advantage of fortuitous circumstances -- Making sense of ambiguous or contradictory messages -- Ranking the importance of different elements -- Finding similarities in apparently different situations -- Drawing distinctions between seemingly similar situations -- Putting concepts together in new ways -- Coming up with novel ideas -- Communicating with skill -- Modeling Great Leadership Behaviors -- Drive -- A sense of urgency -- Honesty -- Good judgment -- Dependability -- Trust -- Encouraging a learning environment -- Grasping the Roles Leaders Play -- The truth seeker -- The direction setter -- The agent from C.H.A.N.G.E.;Contents note continued: Getting the Most Out of Company Networks -- ch. 1 Tapping into the Brain of a Leader -- Harnessing Multiple Intelligences -- The temporal intelligences -- The spatial intelligences -- The personal and social intelligences -- Assessing and Applying Your Emotional Intelligence -- Grasping the role of emotions -- Becoming self-aware -- Motivating yourself to move toward goals -- Recognizing emotions in others -- Modeling the emotion you want to see -- Dealing with out-of-control emotions -- Thinking Your Way to the Top: Decision Making -- Calling on your head and heart to make better decisions -- The frontal lobe: CEO of your brain -- Maxing your working memory -- ch. 2 Training and Developing Leadership Brains -- Holding Sticky Training Sessions -- Determining where you are and where you want to go -- Organizing and presenting information -- Moving from concrete to abstract information -- Creating Memories That Stick -- Using movement to enhance learning.;Contents note continued: Calling on pictures to tell the story -- Offering feedback -- Redesigning Brains: Helping Employees Train for Change -- Breaking habits, changing networks -- Reinforcing changes -- Dealing with minds that are difficult to change -- Conducting Meetings That Matter -- Creating continuity -- Sharing control -- Soliciting feedback s -- Getting your message across -- Keeping the conversations going -- ch. 3 Developing a Vision -- The Origins and Benefits of Visions -- Mapping where visions come from -- Establishing a standard Of excellence -- Staying ahead of the game -- Linking the present to the future -- Developing a Doable Dream -- Eliminating the luck factor -- SWOTing your staff -- Creating-More than an Idea -- Assembling a team -- Moving from an idea to a plan -- Staying realistic -- Using Vision to Harness Opportunities -- Spotting an opportunity -- Searching out an opportunity -- Creating an atmosphere in which ideas flourish.;Contents note continued: ch. 3 Developing Tools for Productive Team Players -- Making Active Listening a Part of Your Team Process -- Opening the door to a good conversation -- Drawing out a speaker with probing questions -- Reflecting a speaker's feelings -- Paraphrasing to capture the content -- Combining reflection with paraphrasing -- Dodging pitfalls -- Speaking So That People Listen -- and Get Your Point -- Changing old speaking habits -- Adopting an assertive speaking approach -- Using nonverbal tools of assertive speaking -- Speaking in the positive -- Planning for Success and Working Your Plan -- Understanding what you need to plan -- Making plans, step by step -- Living the plan -- Solving Problems (Rather than Making Them Worse) -- Avoiding the pitfalls -- Revving up your problem-solving machine -- Brainstorming -- Developing Ideas and Getting to Solutions -- Making space for ideas -- Guiding discussions -- Voting for winners -- ch. 4 Working Productively with Teams.;Contents note continued: Answering the three big change questions -- Developing an ideal communication style during change -- Communicating across differences -- ch. 3 Making Change Stick -- Getting Employees on Board and Keeping Them Motivated -- Building trust -- Overcoming the negative impact of past change efforts -- Dealing with cynicism toward future change -- Empowering employees to change -- Dealing with the Challenges of Change -- Addressing common people problems -- Becoming a change facilitator -- Working through disruption problems -- Managing stress levels -- Assessing Your Progress and Acting Accordingly -- Using the transition model checklist -- Celebrating milestones -- Maintaining mid-change interest -- Bouncing back from failure -- Building the Structures to Make Change Last -- Creating useful performance measures -- Aligning resources to the new way -- Leading the after-change review -- ch. 4 Applying Change Strategies in Specialized Circumstances.;Contents note continued: Concluding the Meeting with Optimism -- Settlement -- Interim agreements -- No settlement -- ch. 1 Putting Together a Strong Business Team -- Giving "Team" a Business Meaning -- Telling the Difference between Work Groups and Teams -- Dependent-level work groups -- Independent-level work groups -- Interdependent-level work groups -- How Teams Help Managers to Manage -- Introducing the Most Common Types of Teams -- Looking Before You Leap: Factors to Consider in Adopting Teams -- Factors to consider at the organizational level -- Factors to consider at the manager level -- Factors to consider at the team member level -- The Terrible Twenty: Why Teams Sometimes Struggle -- Spotting -- and Soothing -- Resistance -- Cultural orientation -- the rugged individualist -- Limited or poor experience with teams -- Success as a solo -- Fear of change -- Winning Them Over -- Introducing the Three Cornerstones: Focus, Cohesiveness, and Accountability -- Focus.
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