Ebook: Worst case re: Trump 2020, via UPenn criminologist, Mary Trump, et al.: President’s one of ~77 million psychopaths imperiled (PsIMP) by advances in molecular genetics; he knows PsIMP; he’s part of Ps’ resistance, which: 1) he wants to ADVANCE by granting
Author: John Q. Public
- Tags: Trump psychopathy 2020 election molecular genetics police reform Jeffrey Epstein organized crime Deutsche Bank
- Year: 2020
- Language: English
- pdf
Second shareable link: https://www.slideshare.net/PostRomCom/ (SlideShare is owned by LinkedIn.)
Excerpt (minus many Web links and some formatting of text):
-- Summary (13 pages; details follow) --
From said UPenn-er's 2013 book: PsIMP via said advances. Keywords: "indefinite detention" by 2034 (e.g., Ps who haven't committed a crime would be imprisoned). From a 2020 article in Nature magazine: "In the past decade, studies of psychopathological genetics have become large enough to draw robust conclusions."
From the 2020 book by Mary Trump, the clinical psychologist (Ph.D.) who's the president's niece: "A case could be made that he [Trump] also meets the criteria for antisocial personality disorder, which in its most severe form is generally considered sociopathy." From the 2018 article on PsychologyToday.com titled "The Differences Between Psychopaths and Sociopaths": "Many psychiatrists, forensic psychologists, criminologists, and police officers . . . use the terms sociopath and psychopath interchangeably."
From a 2019 article in The Atlantic by a co-director of the Brennan Center at NYU Law School (4 excerpts): "The moment the president declares a 'national emergency'—a decision that is entirely within his discretion—he is able to set aside many of the legal limits on his authority."; "From seizing control of the internet to declaring martial law, President Trump may legally do all kinds of extraordinary things."; "[W]hat if a president, backed into a corner and facing electoral defeat or impeachment, were to declare an emergency for the sake of holding on to power? In that scenario, our laws and institutions might not save us from a presidential power grab. They might be what takes us down."; "[P]residents have explored the outer limits of their constitutional emergency authority in a series of directives known as Presidential Emergency Action Documents [PEADs]." From an August 2020 article on CBSnews.com: "PEADs undergo periodic revision. And we know that the Department of Justice is in the middle of one of these periodic reviews and revisions. So, we have to imagine what the Trump administration might be doing with these documents and what authorities this administration might be trying to give itself."
From a 2018 article on BusinessInsider.com: "[L]aw enforcement is a popular career choice for psychopaths." From the June 2020 article on WPXI.com [1] titled "Former FBI assistant director: Derek Chauvin showed 'sociopathic behavior' during George Floyd's death": "[Former FBI-er] Fuentes said research shows about seven percent of people exhibit some sociopathic behavior, but in applicants for law enforcement that number jumps up to more than 40% [my emphasis]."
[1] WPXI is the NBC-TV affiliate in Pittsburgh, PA.
From 2001 book Body of Secrets: Anatomy of the Ultra-Secret National Security Agency, by James Bamford: "Codenamed Operation Northwoods, the [U.S. military's 1962] plan, which had the written approval of the Chairman and every member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, called for innocent people to be shot on American streets; for boats carrying refugees fleeing Cuba to be sunk on the high seas; for a wave of violent terrorism to be launched in Washington, D.C., Miami, and elsewhere. People would be framed for bombings they did not commit; planes would be hijacked."
It's (very) likely that a growing number of Ps: 1) are aware that PsIMP, 2) have been resisting. In particular, there are indicators that:
* Ps have been attempting to weaponize life science in two specific ways that are ideal for "asymmetric warfare"
* Ps' attempts have been funded/enabled via: 1) the de facto legalization of huge fraud in America, 2) Deutsche Bank (DB), 3+) . . .
* Ps' resisting has turned DB into a next-gen variant of the defunct, wildly violent, politically influential/coercive, worldwide criminal enterprise of the 1980s known as Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) [1]
[1] From 2020 book Dark Towers: Deutsche Bank, Donald Trump and an Epic Trail of Destruction, by the finance editor of The New York Times:
__To any government official paying attention [in 2017], this was a powerful signal: Investigate Deutsche and risk the president's wrath.
From 1993 book The Outlaw Bank: A Wild Ride into the Secret Heart of BCCI, co-authored by two journalists who covered BCCI for Time magazine (my emphases):
__Perhaps the most disturbing aspect of the BCCI affair in the United States was the failure of U.S. government and federal law enforcement to move against the outlaw bank. Instead of swift retribution, what took place over more than a decade was a cover-up of major, alarming proportions, often orchestrated from the very highest levels of government.
Much more below re: DB and BCCI.
-- Worst-case for non-Ps --
Said attempts to weaponize life science have yielded weapons, and are ongoing.
Ps believe the coming months are the ideal time to maximize their resistance. Reason 1 of 4:
A big threat to Ps is counter-resistance by very wealthy people who aren't Ps (VWPnPs).
It's very likely [1] that (almost) all VWPnPs have been committing a variant of the "category error" made in the 1930s by Neville Chamberlain et al. that led to World War II (55 million killed). From 2008 book The Wages of Destruction: The Making and Breaking of the Nazi Economy, by Columbia University historian Adam Tooze:
__Hitler had seen himself as locked in a global confrontation with world Jewry.
__. . . For Hitler, a war of conquest was not one policy option amongst others. Either the German race struggled for Lebensraum [i.e., territory] or its racial enemies would condemn it to extinction.
From 2019 book Appeasement: Chamberlain, Hitler, Churchill, and the Road to War:
__The failure to perceive the true character of the Nazi regime and Adolf Hitler stands as the single greatest failure of British policy makers during this period, since it was from this that all subsequent failures—the failure to rearm sufficiently, the failure to build alliances (not least with the Soviet Union), the failure to project British power, and the failure to educate public opinion—stemmed.
Going forward, it's likely that a growing number of VWPnPs (e.g., many/most of America's de facto policy-makers) will: 1) become aware that PsIMP, 2) counter-resist.
[1] Details below. Keywords: my experiences since 2016 with U.S. government agencies.
Reason 2:
Another big threat to Ps is counter-resistance by many/most U.S. adults who aren't members of the military (e.g., voters in elections for public office).
Precedents suggest this counter-resistance could be prevented/subdued via Ps' weaponizing of life science. From the 2018 article titled "Los Extraditables, the Pablo Escobar-Led Gang That Launched a Bloody Campaign [during the 1980s] Against U.S. Extradition":
__The terrorist group . . . claimed "we prefer a grave in Colombia to a prison in the United States . . ."
Escobar was a drug-trafficker whose net worth reached $58 billion (in 2018 dollars). The other leaders of Los Extraditables were wealthy drug-traffickers.
From 2001 book Killing Pablo: The Hunt for the World's Greatest Outlaw (my emphases):
__"[Escobar] intended, he said, to use the public's weariness with [Extraditables-funded] violence to his benefit. He planned to turn up the violence until the public cried out for a solution, a deal.
__. . . A communiqué from the Extraditables not long after hammered home the point:
____We are declaring total and absolute war on the government, on the individual and political oligarchy, on the journalists who have attacked and insulted us, on the judges that have sold themselves to the government, on the extraditing magistrates . . . on all those who have persecuted and attacked us. We will not respect the families of those who have not respected our families. We will burn and destroy the industries, properties and mansions of the oligarchy."
__"At his [Pablo's] peak, he would threaten to usurp the Colombian State."
__"Ever since Pablo’s men had blown that Avianca flight out of the sky . . ."
__"[A] total of 457 police had been killed since Colonel Martinez had started his hunt. Young gunmen in that city were being paid 5 million pesos for killing a cop."
From 1998 book Guns, Germs and Steel: The Fate of Human Societies, for which the author received a Pulitzer Prize:
__When [Spanish conquistador] Pizarro and [Inca emperor] Atahuallpa met [in 1532] at Cajamarca [in Peru], why did Pizarro capture Atahuallpa and kill so many of his followers, instead of Atahuallpa's vastly more numerous forces capturing and killing Pizarro? After all, Pizarro had only 62 soldiers mounted on horses, along with 106 foot soldiers, while Atahuallpa commanded an army of about 80,000.
__. . . Pizarro's military advantages lay in the Spaniards' steel swords and other weapons, steel armor, guns, and horses. To those weapons, Atahuallpa’s troops, without animals on which to ride into battle, could oppose only stone, bronze, or wooden clubs, maces, and hand axes, plus slingshots and quilted armor.
Excerpt (minus many Web links and some formatting of text):
-- Summary (13 pages; details follow) --
From said UPenn-er's 2013 book: PsIMP via said advances. Keywords: "indefinite detention" by 2034 (e.g., Ps who haven't committed a crime would be imprisoned). From a 2020 article in Nature magazine: "In the past decade, studies of psychopathological genetics have become large enough to draw robust conclusions."
From the 2020 book by Mary Trump, the clinical psychologist (Ph.D.) who's the president's niece: "A case could be made that he [Trump] also meets the criteria for antisocial personality disorder, which in its most severe form is generally considered sociopathy." From the 2018 article on PsychologyToday.com titled "The Differences Between Psychopaths and Sociopaths": "Many psychiatrists, forensic psychologists, criminologists, and police officers . . . use the terms sociopath and psychopath interchangeably."
From a 2019 article in The Atlantic by a co-director of the Brennan Center at NYU Law School (4 excerpts): "The moment the president declares a 'national emergency'—a decision that is entirely within his discretion—he is able to set aside many of the legal limits on his authority."; "From seizing control of the internet to declaring martial law, President Trump may legally do all kinds of extraordinary things."; "[W]hat if a president, backed into a corner and facing electoral defeat or impeachment, were to declare an emergency for the sake of holding on to power? In that scenario, our laws and institutions might not save us from a presidential power grab. They might be what takes us down."; "[P]residents have explored the outer limits of their constitutional emergency authority in a series of directives known as Presidential Emergency Action Documents [PEADs]." From an August 2020 article on CBSnews.com: "PEADs undergo periodic revision. And we know that the Department of Justice is in the middle of one of these periodic reviews and revisions. So, we have to imagine what the Trump administration might be doing with these documents and what authorities this administration might be trying to give itself."
From a 2018 article on BusinessInsider.com: "[L]aw enforcement is a popular career choice for psychopaths." From the June 2020 article on WPXI.com [1] titled "Former FBI assistant director: Derek Chauvin showed 'sociopathic behavior' during George Floyd's death": "[Former FBI-er] Fuentes said research shows about seven percent of people exhibit some sociopathic behavior, but in applicants for law enforcement that number jumps up to more than 40% [my emphasis]."
[1] WPXI is the NBC-TV affiliate in Pittsburgh, PA.
From 2001 book Body of Secrets: Anatomy of the Ultra-Secret National Security Agency, by James Bamford: "Codenamed Operation Northwoods, the [U.S. military's 1962] plan, which had the written approval of the Chairman and every member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, called for innocent people to be shot on American streets; for boats carrying refugees fleeing Cuba to be sunk on the high seas; for a wave of violent terrorism to be launched in Washington, D.C., Miami, and elsewhere. People would be framed for bombings they did not commit; planes would be hijacked."
It's (very) likely that a growing number of Ps: 1) are aware that PsIMP, 2) have been resisting. In particular, there are indicators that:
* Ps have been attempting to weaponize life science in two specific ways that are ideal for "asymmetric warfare"
* Ps' attempts have been funded/enabled via: 1) the de facto legalization of huge fraud in America, 2) Deutsche Bank (DB), 3+) . . .
* Ps' resisting has turned DB into a next-gen variant of the defunct, wildly violent, politically influential/coercive, worldwide criminal enterprise of the 1980s known as Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) [1]
[1] From 2020 book Dark Towers: Deutsche Bank, Donald Trump and an Epic Trail of Destruction, by the finance editor of The New York Times:
__To any government official paying attention [in 2017], this was a powerful signal: Investigate Deutsche and risk the president's wrath.
From 1993 book The Outlaw Bank: A Wild Ride into the Secret Heart of BCCI, co-authored by two journalists who covered BCCI for Time magazine (my emphases):
__Perhaps the most disturbing aspect of the BCCI affair in the United States was the failure of U.S. government and federal law enforcement to move against the outlaw bank. Instead of swift retribution, what took place over more than a decade was a cover-up of major, alarming proportions, often orchestrated from the very highest levels of government.
Much more below re: DB and BCCI.
-- Worst-case for non-Ps --
Said attempts to weaponize life science have yielded weapons, and are ongoing.
Ps believe the coming months are the ideal time to maximize their resistance. Reason 1 of 4:
A big threat to Ps is counter-resistance by very wealthy people who aren't Ps (VWPnPs).
It's very likely [1] that (almost) all VWPnPs have been committing a variant of the "category error" made in the 1930s by Neville Chamberlain et al. that led to World War II (55 million killed). From 2008 book The Wages of Destruction: The Making and Breaking of the Nazi Economy, by Columbia University historian Adam Tooze:
__Hitler had seen himself as locked in a global confrontation with world Jewry.
__. . . For Hitler, a war of conquest was not one policy option amongst others. Either the German race struggled for Lebensraum [i.e., territory] or its racial enemies would condemn it to extinction.
From 2019 book Appeasement: Chamberlain, Hitler, Churchill, and the Road to War:
__The failure to perceive the true character of the Nazi regime and Adolf Hitler stands as the single greatest failure of British policy makers during this period, since it was from this that all subsequent failures—the failure to rearm sufficiently, the failure to build alliances (not least with the Soviet Union), the failure to project British power, and the failure to educate public opinion—stemmed.
Going forward, it's likely that a growing number of VWPnPs (e.g., many/most of America's de facto policy-makers) will: 1) become aware that PsIMP, 2) counter-resist.
[1] Details below. Keywords: my experiences since 2016 with U.S. government agencies.
Reason 2:
Another big threat to Ps is counter-resistance by many/most U.S. adults who aren't members of the military (e.g., voters in elections for public office).
Precedents suggest this counter-resistance could be prevented/subdued via Ps' weaponizing of life science. From the 2018 article titled "Los Extraditables, the Pablo Escobar-Led Gang That Launched a Bloody Campaign [during the 1980s] Against U.S. Extradition":
__The terrorist group . . . claimed "we prefer a grave in Colombia to a prison in the United States . . ."
Escobar was a drug-trafficker whose net worth reached $58 billion (in 2018 dollars). The other leaders of Los Extraditables were wealthy drug-traffickers.
From 2001 book Killing Pablo: The Hunt for the World's Greatest Outlaw (my emphases):
__"[Escobar] intended, he said, to use the public's weariness with [Extraditables-funded] violence to his benefit. He planned to turn up the violence until the public cried out for a solution, a deal.
__. . . A communiqué from the Extraditables not long after hammered home the point:
____We are declaring total and absolute war on the government, on the individual and political oligarchy, on the journalists who have attacked and insulted us, on the judges that have sold themselves to the government, on the extraditing magistrates . . . on all those who have persecuted and attacked us. We will not respect the families of those who have not respected our families. We will burn and destroy the industries, properties and mansions of the oligarchy."
__"At his [Pablo's] peak, he would threaten to usurp the Colombian State."
__"Ever since Pablo’s men had blown that Avianca flight out of the sky . . ."
__"[A] total of 457 police had been killed since Colonel Martinez had started his hunt. Young gunmen in that city were being paid 5 million pesos for killing a cop."
From 1998 book Guns, Germs and Steel: The Fate of Human Societies, for which the author received a Pulitzer Prize:
__When [Spanish conquistador] Pizarro and [Inca emperor] Atahuallpa met [in 1532] at Cajamarca [in Peru], why did Pizarro capture Atahuallpa and kill so many of his followers, instead of Atahuallpa's vastly more numerous forces capturing and killing Pizarro? After all, Pizarro had only 62 soldiers mounted on horses, along with 106 foot soldiers, while Atahuallpa commanded an army of about 80,000.
__. . . Pizarro's military advantages lay in the Spaniards' steel swords and other weapons, steel armor, guns, and horses. To those weapons, Atahuallpa’s troops, without animals on which to ride into battle, could oppose only stone, bronze, or wooden clubs, maces, and hand axes, plus slingshots and quilted armor.
Download the book Worst case re: Trump 2020, via UPenn criminologist, Mary Trump, et al.: President’s one of ~77 million psychopaths imperiled (PsIMP) by advances in molecular genetics; he knows PsIMP; he’s part of Ps’ resistance, which: 1) he wants to ADVANCE by granting for free or read online
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