Ebook: Das sind wir--von Kopf bis Fuß = Here we are--from head to toe
Author: Böse Susanne, Koth Kristy Clark, Schulte Achim
- Genre: Linguistics
- Tags: Children -- Juvenile fiction, Human body -- Juvenile fiction, German language -- Vocabulary -- Juvenile literature, Vocabulary -- Juvenile literature, Bilingual books, Human body, German language materials -- Bilingual, Children, German language -- Vocabulary, Vocabulary
- Series: Bilibrini Bd. 5.
- Year: 2016
- Publisher: Edition bi:libri
- Language: German, German
- pdf
"Augen, Arme, Zunge, Zehen--weißt du, wie deine Körperteile heißen? Mit Lilith und Tom lernst du sie in zwei Sprachen zu benennen!"--Page 4 of cover.
"Head to toes, fingers to nose: do you know the names of all your body parts? With Lilith and Tom you'll learn to name them in two languages!"--Page 4 of cover.