Ebook: An Introduction to Computational Risk Management of Equity-Linked Insurance
Author: Feng Runhuan
- Tags: Finance, Financial Mathematics, Statistics for Business Finance & Economics, BUSINESSnetBASE/MANAGEMENTnetBASE, STATSnetBASE, MATHnetBASE, SCI-TECHnetBASE, INFORMATIONSCIENCEnetBASE, STMnetBASE
- Series: Chapman and Hall/CRC Financial Mathematics Series
- Year: 2017
- Publisher: CRC Press
- Edition: First edition
- Language: English
- pdf
"The book will be devoted to quantitative models and computational techniques for risk management of equity-linked insurance. Although there have been research papers on the valuation of a great variety of investment guarantee products, they were primarily based on financial option pricing theory from the policyholderś€™ perspective. This book is aimed at addressing the risk management issues from the insurer andRead more...
Abstract: "The book will be devoted to quantitative models and computational techniques for risk management of equity-linked insurance. Although there have been research papers on the valuation of a great variety of investment guarantee products, they were primarily based on financial option pricing theory from the policyholderś€™ perspective. This book is aimed at addressing the risk management issues from the insurer and regulatoŕ€™s viewpoints."--Provided by publisher