Ebook: Studies in Lie Theory: Dedicated to A. Joseph on his Sixtieth Birthday
- Genre: Mathematics // Symmetry and group
- Series: Progress in Mathematics
- Year: 2006
- Publisher: Birkhäuser Boston
- Edition: 1
- Language: English
- pdf
Dedicated to Anthony Joseph, this volume contains surveys and invited articles by leading specialists in representation theory. The focus here is on semisimple Lie algebras and quantum groups, where the impact of Joseph's work has been seminal and has changed the face of the subject.
Two introductory biographical overviews of Joseph's contributions in classical representation theory (the theory of primitive ideals in semisimple Lie algebras) and quantized representation theory (the study of the quantized enveloping algebra) are followed by 16 research articles covering a number of varied and interesting topics in representation theory.
Contributors: J. Alev; A. Beilinson; A. Braverman; I. Cherednik; J. Dixmier; F. Dumas; P. Etingof; D. Farkas; D. Gaitsgory; F. Ivorra; A. Joseph; D. Joseph; M. Kashiwara; D. Kazhdan; A.A. Kirillov; B. Kostant; S. Kumar; G. Letzter; T. Levasseur; G. Lusztig; L. Makar-Limanov; W. McGovern; M. Nazarov; K-H. Neeb; L.G. Rybnikov; P. Schapira; V. Schechtman; A. Sergeev; J.T. Stafford; Ya. Varshavsky; N. Wallach; and I. Waschkies.