Ebook: Mathematics and Politics: Strategy, Voting, Power and Proof
- Genre: Mathematics
- Tags: Statistics for Social Science Behavorial Science Education Public Policy and Law, Operations Research Mathematical Programming, Economic Theory, Statistical Theory and Methods, Game Theory Economics Social and Behav. Sciences
- Year: 2008
- Publisher: Springer-Verlag New York
- Edition: 2
- Language: English
- pdf
Mathematics and Politics requires no prerequisites in either subject. The underlying philosophy involves minimizing algebraic computations while focusing on the conceptual aspects of mathematics in the context of real-world questions in political science. This new addition has an added co-author, Allison Pacelli, and covers six major topics: social choice, yes-no voting systems, political power, game-theoretic models of international conflict, fairness, and escalation. In addition to having two new chapters (treating apportionment and conflict resolution), the text has been extensively reorganized and the number of exercises increased to over 300.
"Taylor has done a remarkable job of showing the power of deductive reasoning in … the strategic choices actors make in conflict situations … a penetrating analysis of both real-life and hypothetical situations."
-- Steven Brams, New York University
Alan Taylor’s book is carefully crafted. He is ever aware of his audience, but relentlessly presses the beginning student to understand more and more."
-- Samuel Merrill III, American Mathematical Monthly
This book is a unique and valuable source … Coverage is thorough and extensive; ideas are explained clearly and at an appropriate mathematical level."
-- Ed Packel, Lake Forest College
"… Mathematics and Politics is a nearly perfect solution, either for classes or for the serious professional who wants to retool. … The writing is crisp, and the sense of excitement about learning mathematics is seductive."
-- Michael Munger, Chance
" I like this book. It’s nice mathematics with serious applications."
-- John Ewing, Indiana University
"Now we have, in Alan Taylor’s book, an introduction to these ideas that is delightfully lucid and requires almost no mathematical prerequisites."
-- Phillip D. Straffin, College Mathematics Journal
"[The book] breaks new ground and could stand as the definitive undergraduate textbook in this area for quite some time."
-- Stan Wagon, Macalester College
As a text for an undergraduate mathematics course for nonmajors, Mathematics and Politics requires no prerequisites in either area while the underlying philosophy involves minimizing algebraic computationsand focusing instead on some conceptual aspects of mathematics in the context of important real-world questions in political science. Five major topics are covered includinga model of escalation, game theoretic models of international conflict, yes-no voting systems, political power, and social choice. Each topic is discussed in an introductory chapter and revisited in more depth in a later chapter. This new edition has added co-author, Allison Pacelli, and two new chapters on "Fairness" and "More Fairness." The examples and the exercises have been updated and enhanced throughout. Reviews from first edition: This book is well written and has much math of interest. While it is pitched at a non-math audience there is material here that will be new and interesting to the readers... -Sigact News For mathematicians, Taylor's book shows how the social sciences make use of mathematical thinking, in the form of axiomatic systems, and offers a chance to teach this kind of thinking to our students. - The College Mathematics Journal The writing is crisp and the sense of excitement about learning mathematics is seductive. The political conflict examples are well thought out and clear. -Michael C. Munger