Ebook: Comparative Politics Today: A World View
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- Year: 2014
- Publisher: Pearson
- Edition: 11
- Language: English
- pdf
This text begins by laying out a proven analytical framework that is accessible for students new to the field. The framework is then consistently implemented in twelve authoritative country cases, not only to introduce students to what politics and governments are like around the world but to also understand the importance of their similarities and differences. Written by leading comparativists and area study specialists, Comparative Politics Today helps to sort through the world’s complexity and to recognize patterns that lead to genuine political insight.
Sets the standard for introducing the field of comparative politics
This text begins by laying out a proven analytical framework that is accessible for students new to the field. The framework is then consistently implemented in twelve authoritative country cases, not only to introduce students to what politics and governments are like around the world but to also understand the importance of their similarities and differences. Written by leading comparativists and area study specialists, Comparative Politics Today helps to sort through the world’s complexity and to recognize patterns that lead to genuine political insight.
MyPoliSciLab is an integral part of the Powell/Dalton/Strom program. Explorer is a hands-on way to develop quantitative literacy and to move students beyond punditry and opinion. Video Series features Pearson authors and top scholars discussing the big ideas in each chapter and applying them to enduring political issues. Simulations are a game-like opportunity to play the role of a political actor and apply course concepts to make realistic political decisions.
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