Leadership has been a hot topic for close to 20 years now, however, we seem to be witnessing fewer inspirational examples of good leadership than ever before. Instead, we are faced with myriad examples of corruption and misbehavior from our so called leaders -- causing what has been called "the leadership crisis." New Thinking on Leadership brings together a groundbreaking collection of the latest thinking from leading global figures in leadership studies from the corporate and academic world, including Warren Bennis, pioneer of the contemporary field of leadership studies, and Tracey Manning, a specialist in transformational leadership development and leadership education at University of Maryland. This international team of leadership experts discusses how leadership is changing on a global scale. They address the current state of decreased leadership and increased corruption and misbehavior, then consider whether leadership is the enemy, assumptions about how to develop leadership and why people don't want to be associated with the label "leader." With new, and sometimes controversial, insights from both leading academics and pioneers in the corporate world, it provides readers with the latest global picture of where our understanding of leadership is and where it could go if we get to grips with the issues facing leaders today.-- Read more...