Ebook: 读懂男人,看清女人 (Know More Clear About Men and Women)
Author: 问道 (Wen Dao)孙亚兰 (Sun Yalan)
- Year: 2009
- Language: Chinese
- epub
真正的女人通过征服自我来征服男人,真正的男人通过征服女人来征服世界。本书剖析了男女之间存在的问题:为什么男人喜欢撒谎,女人总是唠唠叨叨;为什么男人即使有婚外恋也不愿意离婚,而女人会因为感情而放弃婚姻;为什么男人好面子,女人喜欢攀比;为什么女人朝思慕想,而男人朝秦暮楚;为什么说女人决定爱的方向,男人决定婚姻的方向......男人女人在恋爱、家庭、婚姻中又有着怎样不同心理和不同的表现,以及在现实生活中男人和女人都反感听到对方说的话等等,并给予了切实可行的解问题的方式、方法。通过对这些问题的深入探讨,希望读者能够从中得到启发,通过阅读有效的指导生活,使得男女之间的问题简单化,夫妻生活更加和谐。(Real women conquer men by conquering the ego, and true men conquer the world by conquering women. The book analyzes existing problems between men and women: why do men incline to lie, women always harp on; why men don't want to divorce even in an extramarital affair while a woman will give up the marriage for true feeling; why do men pay much attention to outer part, women like to compare; why do women is devoted to feeling to one man, while men want to change between different women; why women decide direction of love, men decide that of marriage... What are the different psychology and performance between men and women in love, family, marriage and what both men and women in real...