The complete body of knowledge for CIMA candidates andprofessionals
The 2015 Certified Investment ManagementAnalyst Body of Knowledge + TestBank will help any financial advisor prepare forand pass the CIMA exam, and includes key information andpreparation for those preparing to take the test.
CIMA professionals integrate a complex body of investmentknowledge, ethically contributing to prudent investment decisionsby providing objective advice and guidance to individual andinstitutional investors. The CIMA certification program is the onlycredential designed specifically for financial professionals whowant to attain a level of competency as an advanced investmentconsultant. Having the CIMA designation has led to more satisfiedcareers, better compensation, and management of more assets forhigher-net-worth clients than other advisors. The book is laid outbased on the six domains covered on the exam: * I. Governance * II. Fundamentals (statistics, finance, economics) * III. Portfolio Performance and Risk Measurements * IV. Traditional and Alternative Investments * V. Portfolio Theory and Behavioral Finance * VI. Investment Consulting Process
The 2015 Certified Investment ManagementAnalyst Body of Knowledge + TestBank is essential for financial advisors andfinance professionals who want to pass the exam and earn CIMAdesignation.