Ebook: Knowledge Management, Information Systems, E-Learning, and Sustainability Research: Third World Summit on the Knowledge Society, WSKS 2010, Corfu, Greece, September 22-24, 2010. Proceedings, Part I
- Tags: e-Commerce/e-business, Information Systems Applications (incl.Internet), Computer Communication Networks, User Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction, Computers and Society, Computers and Education
- Series: Communications in Computer and Information Science 111
- Year: 2010
- Publisher: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
- Edition: 1
- Language: English
- pdf
It is a great pleasure to share with you the Springer CCIS 111 proceedings of the Third World Summit on the Knowledge Society––WSKS 2010––that was organized by the International Scientific Council for the Knowledge Society, and supported by the Open Research Society, NGO, (http://www.open-knowledge-society.org) and the Int- national Journal of the Knowledge Society Research, (http://www.igi-global.com/ijksr), and took place in Aquis Corfu Holiday Palace Hotel, on Corfu island, Greece, September 22–24, 2010. The Third World Summit on the Knowledge Society (WSKS 2010) was an inter- tional scientific event devoted to promoting the dialogue on the main aspects of the knowledge society towards a better world for all. The multidimensional economic and social crisis of the last couple years brings to the fore the need to discuss in depth new policies and strategies for a human-centric developmental process in the global c- text. This annual summit brings together key stakeholders of knowledge society dev- opment worldwide, from academia, industry, government, policy makers, and active citizens to look at the impact and prospects of it information technology, and the knowledge-based era it is creating, on key facets of living, working, learning, innovating, and collaborating in today’s hyper-complex world.
This book constitutes the proceedings of the Second World Summit on the Knowledge Society Primer held in Corfu, Greece, in September 2010.