Ebook: 77-422 Microsoft PowerPoint 2013
- Genre: Computers // Software: Office software
- Tags: Библиотека, Компьютерная литература, Microsoft Office, Microsoft PowerPoint
- Series: Microsoft Official Academic Course Series
- Year: 2013
- Publisher: Wiley
- Edition: 1
- Language: English
- pdf
The Microsoft Official Academic Course textbook, PowerPoint 2013, Exam 77-422, is designed to help your students prepare to earn this meaningful credential, Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) certification. Our MOAC program, based on the same curriculum as the MOS Exam, builds on the skills today’s students need to succeed both in the classroom and in their careers. This book includes all 77-422 PowerPoint MOS exam objectives. Valuable career skills covered are creating and managing presentations, inserting and formatting shapes and slides, creating slide content, applying transitions and animations, and managing multiple presentations.
The Microsoft Official Academic Course (MOAC) Office 2013 series also offers OfficeGrader™. This valuable tool corrects your students’ tasked-based assignments. OfficeGrader™ allows for efficient and consistent grading saving time. The Office 2013 series, created for your classroom includes all the tools you need for student success. Once your students have earned their MOS certification they have proven their mastery of the required skills needed to complete real-world tasks utilizing PowerPoint 2013 software.